3 options for a homemade chipper for apples


Everyone loves home-made apple juice, because it is not only delicious, but also useful. But where to get real apple juice, without chemicals and preservatives, it's hardly possible to buy it in stores.The only solution to this problem is to make homemade apple juice on your own. However, in order to get it, you need to overcome a number of small difficulties. To ease your work you will need a chipper and a juicer. It is thanks to the chopper that you will spend a minimum of time and energy to get home apple juice. In this article, we'll look at ways to make a homemade chipper for apples.


Table of contents

  • Advantages of a self-made chopper
  • We make a chopper for apples by our own hands, drawing and diagrams
  • Care for apple grinders
  • Conclusion

Advantages of a self-made chopper

The shredder can be purchased in a store or on the Internet, but the real craftsmen will make this unit themselves and spend a minimum of funds.The chopper is necessary for crushing apples into small pieces, if the apple is well ground, then it is easier to press it

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, and the yield of juice is much more. It is believed that the more homogeneous the mass after grinding, the easier it will be to squeeze out the juice.

Homemade apple chopper

What are the advantages of an apple crusher:

  • For processing a large number of applesneed a minimum of time.
  • Virtually no waste. All the juice is squeezed out of apples and a small amount of cake remains.
  • To construct a home chopper, you will needminimum costs.
  • To a minimum, allphysical effort.
  • Processing of small batches of apples, which is most suitable for a household.
  • Reliability and practicalityequipment.
  • In the event of a malfunction,repair is carried out independently, which again saves money.

In order to independently design a chopper for apples you will need a basic set of tools that every master has. In addition to tools, you also need materials, if they are not on the premises, then you need to make a purchase.


We make a chopper for apples by our own hands, drawing and diagrams

Grinders can be of different types, some are metal, others are wooden, and others combine both of these materials. Butthe main thing is not what the crusher is made of, but how it works.

. . Wooden chopper for apples.. Metal chopper for apples.. Combined grinder for apples.

First we need a metal sheet, stainless steel, d 80 mm. From this blank we make steps for shaft exit and for bearings. The work is carried out on a lathe.

Drawing for making a toothed shaft on a milling machine

Next we need a milling machine to make a toothed shaft. As shown in the figure, we take 8 faces.To strengthen the effect of crushing we take the Bulgarian and along the entire length of the teeth we make triangular notches.

As the case you can use a washing machine, namely the outer part. The washing machine must be with a vertical load of stainless steel with a wall thickness of 1.5-2 mm. After cutting it into four parts and get 2 end and 2 side parts. All parts are folded together, making a box, and weld it. Before you finish the welding of the side parts, at the bottom bend a few metal sheets, making a small gap between the working shaft and the wall of the chopper.

Apple Chopper Throat Scheme

In order for the shaft to rotate smoothly and be well fixed, use the usual bearing assemblies that are present in the circulars. From the corners we prepare the support frame. The base of the machine is made of wood. The boarded base is located at the bottom, since it is used for receiving the outgoing mass from the chopper.

To create a control unit, we use a special starting-regulating equipment, basically it is the button that is responsible for turning on and off. The belt is tensioned by fixing with a special bolt for clamping and by moving the body along the guides. On the frame it is necessary to fasten the handle and rollers, which increase the comfort of using the device, and allow you to transport the chopper yourself at any place.

To the upper corners of the frame, by means of bolts, the crusher body is attached, which allows to eliminate its bending under pressure, since apples have their own weight.To reduce the spray use a wide basin, and the frame is made low. The electric motor is placed on its side so that no liquid gets into it.

Scheme of finished apples crusher, front and side view

1 - body, 2 - hardness bracket, 3 - working shaft, 4 - bearing axles, 5 - pulley belt drive, 6 - belt, 7 - electric motor, 8 - frame, 9 - rollers, 10 - control unit, 11 - transport handle, 12 - housing mounting bolts with angles of rigidity

Such a crusher, manufactured by own hands, practically does not differ from the factory, due to its productivity and technicality. In order not to buy a motor, you can use the engine from an old and unnecessary washing machine or other equipment.The grinder is powered by an electric motor, it is used for crushing apples not only for juice, but also for wine. Such a crusher is always useful in the farm. After one passing through the crusher, even the apples of the hardest varieties are transformed into a monotonous mass, which can be loaded under the press and press the juice.

To get a good juice yield, after crushing, the mass should lie for a few hours, then during pressing the juice will quickly go away itself.

Care for apple grinders

If you make a chopper for your own hands, then it will be easy to care for. The most important rule is cleanliness.After each use, wash the unit thoroughly. Even all hard-to-reach places should be washed and cleaned. Apples should not be, because their remains can release color, and when the machine is launched again, the color will fall into the mixture, and then into the juice, which will lead to its rapid deterioration.

Before starting to clean, always disconnect the appliance!

Do not throw the chopper outside in the rain. Moisture will not only lead to rusting of the metal, but also damage to the engine.If your crusher is made of wood, then moisture is also contraindicated to it. After each work, turn off the shredder from the outlet, wash it well and put it in the room.



In order to enjoy tasty apple juice in summer and winter, it is enough to make a home chopper and squeeze out the juice.Make a crusher for apples is very simple and fast, plus you spend a minimum of money. The handmade materials, the old washing machine and you already have your own chopper for apples. With this appliance you can grind not only apples, but also pears, and other fruits. Chopper for apples will become just an indispensable thing in the house, put only a little effort and your labors will be rewarded.

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