Feeding and care for white broad-chested turkeys


The breed of white broad-chested turkeys was bred in North America in the mid-1960s, by crossing white Dutch turkey and bronze broad-chested turkeys. After a while it was brought to the territory of Russia and began to grow as an industrial bird for obtaining valuable dietary meat.

In this article we will consider the care and feeding of white-chested turkeys. We will learn how they look, get acquainted with the characteristics of the breed and learn about their breeding.


Table of contents

  • White Stavropol turkeys: description of the breed
    • Appearance
    • Temperament
    • Industrial farms or household plots
  • Characteristics of the breed
  • Breeding of white broad-chested turkeys
  • Features of cultivation and care
  • Diseases turkey and treatment at home
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
  • Reviews

White Stavropol turkeys: description of the breed


The white broad-chested turkey differs from other breeds in birds by an oval, vertically placed trunk, a broad massive chest and powerful pink legs. The color of the turkey feather is crystal white. On the chest of some birds there is a patch of dark feathers.

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The head and neck of the bird are long, bare.The color of the skin on the head and neck is bright red.On the head of birds there are fleshy, warty growths resembling earrings. The same growth is present under the beak.


Stavropol broad-chested turkeys are flexible.From turkeys come out beautiful hens, including when planting under them ducklings, chickens and even goslings.Birds like long walks in the open air, growing this breed of turkeys, you need to take care of the walk. Cellular content is also possible, but again, only if free access to fresh air and paddock is available.

Adult turkey is in the pen for at least 1 hour, young - at least 2-3 hours.

If there are conditions for keeping the birds in a spacious poultry house, it is better to reject the cellular content.

Turkeys and turkeys of this breed are characterized by their vast overall dimensions, large weight and dense feathering, in conditions of lack of space and space for movement, it can be hot.

Birds wither and sick.To ensure the health of the birds did not deteriorate, it is necessary to provide at least 1 meter of free space for each of them. This rule should be observed with both walking and cell content.

Grown white broad-chested turkeys

Industrial farms or household plots

The breed of white broad-chested turkeys is bred most often on an industrial scale, but also on the household plots these birds feel no less comfortable, differing amazing ability to quickly adapt to any conditions content.

For breeding white broad-chested turkeys, an ordinary barn is suitable, where other birds can also be found.The only thing that should be taken care of in advance is to provide a separate room for males in the breeding season. At this time turkeys become extremely aggressive and can attack even a person, the remaining birds should be kept from them as far as possible.


Characteristics of the breed

The weight of turkeys and turkeys depends on their belonging to one of the three groups to which the breed is divided.

  1. Easy.Weight of turkeys does not exceed 9 kilograms, turkeys - 5 kilograms. Cultivated mainly for industrial purposes, contained in cages.
  2. Medium.The weight of turkeys is 17 kilograms, turkeys - 7 kilograms. It is grown both on personal plots and on industrial scales mainly on enclosure.
  3. Heavy.The weight of an adult male can exceed 26 kilograms, females - 11 kilograms. Young individuals reach a weight of 11 kilograms by the age of six months.

Eggplant.A high breed of egg production, this breed of turkeys is not famous. On average, the egg-laying period lasts from six months to nine months. During this time, the female manages to demolish a little more than 100 eggs, covered with a dense shell. The color of eggs is beige, there are speckles.

Weight of eggs.The turkey eggs are large, their mass is much larger than chicken eggs and is at least 85 grams. Eggshell is thick, the egg is difficult to break, or to strangle. Sometimes in large eggs you can find two yolks simultaneously.

Consumption of mixed fodder per day.Feed adult turkeys should be at least 3 times a day. In this case, one bird should consume at least 500-800 grams of food. During the breeding season, the need for food increases, so the number of feedings at this time is brought to 5, with a calculation of at least 1 kilogram of food per head.

In the morning and in the afternoon the birds are fed with wet fodder, in the evening - dry.Benefit of birds bring succulent food, ensuring the receipt of a large amount of juicy meat in the future.

How much feed per egg?In the period of masonry, one female should eat at least a half a kilogram of feed per day. To create a full-fledged food base in the winter, it is advisable to stock up some hay. In summer, it is recommended to feed the chopped grass.

White broad-chested breed in pen

Breeding of white broad-chested turkeys

Meals: chickens, adult turkeys, layers.To obtain a large number of eggs and meat turkeys need a full feed. Daily feed rations should consist of wet and dry feeds, vegetables, fruits and all sorts of vitamin supplements. The diet of white broad-chested turkeys necessarily includes:

  • dry and germinated grain;
  • dry and wet pouches;
  • greenery;
  • carrots, cabbage, beets.
Particular attention is paid to feeding and keeping young animals. Newborn turkeys are kept in specially equipped boxes with a constant temperature of at least 36 degrees and constant light sources.

Young turkeys are fed with chopped eggs and small croup. Instead of water, milk can be given to turkeys, but only if the farm has its own cow and milk is constantly fresh.Beginning at the age of one month, turkeys begin to be fed with machets, consisting of wet cereals and herbs, mixed on the water.

For the preparation of stitching, young nettles, slightly dried alfalfa or cabbage leaves will do.In specialized stores are available for sale ready-made poultry for turkeys,saturated with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Adult birds also will not give up such a diet.

You might be interested to know about:

  • Breeding turkeys at home.
  • How to grow Big 6 turkeys at home.
  • Proper incubation of turkey eggs.
White broad-chested turkeys in the yard

Features of cultivation and care

It is not necessary to be hard with fodder, as the maximum weight of the bird is reached at the age of 1.5 years. At the same time, the growth of turkeys and their weight gain ceases at about 6 months, which makes them unprofitable further industrial content, because the meat markets are entering a young bird, not yet in time will grow old.

Old turkeys and turkeys, whose meat has lost its inherent tenderness and softness, is sent for processing in order to obtain sausage and pates.

Diseases turkey and treatment at home

Adult turkeys rarely get sick, but young ones suffer from a runny nose and various infectious diseases.Left without treatment, the disease leads to severe consequences and even the case of the livestockTherefore, the universal vaccination of turkeys of this breed is recommended.

Birds are considered thermophilic, the temperature of the air in the room should not fall below 15 degrees. In addition, the source of problems can be such infectious diseases as:

  • brucellosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • histomonosis;
  • smallpox.

The listed diseases are difficult to treat with antibiotics, they provoke a mass forced slaughter of a bird, therefore the task of each poultry farm is to create conditions that block them appearance.

Particular attention in this regard should be given to the cleanliness of the house. The walls of the room must be treated with lime, after slaughtering the poultry house, it is necessary to treat it several times with chlorophos.

Treatment will destroy existing insects and prevent their further appearance.In addition, it is recommended that any holes in the floor and walls of the room be urgently sealed, and rodents penetrate through them, bringing with them dangerous diseases for birds. Turkeys often suffer from worms, including, and respiratory organs. For prophylaxis, it is recommended to purchase the appropriate medication every month in the veterinary pharmacy and give them to the birds.

Incorrect feeding of turkeys leads to the development of their perverted appetite. Signs of the disease is an increased interest in swallowing chips, dry leaves, stones and other foreign objects. Fighting the disease is possible only by establishing a strict diet and transferring the birds to a balanced diet.

Type of white broad-chested turkeys in the range

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

When breeding white broad-chested turkeys, the advantages are much greater than the disadvantages. So,for half a year of intensive feeding it is possible to receive practically adult, ready to slaughter a bird, in weight to 11 kg.No other bird has such a weight for such an age. In the content of turkeys unpretentious, like other birds, they need a lot of fresh air, a lighted room and access to the vagina. Tender and useful meat of birds is very popular among buyers.

The only drawback of turkeys is the consumption of large amounts of food by them.


Tatyana Ivanovna:The breed is wonderful, pleases the choice between light and heavy turkeys. I personally grow turkeys weighing up to 14 kilograms, but I'm familiar with farmers, fattening birds weighing up to 30 kilograms.
Zinaida Leonidovna:Good birds, I'll buy myself a couple. Heard only that they need to be inseminated artificially. I do not know if it's true, or not, but I'll buy the birds anyway. I really liked their meat. A friend ordered such a turkey for her birthday, meat was just bulk, I want to grow this myself.
Gennady Nikolayevich:I'm engaged in growing turkeys for a long time and I am constantly surprised at the complaints of poultry farmers about the difficulties with growing young animals namely the white broad-chested breed. I personally did not have any problems with this, most of the eggs were not only fertilized, but also with healthy viable turkeys inside. I advise this breed to beginners and experienced farmers. The site of bird lovers.

As you can see, growing white-chested turkeys at home is extremely profitable from an economic point of view. Birds are a little sick, adapt well, have a good egg lay and lack of inclination to obesity. White females are good hens, and males rarely show signs of aggression.

Feeding and care for white broad-chested turkeys

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