Care and feeding of broiler chickens


Growing broiler chickens of highly productive meat breeds continues to gain popularity. Proper care, balanced feeding, compliance with all veterinary rules allows you to get a personal diet of high-quality dietary products in just 30-40 days.


Table of contents

  • How to choose broiler chickens
  • Breeds (crosses)
  • Manufacturers
  • Age
  • Viability
  • Feeding
    • All for combined feeding
    • Age ration
    • Day old chickens
    • Weekly chickens
    • Monthly chickens
  • Maintenance and care at home
    • Coop, cages, litter, street
    • Temperature conditions
    • Lighting
    • Ventilation
    • Feeders and drinkers

How to choose broiler chickens

When selecting broiler chickens, severalfactors:cross (breed), producer and price, age and vitality.


Breeds (crosses)

Broilers- the result of targeted breeding work on breeding a hybrid for the rapid production of high-quality dietary meat products.

Broiler chickens COBB-500

Most PopularRussian poultry breeders broilers crosses COBB-500, ROSSY-38, 708, Gibro-6, Broilers-61, M. Crosses Change and Hubbard F 15.

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It is safer to buy broiler chickens in proven privatefarmsand specializedhatchery stations. As a rule, chickens purchased from such producers are viable, active and have already been vaccinated against major diseases.

Broiler priceoffered by large poultry farms below, but there is a vicious practice of selling by the factories of the rejected young stock.

The cost of chickens varies depending on the age, breed, region, seasonfrom 35 to 95 rublesPer head.



Cheaper chickens prefer to buy more experienced poultry farmers who know the subtleties of content and have equipped breeding grounds.

Broiler chicken with plumage

For beginnersit is advisable to purchase young animals at the age of 5-10 days, since it is easier to care for them.



Healthy, viable broiler chicks are selected forthe following features:

  1. Chicks are active, mobile, react to sounds, withgood appetite.
  2. Cleareyeswith brilliance.
  3. Softtummies.
  4. Wingstightly pressed against the calf.
  5. Featherson the wings of males of the same length.
  6. Absence offeceson plumage.
  7. Equalopulence, without "shreds".
Important!At cross ROSS 308, COBB 500, the tummies are slightly enlarged, rounded. Beak and paws can have a bluish tinge.


On average, about 4 kg of feed is consumed to produce a commercial poultry.In the first two weeksthe chicken gets 35-38 grams of feed per day, the daily norm of two to four weeks is 100 g, then 150 g.


The most effective for growing in conditions of household or farming content is recognizedcombined method of feeding. With a constant presence in feeders of mixed fodder twice a day, the bird is given a moist feed, for the night grain is poured.

All for combined feeding

  • Dry industrial compound feed. When selecting ready-made mixed fodders, it is recommended to carefully study the composition and quality. Most of the feeds produced in Russia and the Near Abroad do not correspond to the accepted GOSTs.
  • Dry foodfrom grains of wheat, corn, barley, beans, mill grains and beans.
  • To reduce the cost of production on private farmsteads, they successfully usefood waste- dairy products (in turn, whey, curdled milk, cottage cheese), fish, meat, fruit (apple, pear, banana and others), garden products (small roots, frozen potatoes). Feed harmful insects and their larvae (May and Colorado beetles).
  • Zelenka- nettle, alfalfa, clover, dandelions in a crushed form, tops of the skin, pulp of carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage leaves.
  • Additives- vitamin complex supplements, meat and bone and fish meal, egg shells, shell rock, salt cooked.
  • Wetmiddles.
Drinking bowl for broiler chickens

Always keep clean, fresh water in the water. It should be observedtemperature mode:

  1. Chickens1-3 dayslife is watered with t +33 ° C.
  2. On4-7 dayst + 30 ° C.
  3. From the 8th dayLife decreases water temperature by 2 ° every week.
  4. Stopat t + 20 ° C
Important!Too cold water leads to a slowdown in growth, development, a decrease in the rate of weight gain. Lack of water causes urine acid diathesis in young animals, a decrease in appetite. In a grown bird - peritonitis, intoxication, wrinkling, cyanotic crest.

Age ration

Differences in the periods of physiological development of broilers.


  1. Starting, primary diet (up to 2 weeks of age).
  2. Feeding(during the period of active development and growth).
  3. Finishingwith a reduced percentage of protein (grown young, adult bird before slaughter).

Day old chickens

At the age ofup to 5 dayschickens receive either a growth ready-mixed feed, or feed containing up to 50% of carbohydrate-rich and protein-rich foods. These includecereal mixtures(crushed grain of wheat and maize, boiled millet, barley and oats without films),damp mote.

Day broiler chickens

From the 2nd dayin the diet of the chicks are introduced finely chopped chicken eggs. Enough two boiled eggs for 50 chickens. Give quail eggs, cottage cheese, vitamins A, E, D3 in the form of a preparation typeTrivitamin.

Feeding frequencyin this period every two hours, at least 5, it is better 8 times a day.

With dry feeding3-4 times is enough. Morning feeding is carried out as early as possible, evening feeding as late as possible.

Weekly chickens

At the week of ageration enriches. As an antichloric remedy for 5-7 days in a flour mix, wet mash-pouches add on, gr on chickenfish oil. Gradually, in the diet are introduced finely grated carrots, mush of nettle leaves, dandelions, chalk flour, shell rock or calcined eggshell, fish waste, recycling meat.

Weekly broiler chickens

Poultry breeders with experience recommend breedingmiddlesmilk derivatives, give chickens a small amount of boiled potatoes, sunflower, soybean macki, corn, wheat derti (mill grain without special cleaning).

Feeding frequency- 6 times a day. With a balanced diet to a monthly age, broiler chickens gain weight 500-700 g.

Important!For the prevention of putrefactive processes in the gastric tract of chicks, it is possible to add 50 mg of ascorbic acid per kilogram of food mixture or to drink a very weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Weak chicks supportraw yolkstirred in milk. The yolk is injected into the beak with a pipette 8 times a day.On Day 11chicks should eat themselves.

Monthly chickens

At the age of one month broiler chickens are transferred toprotein-fortified food.

Mashankafrom a mixture of equal parts of crushed corn, wheat, peas, barley is diluted with meat broth, add more fish and meat waste, meat-bone, fish, herbal flour, dairy products, green masses. Welcomepeanut and sunflower oilcakes, germinated grain.

Monthly broilers

In the diet of a month-old youngster, the presence ofbaker's yeast- not less than 2 g daily for one head, fish oil, ready dry vitamin blends. In winter, vitamin D is additionally given.

The feed must be renewed every 2 hours, it must be fresh, not lean.

In summer, it is possible to receive 50 or more percent of the daily allowancefodder. This not only reduces the cost of maintenance, but also increases the immunity of young animals, the nutritional and taste value of meat.

Feeding frequency7-8 times.

Immediately before slaughtering the broilers are transferred tofinishing feed.

The transition to whole grains is taking place. How additives offer green. Mashrooms are bred with meat broth, add boiled potatoes.

Important!Dry mixtures, the grain must be protected from rodents, which not only destroy stocks, but also feed parasites and viral diseases.

Food storedin tightly closed metal, plastic containers.

When buying ready-mixed mixtures, mixed fodders carefully observestorage time.

Maintenance and care at home

In conditions of domestic, farming broiler chickens, adequatemaintenance and care. It is necessary to properly equip the premises, observe veterinary and zootechnical norms, show constant care and attention to the growing chicks.

Broilers in the grid on the backyard

Coop, cages, litter, street

There are twoways of breedingbroiler chicks: intensive and extensive.

  • Intensive(production) content is to limit the movement of broiler chickens from the moment of hatching by the cage or deep floor mat and feeding the chickens with full dry mixed fodders.
  • Whenextensive methodthe most suitable for peasant or farming, the bird is contained in equipped chicken coops, cages, freely moves along the paddock, receives a variety of types and composition of feed.

When"Free"the poultry house is equipped with poultry. Daily chicks and commercial birds are requiredareaat the rate of 12-15 goals per 1 m².

Whencellularup to 18 broilers are grown per 1 m², but the meat of such birds will be denser, stiffer. There are several variants of cells that are made by themselves or are purchased in ready-made form. Cells are assembled in a design like cassettes or batteries.

Cell culture

Most private poultry farmers preferfloor methodgrowing in the hen house on the litter. To do this, the floors are covered with sawdust, straw, shavings, fibrous peat. To comply with the sanitary and hygienic norms, the raw lumps are regularly removed, mixed and the filler added.

ATsummer periodgrowing broiler chicks and adult chickens are let out into the street in a fenced-in paddock. If the paddock is well protected from drafts, for example, previously used window, hothouse frames, the "herb" chicks released from a month old.

Temperature conditions

Broiler chickens require strict adherencetemperaturesandhumidityin places of detention. Humidity throughout the growing period should be within 60-70%.

Forheatinghousehold and industrial heaters, infrared lamps are used.

Heating of broiler chickens

Day-old chickensfencing, limiting their removal from the heat source, maintaining t + 32 ° -35 ° C.Since the second weekbegin a gradual decrease in temperature.6-10 day old chickst + 32 ° -30 ° C is required. 11-20 days - t + 28 ° -26 ° С. Beginningfrom the third weekt + 24-20 ° C is required.

Important!In chickens up to 2-3 weeks of age, an underdeveloped digestive system, they are not capable of independently maintaining the optimal body temperature. To prevent hypothermia of the abdomen, colds need not only to observe the temperature regime, but also to warm the litter.


Until the 5th daythe hen house is illuminated for 20-24 hours. ATweeks of age, when the chicks begin to distinguish between day and night, begin to interrupt the lighting every 2 hours for 10-15 minutes, gradually bringing the light day to 16-17 hours.


In the house you need to equipventilation, hood. Broilers are vitally important constant inflow of clean air.

Feeders and drinkers

Before reachingweeks of agethe feeder is filled to the brim. Once chicks have acquired self-feeding skills,feeders and drinkersfill ¼ and raise above the floor to avoid contamination of the litter with food.

Grow broiler chickensprofitably. Observing simple requirements, you can not only provide the family with an environmentally friendly, dietarychicken meat, but also achieve a small benefit in the sale of broiler meat.

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