Description of Blackberry Triple Crown( Triple Crown)

Blackberry for Russian gardeners - the culture is not familiar. Absolutely unfairly it is overlooked. In taste, in rich crop, it is not inferior to our raspberries. It should be grown in a temperate climate with a warm long summer. In conditions of a sharply continental climate, it will not fully develop due to severe frosts and a hot, dry summer. The maximum winter air temperature for blackberries is 15C.

Blackberry cultivars are mainly bred in the Western Hemisphere. Breeding this fruit for a long time and successfully engaged in American gardeners. From there comes information about the appearance of new varieties. The improvement of the available varieties is carried out constantly, as the blackberry in America is grown on an industrial scale.

Content of the

  • and characteristics of blackberry. Triple Crown variety - Triple Crown, is one of the most outstanding achievements in the selection of this culture. The variety appeared in 1996 in Oregon, it was tested there. A distinctive feature and advantage of Blackberry Triple Crown is the unique exquisite taste of large beautiful berries and the lack of thorns on the shoots.
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    The Triple Crown Shrubs have an intermediate view between the bushes of creeping varieties like Columbia Star and upright plants such as the Black Magic. The plant is booming, has a powerful juicy green leaves. Berries grow in abundant clusters. Culture has an industrial significance; mass berry picking is facilitated by the absence of thorns. The leaves are similar in shape and density to the currant leaves. Shoots have a length of up to 3 meters, they are fixed on the trellis, tying to the cross beams. Shoots grow quickly and gain strength. Dense greenery prints ripening fruit from the scorching sun.

    The variety does not belong to winter hardiness. Shoots need shelter for the winter. To do this, they are removed from the trellis and laid on the ground, protecting it from frost with a covering material. At the beginning of growth, the bases of the shoots are placed parallel to the ground, so that later the branches do not break. In the conditions of central Russia and in Ukraine, in the cold season, bushes cover with spandbod, and then, additionally cover with film. At the same time, care must be taken not to form diaper rashes and mold on the branches. In its sheltered form, the blackberry can tolerate cold up to -15C.

    Maturation term - srednepozdny. In domestic latitudes, the first harvest is ready for harvest in mid-August. It continues until the first October cold. Shrubs bear fruit for a long time, and the size and taste of the berries do not change during the fruiting period. The berries do not shrink and retain a rich great taste.

    Blackberry berry dimensions Triple crown

    Description of

    berries Blackberry Triple Crown berries have a rounded-elongated shape. Of its fellow - is the largest variety. The color of ripe berries is black, with a blue or burgundy shade. Ripening of fruits in the hand - gradual. The taste of sweet and sour berries with a tart fruit plume. They resemble cherries, cherries in flavor. Harvest can be stored for several days at a temperature of + 5-6C.

    With proper farming practices and in suitable climatic conditions, one bush can produce 12–13 kg of fruits per season.

    This is the highest index in productivity of dessert varieties. In the hot sun, the berries do not dry out for a long time. But, if the sun bakes more than one day, the trellis should be applied with a light covering material.

    Cultivation and reproduction of the Triple Crown

    The variety is cultivated well. It is immune to diseases and pests.

    You might also be interested in the following articles about blackberries:

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    • Characteristics of blackberry Ruben.
    • Why are there many flies on a blackberry and what to do?

    Site Selection and Soil Preparation

    To get a full harvest, you need to choose the right place for planting a bush. If it is a sunny plot, the berry will be large and sweet. It will ripen sooner and faster. If you plant a blackberry in the shade, the fruit will taste sour and the berries will be smaller.

    Conclusion - the blackberry likes heat and light. The soil is unpretentious berry. Its homeland is America, where there is little black soil. Good yields can be achieved in loamy soil with alkali content. If the soil is acidic, it should be fertilized with wood ash or fluff. The soil should be light and good to pass moisture.

    The life span of a blackberry bush with proper care is 12-15 years.

    The root system grows significantly during this time. Placing the seedling in the ground, it is necessary to provide for this, and to make a hole as for a woody seedling. The size of the notch is not less than 60 cm in diameter. To fill it, you must mix the excavated soil with 20 kg of humus and three glasses of wood ash. Divide the mixture in half.

    75 g of mineral fertilizers should be added to one part of the extract and put it to the bottom of the pit. At first, the thin roots of the plants should not come into contact with mineral additives. The second part of the cooked earth poured on top.

    Shrubs with berries Triple crown

    Planting seedlings

    The earth in the hole should be filled with a mound and spread the roots of the seedling on its surface. Then, sprinkle them evenly with humus, but so that the root collar is almost on the surface of the earth. Soil around the bush ram and pour with warm water. After landing, the shoot must be cut to a level of 8-10 cm from the ground. From drying, the soil around the seedling is mulched with sawdust or humus.

    It is necessary to plant a new plant in the spring, when there is enough heat and light for the development of green mass and shoots. If the landing time is autumn, then the young escape must be covered with a double spanbond.

    Triple Crown - semi-upright shrub.

    The distance between plantings should be at least 1.5-2 m. Blackberry shoots develop rapidly and grow. Gradually, the series can turn into impassable jungle. Therefore, the distance between the bushes should be sufficient. It is advisable to plant blackberries along the fence, which would serve as its support. Gradually formed a hedge.

    Recommendations for care

    1. Weeding and loosening the soil under a bush should be carried out at first. After rooting the shoot, the ground should not be disturbed. When damaged, the roots can give rise to shoots that thicken the okolostvolny circle.
    2. Blackberry can fully grow without frequent watering. It is necessary during the tying and ripening of berries in June and September. It is enough to water the bushes once a week if there is no rain.
    3. Blackberry Triple Crown Shoots need support. They are fixed on a trellis with a height of 2 m. For this purpose, a wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm is tensioned parallel to the ground at a height of 50, 100, 150 cm. As they grow, they twine around the wire and fix it. When the shoot reaches the height of the last tier, the top is cut. After this procedure, the lateral branches begin to actively develop.

    The shoots of next year will develop in the lower tier all summer.

    1. After harvesting, old and excess shoots are pruned. In spring, this procedure can be supplemented by removing frozen or broken branches. On the bush 5-6 healthy shoots are left.

    Top dressing

    Blackberry is an unpretentious crop, but the intensive growth of shoots and abundant fruiting depletes the strength of the plant. They are reduced by adding saltpeter or urea once in spring. You can replace these fertilizers with organic matter - mullein or diluted chicken manure.

    Once every 2-3 years, the soil around the bush is fed with a mixture of humus, potassium and superphosphate.

    Ready to harvest blackberry berries Triple crown

    Breeding features

    Propagate the non-bearing blackberry by rooting tops and cuttings.
    Cuttings cut out of excess remote shoots. Propagation by the tips is carried out as follows - the upper part of the one-year-old shoot is removed, the leaflets are torn off and sprinkled with earth to a depth of 10 cm.

    To escape not "popped", it is fixed in the ground with a pin. This place is abundantly watered. Do it in the spring. By the end of the summer, the cuttings take root. It does not need to be separated from the bush until spring. At the beginning of the next growing season, the "baby" is cut off and planted in a new place.

    About diseases and pests

    Blackberry Triple Crown is disease resistant and unpretentious. But like raspberries, it can be affected by fungus or bacteria. Here are some of them:

    • Septoria infection - kidney damage and shoots. The color of the bark changes, it cracks, sick kidneys disappear. Berries do not develop, do not ripen.
    • Mushroom Fragmidium Rubi - rust on the leaves. The leaves are covered with a cluster of yellow spores. They rapidly spread and seize the plant. Disputes ripen with black dots on shoots and buds.

    Early treatment will help stop these diseases. For this use infusion of milkweed or garlic. Chop 300 g of garlic or herbs and pour 3 liters of warm water. Insist 24 hours. Then the infusion of strain, dilute with water 1:20 and process the entire plant.

    Blackberry Triple Crown variety suitable for breeding and novice and experienced gardeners. Agrotechnics growing simple, bushes generously bestow those who properly care for them.

    Triple Crown is one of the best in its class. In any garden area, it will be not only a source of tasty and healthy berries, but also an ornament. Lush green trellis can be a beautiful hedge or gazebo.

    Fresh berries ripen gradually, you can feast on them until the cold. Surpluses of the exotic product for our latitudes sell well on the market.

    Blackberry Triple Crown has no flaws. It is exceptionally good for breeding by amateur gardeners.

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