Detailed description of the plum Egg Blue


For many years now one of the most preferred crops for gardeners is the plum. Currently, there are a lot of varieties of plums. One of them - the Blue Plum has earned deserved popularity, thanks to its advantages.The variety has a number of remarkable qualities, such as: high fruit quality, self-fertilization, winter hardiness. You can see the description of this plum variety in this article.


Table of contents

  • Description of Egg Blue Plum
    • History of occurrence
  • Rules of landing
  • Care of the plant
  • Diseases and pests
  • Crop storage

Description of Egg Blue Plum

The adult tree of the variety "Blue Plum" reaches a considerable size, it can grow to a height of up to six meters. The shape of the crown is oval in shape. Foliage sprawling, medium density. Shoots are bare, painted in a dark brown color. On the side of the shoot are the kidneys of medium size. The kidneys do not fit tightly to the shoot.The plant is longevous and can live up to 30 years.

Plum grade egg blue

The fruit of the "Blue Plum" has an ovoid, round shape, due to this, the brand also has this name - "Egg Blue".

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Flesh is juicy, yellow. The skin of the plum is dense, though thin. The berries are dense and smooth. Plum is blue and has a light white coating. Ossicle bone is oval in shape, small in size and well separated from the pulp. The weight of the berry is about 35 grams. The fruits of the blue plum contain a lot of sugar and a low amount of acid. Fruits have a pronounced flavor.

The variety does not differ in fecundity, from one tree for a season they shoot up to 12 kilograms. Fruit-bearing begins on the fifth-sixth year. There is no need for additional pollination, as this variety is of such a quality as self-fertility.The plant tolerates strong enough frostsand is able to withstand without damage to the kidneys lowering the temperature to 35 degrees. But during the heat plum trees require additional moisture and watering.

Flowering begins in mid-May, and the fruits can be started to harvest already in the middle of August, the peak of ripening is at the end of August.

Plum Flowers

This variety is excellent for growing on your own garden sites, but in industrial cultivation it is not used.

"Blue Plum" is common in Central Russia, the climate of this belt is ideal for this type of sink.

Advantages of the variety:self-fertility, good frost resistance, excellent fruit quality.

Disadvantages:a high growth of trees, a propensity for a klysterosporiosis.

History of occurrence

The "Blue Plum" sort was introduced relatively recently. is hewas formed as a result of the crossing of the ancient domestic variety "Skorospelka" with the West European variety "Renklood Ullensa". In 1986, Russian breeders in the All-Russian Selection and Technical Institute of Horticulture cultivated the variety.


Rules of landing

The most suitable time for planting seedlings is early spring. It is necessary to plant the tree before the snow completely melts, even before the buds are blooming. Well-lit areas are suitable for planting.All types of plums for successful growth require such conditions:

  • the abundance of light;
  • protection from wind;
  • sufficient watering;
  • regular pruning;
  • availability of different sorts of plums nearby.

For a variety, loamy soil will be ideal, with a low acidity level, which would contain a sufficient amount of calcium. Groundwater should be below a two-meter level.

Preparation of a pit for planting plums

The soil for planting will need to be harvested from autumn. It must be thoroughly digged and zamoznakat. In the same period, landing pits are also prepared.Dimensions of the landing hole:60cm - depth, 80cm - diameter. At the bottom lay about half a kilogram of wood ash. Then the pit is filled with soil mixed with two buckets of compost, you can also add a pound of superphosphate.

In the hole deepen the peg and immerse the seedling, gradually sprinkling it with soil and ramming it. Above the ground, at a level of about 4 cm leave the root neck. The tree is weakly fixed to the peg, around it a watering hole is formed. Planting a seedling, it is abundantly watered.Soil around the trunk must be covered with dry peat.

In order for the tree to take root well, a growth stimulant can be used, for this, three tablets are placed on a bucket of water.

Care of the plant

One year after planting, it will be necessary to feed the tree. This procedure is carried out twice: in early June and at the end of the month.As a top dressing, nitrogen fertilizers are taken.

Top dressing plum

The next top dressing should be planned for the third and fourth year.It is carried out three times in one season:

  1. May top dressing:urea solution - 3 tbsp. on the bucket.
  2. June top dressing:nitrofoska - 3 tablespoons on the bucket.
  3. August feeding:Superphosphate and potassium sulfate - in the same volumes.

One plant needs to prepare 20 liters of fertilizer.

In the fifth year, fertilization is carried out as three times:

  • before flowering;
  • during the ripening of fruits;
  • after picking berries.

Also, you will need to regularly perform the following procedures:

  • weeding;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • mulching.
Top dressing of plum: mulching

Primary pruning is done immediately after planting.As a result, no more than ten main branches should remain. This will be the base of the plum crown.

During the trimming procedure of the "Blue Plum" it is important not to allow branches to grow randomly, thickening of the crown should also be avoided.

In the springproduce pruning of patients, frozen, damaged branches. Remove excess shoots and root shoots. The growth will need to be shortened a little.

The "Blue Plum" variety is frost-resistant. thereforeSpecial preparation for the winter is not required. To protect the trunk from rodents, it is wrapped with a polymer mesh. But the heat of plum trees is very poorly tolerated, it is very important in the hot weather to provide the plant with sufficient moisture. At this time the tree needs abundant watering.


Diseases and pests

The "Blue Plum" variety differs from the susceptibility to such a disease as a clysterospirosis. This disease affects mainly the leaves of the plant, it manifests itself as red spots, in the place of which, after a while, holes appear. This is a kind of fungal disease. It can spread not only to leaves, but also to young green shoots. The disease is characterized by rapid spreadability. It instantly passes from one plant to another.

Clysterospirosis plum

To combat the disease use fungicides. Sometimes you need to change the funds.

Prophylaxis against klyasteprosiosis is carried out three times a year: in the process, the formation of the kidneys, during the flowering period, after flowering. The treatment is done with the use of Bordeaux fluid, also copper sulphate.

Plodozhorka - another problem that can occur in a plant. It can cause significant harm and reduce the yield of plums. Plodozhorki bite the ovaries, and they also feed on ripe fruits. Danger is represented by both caterpillars and adult insects.

Plum moth

To protect the tree from harm, it is necessary to scrape off the old bark from the surface of the trunk and twigs. If there are a lot of insects, special treatment will be required.

Plum sticks to aphids

The enemy of the plant is aphids. These insects are active in the spring. At this time, they begin to settle in huge groups on the inside of the leaf. Treatment of these harmful insects is produced in the evening or in the morning, in windless weather. The procedure is done one and a half months before the ripening of the harvest. For these purposes, you can use the chemical means "Intra-Vir". This drug is very effective in controlling aphids.

It is impossible to treat the plant with chemicals during flowering or during the setting of fruit.

Often, the appearance of aphids on the plum indicates that the plant receives an insufficient amount of mineral fertilizers, namely - phosphorus. thereforewith the abundance of aphid the tree can be treated with Ammophos. This nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer can be sent directly to the aphids. Under the roots of the tree will need to pour the ashes and dig. This procedure will help to cope with aphids.

Besides,plum is slightly prone to fruit rot.

Fruit rot on the sink

Crop storage

Only intact whole fruits are taken for storage.It is important that the plum emerge naturally.Unripe fruits can mature in the cold, but in this case they will lose their taste, the quality of the pulp will also suffer.

Fresh plums are kept for a short time, not more than a week. Therefore,for the long-term storage of the harvested crop, the following methods are used:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • conservation.
. . Frozen halves of plum.. Dried plums, prunes.. Canned plums.

"Blue Plum" is one of the best domestic varieties. Plum trees of this variety are frost-resistant.One of the important advantages of the variety is self-fertilization. These characteristics have made the variety very popular. Many gardeners choose it for growing on their own garden plot.

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