Chainsaw. "Partner" 350 reliable assistant with due care

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In a rural farmstead, at a summer house inexpensive and trouble-free chainsaw Partner 350 replaced the two-handed tool and a hacksaw. Initially, the Swedish brand transferred the rights to the brand of the company "Electrolux" with a production site in Russia. Therefore, with proper quality, the tool is inexpensive. For amateur use, the model is the most convenient. The price of a chainsaw Partner 350 from 5 to 9 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration, is acceptable.

Principles of Chainsaw Choice

So, the question arose, what saw to choose for the works in the suburban area. Of course, this should be a chainsaw, since it is mobile, does not depend on the source of energy. Such a device can be used in a tourist trip, to collect wood residues in the forest.

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Quality products, not only saws, are determined by well-known brands. But here there is a danger of getting on the replica created in artisanal conditions. Therefore, it is worth to take a closer look at the product. More often expensive tools of world leaders Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo, Solo, as expensive brands, are forged. Therefore, the chainsaw Partner 350 from the manufacturer can be purchased with less risk.

The weight-power ratio has a direct relationship. Therefore, a professional tool for dacha use is not always suitable. Choose a home assistant should be with a small margin of power. The size of the bus at 45 cm on the amateur saw is a marketing move, reduces the resource of the engine, the saw unit will be stretched with jamming.

Chainsaw is a tool of increased danger. When working, ensure that children and animals are not accessible to the workplace. Cutting small boards is better to conduct on specially equipped racks. For your own safety, work in fastened clothes, glasses and protective gloves. On the feet should be comfortable, steady shoes.

Options for dampening vibration, easy start, convenient chain stretching, availability of air filter create additional convenience for the tool. Of the household budget saws in the ranking of the most in demand in the fifth place is called the chainsaw Partner 350 S. And the price-quality ratio is the best mechanism.

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Characteristics of chainsaws Partner 350

The most common saw from the "Partner" series is the Partner 350 S. This model is used for longitudinal and transverse sawing of wood. The tool is designed for a 40 cm long tire. From the options the device is equipped with:

  • inertial brake circuit and built-in circuit breaker;
  • electronic ignition;
  • spring for easy starting of the engine;
  • vibration damper;
  • automatic chain lubrication.

Main settings:

  • power - 1, 5 kW;
  • angular velocity of the shaft - 13000 rpm;
  • The working volume of the combustion chamber is 40 cubic meters. cm;
  • length of the tire - 40 cm;
  • chain pitch - 3/8 inches;
  • total weight kg.

Practical tips for operating the partner 350 saws on video are:

After the correct running-in, adjustment, the operating mode of the saw makes it possible to perform a wide range of work, including longitudinal sawing of the wood.

Learning the operation manual of the chainsaw Partner 350

Work on complex household appliances, without studying the device and the rules of operation, is unacceptable. Instruction from the manufacturer in the Russian translation includes the following topics:

  • list of components and parts;
  • information on how to properly read symbols on equipment;
  • safety techniques when working with a saw and observance of the technology of sawmills;
  • instruction of the assembly sequence of the tool;
  • the correct composition of fuel mixtures and the requirements for the lubrication of chains;
  • instructions for maintenance of individual components;
  • table of problems and how to fix them;
  • technical characteristics of chainsaws Partner.
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Official documents designed to help owners of equipment, carry comprehensive information on the correct operation of the saw.

The tool should only use a saw chain with a low rebound. Due to the limiters of the depth of cut it is safer in amateur use.

Terms of self-repair chainsaw Partner

For the owner of a tool that has the skills of repairing household appliances, repair the malfunction on its own, after the end of the warranty service, is available. First you need to learn the technique. Experienced masters believe that repairing chainsaws partner 350 with their own hands begins with proper diagnosis. To determine the nature of the repair, you must:

  • check the ignition system;
  • Carry out the diagnosis of the carburetor;
  • fuel system efficiency;
  • clean the muffler;
  • determine the operability of the piston system;
  • Check the lubrication of the chain;
  • Determine the wear of the components and the required spare parts for chainsaws. Partner.

Complex issues need to be solved with the involvement of specialists for consultation.


If the engine fails to start, first check whether the candles are working properly. They must be dry and have a contact gap, -0.65 mm. According to the state of the unscrewed candle, it is possible to determine the signs of malfunctions in the fuel system and the operation of the equipment.

Check the serviceability of the candle, connecting through the cap with the starter, and put on the body of the cylinder. The candle is OK if it gives a spark to the body when the starter pulls. If the spark is not present, this wire is faulty or the candle is flooded, or it has worked its resource.

Many carbines can cause carburetor malfunctions. But first you need to adjust the carburetor chainsaws Partner 350, as shown in the video:

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Carburettor repair can temporarily prolong engine running time. Running holes in the carburetor may be clogged with poor quality fuel or through a loose air filter. When dismantling the unit, it is necessary to rinse and blow all the parts.

Repair and adjustment of the carburetor, as the most responsible unit, it is better to entrust to the master.

If there is no fuel in the cylinder:

  1. It is possible to clean the fuel filter after you have ascertained that the fuel consumption is low from the hose. Depending on the degree of clogging, it must be cleaned or replaced with a new one.
  2. At a blockage of injection - to remove a hose, an aperture to clear a needle.
  3. The carburettor gets a little air through the clogged air filter. The supply of the mixture to the engine is impaired.
  4. Improper regulation of the carburetor will lead to the same result.

The chain is not lubricated. To avoid overheating and pulling the chain, lubrication to the working unit must be automatic. But since oil is fed through canals, they can be clogged with fine wood dust. After each cycle of work, the cloth and gaps should be cleaned of dust and dirt. If oil leaks, you need to check the integrity of the hose and the tightness of the connection to the tank. Defective hose replace or temporarily cover the hole with a sealant. Repair the oil pump.

To faults chainsaws Partner 350 consider the failure of parts for prolonged use. If an asterisk, tire, rubber anti-vibration seal is worn out or the chain is blunted, you must take action on time. In harsh operating conditions, they must be controlled, replaced, sharpened, tightened on time.

Chainsaw Partner 350 at work - video

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