Why do pears rot on a tree and what should I do about it?


Pear - fragrant fruitwith a delicious juicy pulp. Each garden can not do without a pear tree.

Fruits are consumed fresh, and also they prepare compotes, jam, confitures and make juice. The advantage of fruits is that they are stored for a long time.

Every gardener aspires to get a good harvest. Butit happens that the fruits begin to rot, not having enough time to ripen on the tree. What are the reasons and how to save the fruits?


Table of contents

  • Why do pears rot and crack on the branches of a tree?
  • Where in the trees is taken fruit rot
  • What to do if the fetus rots, how to deal with moniliasis?
  • Prevention of putrefaction of fruits

Why do pears rot and crack on the branches of a tree?

Everyone noticed the rotten fruit of a pear on the tree, mostly old selection varieties are subject to this phenomenon. Since their pedigree is directly related to the wild pear.

Fruit rot is a fungal disease that destroys the crop. If you notice a small speck on the pear, which eventually increases, it is rot. It is fast enough to cover the entire fruit and crop.
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It happens thaton the peel there is only a small spot, but inside all the pulp is brown and very soft. This indicates the foulness of the fungus, which is ready to destroy not only the appearance, but also the taste.

Fruit rot on apples and pears:

On the infected fruit sporulation of the fungus appears, on which conidia are formed. They are carried by wind, rain and insects.

As a result, there is a complete infection of other fruits. Rotting of a pear begins with a tail and to full maturing the fruit can rot completely.

The reason for rotting the pear directly on the tree is a fungal disease - fruit rot

The problem must be solved crucially, that is,will have to remove the old tree.

There is another optionsave the harvest. Collect pears in an immature state. Large and solid green pears are laid out in the shade, and in a few days you can enjoy fragrant, sweet fruits.

As for varieties of new breeding, they mature on a tree. Store for a long time in a cool room. The cause of decay is the fungus.

This disease is called moniliosis. It affects the fruit. He does not strike the bark of a tree; it serves as a carrier of infection.

The fight against the disease is an instant one.Clean the infected pearsaway from the healthy. Do not put fruits contaminated with monolithic dig in the ground or store in a compost pit.

Why? This is due to the fact thatfungus spores are well tolerated by cold, so they can fall in the spring on other trees. A massive defeat threatens the lack of harvest.

Moniliosis on fruit trees:


Where in the trees is taken fruit rot

Fungal moniliose can get into the fetusthrough lesions in the skin. To damage the fruit easily. It can make insects, hail, rain, wind.

Infection is also possiblebecause of close contact with the infected fungus fetus. Since last year, infected fruits may remain hanging, which spread the infection to a new crop.

Spread the disease can and the crown of a tree, so all affected leaves, branches, fruits must be removed when sanitizing.

Fungus can get on the pear with the help of insects, hail, rain and wind

Infected fruits that have not been removed after harvest, darken, wither, natural mummification occurs.It is desirable to cut these fruits together with the branches, on which they hang.

The fungus can be found on the bark of a tree for a long time, this place darkens with time. thereforediseased branches are cut with the capture of healthy woodto tens of centimeters. All dried up shoots are cut to a place with healthy wood.

The disease is transferred by the spores of the fungus by wind and insects, who like to eat the flesh of a sweet fruit. The favorable conditions for the development of moniliosis is warmth and increased humidity.

In the main, fruit trees are affected by fruit rot, with thickened crowns. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of the disease, cut off weak branches on a regular basis.

Indications of fruit rot in trees:

    1. Symptoms of the appearance of the fungus can begin to manifest itself in the spring.
    1. Infection can occur and at the time of fruit ripening. Since in this period the peel becomes softer, and spores of fungi can penetrate into it. As a result, mold begins to develop, which spreads throughout the fetus.
    1. At the site of infection, sporulation of the fungus occurs, in appearance it has a round outline with small light patches in the form of circles. The fungus spreads quickly, it affects not only the skin, but also the flesh.
    1. Infection can occur not only when carried by insects, but also at close contact of the infected fetus.
    1. Infected fruits fall off in strong winds, but they can also hold on to the peduncle, eventually they dry up and remain hanging on the tree. They harden, that is, mummified and become black and blue. Fungus is not afraid of cold, so it can easily overwinter in fruits, branches and shoots.
  1. Favorable conditions for the occurrence of fungal spores are darkness, low temperature and moist air.
The signs of fruit rot are sporulation of the fungus, in appearance it has a round outline with small light patches in the form of circles

What to do if the fetus rots, how to deal with moniliasis?

Care for the future of crops begins with spring. As soon as the snow comes down, you need to inspect the tree and the area near it. Collect all last year's foliage and branches, and most importantly the palm fruits.

If the last year's fruits hang on the tree, they must be removedь, since they can be infected with spores of the fungus. He loves a thick crown and withered branches that do not yield crops.

Therefore, in order not to allow the possibility of reproducing monolithosis, it is necessary to dilute the crown, cut off the dried and weak branches.

You may be interested in the following publications:

  • The benefits and harm of pears for the health of men and women.
  • Scheme and features of pruning pears in autumn, spring and summer.
  • Care of the pear in the autumn and preparation for the winter.

If the pear variety is prone to rot,be sure to treat wood with drugs as a preventive measure:

    1. First processingmust be done during the swelling of the kidneys. To do this, use a medium containing copper. They will help protect the tree from moniliasis. As a chemical, you can use the Bordeaux liquid.
    1. Second processingafter the flowering of the pear.
    1. In the period of fruitingthe procedure is repeated several times.
  1. Last treatmentfungicidal after harvesting. To do this, use copper sulphate, which must be well processed crown, trunk pear and trunks.
Be sure to treat the tree as a preventive measure Bordeaux fluid and copper vitriol

At high humidity of airAll varieties of pears must be treated with drugs to prevent the spread of fungus.

It is desirable to use organic fungicides, such asBordeaux liquid, copper chloride. The treatment can be carried out during and after flowering.

Moniliosis affects only the fruits, but fungal spores can be stored on foliage, crown, and ground. Once noticed on the tree rotten pears - immediately remove them from the branches so that the infection does not spread further.

Collect the fallen rotten fruit, as they are also the bearer of the fungus.


Prevention of putrefaction of fruits

Caring for the tree is necessary throughout the year, butspecial attention should be paid to early spring:

    1. Pruning of dried shoots at the end of winter, before bud buds swelling. To trim pricked and broken branches with a call to the healthy part. At this time, it is necessary to collect and destroy all last year's fallen leaves, left on the branches.
    1. Collect all the mummified fruits, they are dangerous for a new crop.
    1. Crown thinning is necessaryfor the trees to dry out more quickly after the rain. Due to this, the chances of catching moniliasis near the tree are several times lower.
    1. Thinning fruits. With a good harvest, leave only large fruits.
    1. When harvesting, take the fruits carefully, do not damage the branches. Before you put the pear in storage, inspect each fruit. Infected pears should not remain on the tree and earth, they must be destroyed.
  1. Treatment of wood with organic fungicides. When buds start to swell, it is desirable to treat the tree with a Bordeaux liquid. It is necessary to process not only the tree, but also the near-trunk territory. Treatment should be and after flowering fungicidal drugs that protect the fruit. The procedure should be repeated several times, before the ripening of the fruit and after harvest.
Thinning of the crown and fruit on a pear tree, treatment with fungicides will help protect the crop

Remember thatThe timely fight against the fungus will save the harvest. Moniliosis affects fruits with seeds and seeds, so at the first signs of the disease it is worth starting an active fight with the problem.

Look after the tree in time, and it will certainly reward you with a rich harvest.

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