The blackberry becomes a habitual garden berry of our latitudes.Her happy to grow and bred for an exceptionally sweet taste, pleasant aroma. It is simple in breeding and care culture. Let's take a closer look at the description and characteristics of the blackberry Ruben.
.Table of contents
- History of breeding
- Blackberry Ruben
- Features of the variety
- Characteristics of berries
- Peculiarities of growing
- Care of culture, top dressing
- Reproduction of repair blackberry
- Diseases and pests
History of breeding
Blackberry in the 19th century was considered only as an ornamental garden plant. In Europe, it began to grow as a fruit and berry culture a hundred years later.The breeding of new varieties and the improvement of the available ones were actively carried out by gardeners in America and Mexico. There, the blackberry was already an industrial culture.
The main advantages of the berries were its taste, unique aroma, richness of vitamins and good safety during transportation
. In addition, the berry was easy to grow, it was well tolerated by drought and cold. Over time, breeders brought out non-shrub species of shrub, which simplified the process of industrial harvesting on plantations..Blackberry Ruben
Ruben - the first type of blackberry, which gives fruit on the shoots of the first year. The variety was obtained in Arkansas University in cooperation with the nursery Hargreaves in 2011.Shrubs are like raspberries - erect. The berries ripen in August-October. The variety is unpretentious - well tolerates dry periods, fully develops both in the sun and in the shade. It's good to plant along the fence like a hedge.
Repair blackberries are bred recently, but have already gained popularity and love among gardeners. It is suitable for breeding in the middle of Russia for personal consumption and on an industrial scale.The main part of the shoots after the fruiting is removed, so to protect against frost requires a root system with small outgrowths. The bush during flowering is covered with large white flowers.
In nature, blackberries grow in different climatic zones. It tied and ripens almost in the autumn. Garden crops begin fruiting a little earlier - in mid-August.There are two types of shrubs - kumanyk and rosyanika. The first species has upright stems and grows like a raspberry bush. The second species is a creeping plant.
At the blackberry light green shoots, which by autumn are painted in burgundy color.Flowers are collected in paniclesfor 10-15 pieces. Of these, 7-8 berries in each grow brighter.Leaves are similar to raspberry or currant, the edges are notched. From long-term roots, shoots grow every year, which manage to develop and give abundant fruits. Blackberries can grow on any soil with good drainage.
Features of the variety
- Blackberry Rubengives berries on annual shoots;
- Compared with other varietiesberry ripening takes place much earlier- on biennial shoots - in June, on young - in September;
- During flowering, Ruben's blackberry shrubs are very beautiful. They are covered with large white flowers and decorate the site with their appearance.
- After harvestingspikes on shoots fall away!
Characteristics of berries
Ruben - round berries, black with a characteristic luster.To the taste- sweet with sourness, with very tightly adhering drupes, large and juicy.Average weight of berries- 10, the maximum - 14 g.The berry reaches a length-, cm. Collected fruits are stored for a long time in a cool place and do not deteriorate during transportation.The yield of one bush, on average, 3-4 kg. Ruben fructifies twice a year - in June and in September.
Height of bushreaches 180 cm. Shoots strong, thick grow straight upright, and do not break. Propagates by the root of the kidney. The bush starts to bloom already in the middle of April.Flowers large- up to 6 cm in diameter. The berries are also large, on one branch they grow from 6 to 8 pieces.
.Peculiarities of growing
Flowering ends with abundant tying of fruits in the conditions of a cool long spring.Frosty winter does not harm the roots and abandoned shoots. They are covered with straw, cardboard, spandbd. Blackberry loves moisture, but without prejudice suffers dry periods. If there is no rain, then once a week you need to water the bush with two buckets of water. It's enough.
.All breeding shoots are carved in autumn under the root. Ruben - the fastest variety of garden blackberries. She manages to give powerful shoots, foliage and two harvests of berries. For successful vegetation, you should plant shrubs in the penumbra in a place protected from the wind.Distance between seedlings - not less than 100cm.
Flowers develop well and are fertilized in wet weather.7-8 days before flowering, the roots are watered abundantly, evaporating moisture creates a comfortable microclimate for the plant. In industrial cultivation during this period, a small drip irrigation system is used and protect the bushes from direct sunlight. To ensure abundant harvests in the future, at first it is necessary to give the opportunity to develop the root system.
The number and size of berries depends on the correct and timely moistening of the soil. You can not fill the plant, but you should not allow the land to dry out.An important role is played by the mulching of the circumferential circle. A thick layer of straw or grass.
.Care of culture, top dressing
The bramble bush is very similar to the raspberry, and to care for the plant should be almost like a raspberry. But there are features.After reaching a certain height (at the discretion of the gardener), the tip of the shoot should be nipped off. If the bush ceases to grow intensively, lateral shoots will start to form, which will also fructify.
Blackberries pollinated crosswise. This happens better in a humid environment. Dry air slows down pollination and tying fruit.Intensive watering is necessary during the pouring of fruits.
Powerful growth and fruiting deplete the strength of the bush. To restore them, the plant must be supplied with microelements and fertilizers.In the spring, after opening, it is necessary to make nitrogen fertilizers, urea. Good food will be obtained from the diluted in the water mullein or chicken manure.
Reproduction of repair blackberry
The reconstructed blackberry is propagated with a root bud or cuttings. The bush is scooped out with a root, the stem and part of the rhizome are separated from the mother's bush. Then it is planted in prepared soil. It is better to do it in the autumn, so that the bush will catch on under winter. The roots of the blackberry intensively develop in depth and width. For rapid rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the planting in a diameter of 60-70 cm.
Depth of planting depends on the selected planting material. Green cuttings or root offsprings are closed to a depth of 8-10 cm, and saplings with a developed root system are planted in pits 60-70 cm in diameter.
Soil mixture is prepared in this way- humus and wood ash is added to the ground. Part of the obtained substrate is fertilized with 75 g of mineral fertilizers and poured onto the bottom of the well. Then the remaining mixture is conically poured out and placed on the sazhen. The roots are evenly spread out on the sides of the mound and sprinkled with earth.
Culture can be propagated by seeds. Preliminarily they are kept in the refrigerator. Sprout sprouts better in wet sand or peat crumb. When the second leaf appears, the plant is planted in fertilized soil in a pot or on a permanent place. In winter, you can grow a planting material at home. Such a seedling will grow into a real bush for the 2nd-3rd year and begin to bear fruit. The quality and properties of berries do not deteriorate.
.Diseases and pests
- Chafer. Scary beetle larvae, which harm the roots of the plant. Larvae mature within 2 years at a depth of 40 cm, feeding on humus. The plant begins to wilt. For struggle against Nimi gardeners use preparations Antichrusch, Kandifor, a solution of iodine. Between the blackberry bushes you can plant mustard. Its roots emit a substance that drives the larvae.
- The raspberry beetle- a pest that eats leaves, stems and flowers of many berry crops. But more often he parasitizes on a raspberry and a blackberry. The beetle lays the larvae in grooves of leaves or flowers. The larvae fall to the ground. To combat this pest, the earth around the bush should be dug up, sprinkled with ashes. The plant itself 7 days before flowering should be treated with solutions of actinic, sparks, kemifos.
Blackberries are becoming increasingly popular with gardeners,pleases delicious aromatic berries in late summer, when the main cultures were fertilized. It is well kept and easy to clean.