Salad recipes with fried mushrooms for real gourmets

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For many centuries, mushrooms were considered a useful treat for humans. Different dishes from this natural product, and especially the salad of fried mushrooms, amaze with their exquisite taste. After all, they contain a huge amount of protein, which is not inferior to meat products, but much cheaper. Often sportsmen and active people try to use them no less than once a week.

In order not to get bored with food, cooks do not cease to create new recipes for salad from fried mushrooms, which differ in taste and appearance. Consider the most popular of them.

Due to its uniqueness, the mushrooms are combined with almost any product. They are used to make soups, vegetable stew, pizza, meat products, salads, canning and as an independent dish.

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Read also: a delicious salad with crab sticks and corn!

The classical variant of preparation of the main ingredient

To prepare a salad with fried mushrooms, the first thing you need is to heat the product. In a frying pan with preheated fat put peeled mushrooms. Since they decrease almost 2 times when frying, they are cut into large pieces.

As soon as they begin to boil, a lot of liquid appears in the frying pan, which will evaporate as the product is being cooked. After that, add a little oil to the mushrooms and fry lightly.

While they successfully pass heat treatment, in another pan you can fry the finely chopped onions. If you like rings more - it does not matter.

Thanks to the fried onions, the taste and juiciness of mushrooms is emphasized, which is important for salad preparation.

When the onion is golden, add fried mushrooms, mix and stew for a few more minutes. Then, the product is transferred to a wide container, where it completely cools.

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To prepare the main ingredient of the salad, you will need:

  • half a kilo of mushrooms;
  • a large onion;
  • vegetable oil.

The whole process of frying mushrooms usually takes no more than 30 minutes. The main thing is not to forget to invest in it love and a part of your soul. Then the dish will certainly please our dear people.

Mushrooms in tandem with boiled tongue

When the main ingredient is ready, it's time to start creating masterpieces. An interesting salad recipe with fried mushrooms and tongue has become popular with many culinary specialists. To make it, you need the following products:

  • fried mushrooms with onions;
  • boiled tongue (beef or pork);
  • Bulgarian pepper (1 piece);
  • sour cream;
  • salt;
  • parsley.

Since the salad is prepared from cold foods, the boiled tongue should be shredded in a cooled form. Some chefs like to cut meat products with cubes, others with straws. For the flavoring qualities of a salad it does not really matter. In this issue - complete freedom.

Bulgarian pepper is peeled from seeds and cut into small pieces.Prepared foods are mixed in a volume bowl and seasoned with sour cream. Salt to taste and preferences, decorated with greens and served at the table.

Excellent salad - fried mushrooms with chicken

Fans of meat dishes will not give up a salad with fried mushrooms and chicken. A gentle combination of products is distinguished by its amazing taste and aroma, which is not found in other dishes. For a salad you need to take a set of products:

  • fried champignons with onions;
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • 2 or 3 cloves of garlic (for fans of spicy food you can take 2 times more);
  • sour cream;
  • salt (according to taste preferences);
  • greens of dill.

The optimum cooking time of the salad is approximately 40 minutes, taking into account the cooking of the chicken fillet.


As usual, fried mushrooms with onions are cooked in a classic way until ready. Cook the chicken fillets, cool to room temperature and shred small pieces.

To prepare the sauce, take sour cream, garlic and dill. Finely chop the greens of dill and mix it with sour cream. Squeeze out the garlic, salt and fill a mixture of mushrooms with chicken fillet. All mix thoroughly. Salad is ready to eat.

The dish will be much tastier if you put it for a few hours in a cold place. During this period, the fillets and mushrooms are soaked with sauce, having acquired an exquisite taste.

Seaside notes in salad with mushrooms

Since the time when various seafood appeared on the shelves, cooks offered to use them for making cold snacks. Especially delicious salad with fried mushrooms and crab sticks can easily be cooked even by the most inexperienced culinary expert. For the dish you will need a set of products:

  • fried champignons or oyster mushrooms;
  • frozen crab sticks;
  • 2 or 3 bulbs for frying;
  • boiled carrots (2 or 3 pieces, depending on the volume of the dish);
  • sunflower oil;
  • mayonnaise for refueling;
  • salt.
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Due to the fact that the carrots are brewed for a long time, the salad will be cooked for no more than 50 minutes. If you boil it in advance - for 20 minutes.

Slice the onion into thin half rings. Dip in boiling sunflower oil and fry until golden brown. Finished onions are transferred to a napkin or colander, in which a fine mesh to release it from the remains of fat.

Put the champignons or cherries cut into large pieces into a frying pan with red hot vegetable oil. Stew until the liquid evaporates completely. When mushrooms change their appearance and color, they are laid out in a salad bowl and cooled.

Defrost the crab sticks and shred in the form of straw. Add to the cooled fried mushrooms, gently mix.

Using a grater shred the boiled carrots (it is better to use an average hole size) directly into the salad bowl. Stir thoroughly and season with mayonnaise. Add spices, salt, make a beautiful presentation and serve to the table.

Puff pastry salad with fried mushrooms

Since mushrooms are perfectly combined with different products, cooks offer different recipes for puff pastry salads. They seem to resemble a holiday cake, but they are served as a snack for alcoholic beverages or as a signature dish of the hostess.

You can prepare the salad using the following products:

  • champignons, oyster mushrooms or white mushrooms;
  • several bulbs;
  • Hard cheese ("Dutch" or "Russian");
  • eggs (chicken);
  • tomato, you can carrots;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream (for an amateur);
  • salt;
  • parsley greens for decorating dishes.
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Mushrooms are fried with onions in a classic way until golden brown. Send to a large bowl and cool. Slice a small piece of tomato, add to the mushrooms, gently mix and spread on the dish. The first layer is abundantly watered with mayonnaise or sour cream. Directly on it a tinder boiled eggs a thin layer and fill with mayonnaise. The top of the salad is covered with shavings of hard cheese and decorated with branches of fresh greens. Salad cut according to the principle of cake. Serve to the table after 2 hours. It takes so long to completely impregnate the puff lettuce.

Fried mushrooms, pork fillet and croutons with bacon

Often the young generation of future housewives strive to surprise the elders with their culinary masterpieces. Especially valuable help for them can be a simple recipe with a photo of a salad with fried mushrooms. Step by step cooking recommendations teach future cooks to prepare excellent cold snacks for their loved ones. If you combine these products, you can get a great salad:

  • Champignon;
  • pork fillet or tenderloin;
  • carrot;
  • canned sweet corn;
  • crackers seasoned with bacon;
  • salt;
  • seasoning (pepper, curry, hops-suneli);
  • mayonnaise;
  • fat for frying.

Pork is cut into small pieces. Dip in boiling fat. Stew for 40 minutes under the lid. Then add the sliced ​​grated carrot and grill for another 10 minutes. The appearance of golden light indicates the readiness of the ingredient. Season with spices and salt.

Chopped mushrooms are fried in another pan, add onions, chopped in circles. Turn the food to a golden state and turn off the fire.

The contents of both roasts are poured into a colander with small holes or in a sieve. Gently stirring, give the opportunity to leave the rest of fat.

In voluminous dishes lay out the ingredients: mushrooms, pork, corn, crackers and mix everything thoroughly. Season products with mayonnaise. It is possible to issue in the form of a cake. Serve as a cold snack to vodka or wine.

This salad is preferably refilled before serving, decorating it with rusks and bacon.

Video recipe for salad "Lesnoe Lukoško"

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