Prepare a delicious potato at home

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For those who want to diversify the diet, the potato shares will be the best option. This is a kind of chips that are easy to prepare at home. This dish turns crispy, tasty and very interesting. Serve the potatoes of the unit as a snack or as a main course. If everything is done correctly, then such food will take the first line in the home menu.

Potatoes in a traditional recipe

Vegetables, cooked in this way, will surprise everyone with their originality and appetizing crunch. This is the best replacement for the famous French fries. Preparing the dish is very simple. Cope with this task will not even be an experienced culinary expert.

Ingredients for the preparation of a classic recipe:

  • 0, 5 kg of potatoes;
  • a glass of sunflower oil;
  • a dessert spoonful of salt;
  • spices (optional).

To make the stripes long, the potatoes should be rubbed in one direction.

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In order for the dish to turn out beautiful, you have to choose a tuber with the most smooth surface. Also, special attention should be given to the size of the potato. It is best to use medium-sized vegetables.

Potatoes should be washed and cleaned. Peel is best peeled. Rinse the tubers in cold water and proceed to cutting. You can grind potatoes in two ways: with a knife and using a grater for cooking Korean carrots.

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Shredded tubers put in a large and deep bowl. Stir the straw thoroughly under cold, running water. This procedure is necessary in order to remove starch. If you do not do this, then the potato will not work.

Grind the vegetables into a colander. Keep in this state should be until the excess fluid drains. Prepare the potato tubers on a thin towel on a paper towel. This is necessary for the straw to dry out well.

The better the potatoes dry, the more delicious the dish will turn out.

Pour vegetable oil in a saucepan or deep saucepan. Put the capacity on medium heat, keep until light smoke appears. Once the oil has heated to the desired temperature, you can put a piece of potatoes into it.Fry the straw in small batches, otherwise the dish will not cook normally.

In boiling oil, keep the potatoes for about 3 minutes. Ready-made vegetables are considered when the stripes on all sides will acquire an appetizing, ruddy crust. As soon as the potato becomes golden, with the help of a noise it should be pulled out and put on a paper towel. The rest of the party is prepared on the same principle.

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As soon as the excess fat drains from the potato, it is recommended that it be salted and, if desired, seasoned with dry spices. You can serve the dish both in warm and cold.

This recipe of the potato shares is perfectly combined with various sauces and meat side dishes. It can also be combined with steamed vegetables.

Delicious and quick dish of potato pai

This is a simple, but, at the same time, unusual salad, which is suitable for any festive table. The dish prepared by this method will be enjoyed by all guests and will become the visiting card of the hostess. The salad turns out to be very satisfying, and thanks to the potato the share has a magnificent, unusual taste.

Recipe Kit:

  • 150 g of beef (can be pork);
  • two medium-sized tomatoes;
  • two small cucumbers;
  • medium bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • half a glass of mayonnaise (if desired, can be replaced with sour cream);
  • 2 medium cloves of garlic;
  • fresh dill and parsley;
  • two glasses of potatoes.

Rinse the potatoes in cold water until the liquid is completely clear.

The process of preparation of salad:

  1. Wash meat and boil it in salted water. Remove the prepared beef from the liquid and leave it at room temperature to cool it well. Then cut it into small cubes.
  2. Cucumbers are washed and dried using a paper towel. Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size. The same procedure should be carried out with tomatoes. It is important that they have a dense pulp and a minimum of juice. The best sorts of vegetables are varieties - cream.
  3. In a deep bowl put crushed cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as chopped beef. Add the torn leaves of lettuce and garlic, passed through the press, to the ingredients. All season with mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream.If desired, you can add salt a little. All mix well.
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Serve the salad with potatoes in separate plates. Each serving is topped with fried straws. If desired, thin slices of hard cheese can be added to the dish.

All the above recipes are the best option for a festive table. Dishes from the potato shares will turn out not only beautiful, but also incredibly tasty. If properly prepared, they will be the highlight of any event.


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