When can I change the blackberry to a new location?


Blackberry is a distant relative of another berry culture - raspberries. The fruits of the wild-growing blackberry are delicious enough, so it has recently become cultivated. Berries have a pleasant, slightly sour taste.They differ in juiciness and are used both in fresh and in processed form. From the blackberry you can make delicious jams, compotes, jellies. Also from her make drinks - syrups, juices, liquors. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to replant the blackberry in spring and autumn.

This plant is unpretentious in the issue of lack of moisture. Having a powerful root system, the blackberry easily tolerates drought.

Table of contents

  • What time is it possible to transplant the blackberry
    • Transplant in the spring
    • Autumn transplantation
  • How to transplant the blackberry to a new location?
  • We care for the blackberry after transplantation

What time is it possible to transplant the blackberry

Observing the rules of transplantation, the blackberry can be transplanted at any time: in spring and autumn

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. It all depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region.

Blackberry bush with fruits

When a blackberry transplant in the springthis must be done before bud blossoming. It is undesirable to disturb the plant in May. This month there is active sap flow, and careless actions will damage the plant.

In autumn, the most favorable period for transplantation isthe third decade of September - the beginning of October. Practice an autumn transplant in areas where early frosts are not so strong.For the winterBlackberries must always be covered - this applies to frost-resistant varieties. Transplant the blackberry follows a month before the onset of frost. In this case, the plant will have time to adapt to the new conditions.

Transplant in the spring

Some varieties of blackberries are recommended to be transplanted only in early spring. For example - bezshipnye varieties.The roots of the blackberry are tender and fragile enough, so it is important to change it with a clod of earth. Then the blackberry will get well and will not freeze.

Transplant the blackberry in spring follows with a lump of earth

Transplant the blackberry in spring ways:division of the maternal bush or root processes. These operations are carried out when the threat of recurrent frosts passes. Plant the plants with a distance between the bushes 11 cm. The planting pit is well fertilized, but the roots of the blackberry should not touch directly with the fertilizer.

The soil under the blackberry bushes should be loose and well drained.

At the transplant site, all weeds are removed and grooves are sown to a depth of 30 cm. In this trench, compost or old manure mixed with the earth is added.When transplanting, the roots of the plant are straightened, making sure that they are horizontal, covered with earth and compacted. The upper kidney is placed at a height of 2 cm above the ground.

If spring cuttings are carried by cuttings, they are settled into a prepared trench and covered with a layer of soil (up to 8 cm). The planting is covered with a layer of mulch, which includes sawdust, hay, humus.

Autumn transplantation

Transplantation in autumn is practiced in those areas where the long and warm autumn. In this case, the transplanted shrub or stalk manages to adapt to frost.When transplanting in autumn, blackberries are sheltered for the winter. This applies to frost-resistant varieties. Cold-resistant varieties are covered, if frosts are possible up to -20 degrees. A simple winding blackberry dies at -10 degrees below zero. Thin shoots are removed from the supports, twisted into bundles, ground over the ground and covered.

If you grow a stand-up variety of blackberries, then shelter can be difficult. After trying to bend the shoot, it breaks easily at the base.To prevent breakage of the stem at its base, an artificial hillock is poured and already shoots are laid on it.

In the autumn transplant, blackberry bushes should be well sheltered for the winter

Another original way is to tie some cargo to the upper end of the shoot. Under its action to the beginning of frosts, the shoot descends to the ground.

Shoots that are laid in one way or another cover with sawdust, hay or straw. Above lay polyethylene of dark color or roofing material.

Carrying the autumn pruning, prepare cuttings from lignified shoots, which are well ripe.

As for the summer blackberry transplantation, opinions are divided. Any plant can be transplanted year-round. So if you do not mind the cultivars of blackberries, try it. Only,we must adhere to some recommendations:

  • work done either in the early morning or evening, after sunset.
  • all actions need to be done as quickly as possible. Dug up the plant and immediately transplanted. Blackberry under the open sun quickly fades and withers.
  • after transplantation is betterartificially plant.
  • first time you needwater abundantlytransplanted bush.

How to transplant the blackberry to a new location?

On annual shoots of blackberry buds develop, and only in the second year begins fruiting. The plant is unpretentious and takes root on any soils. The qualitative crop depends, first of all, on the correct separation of fruit-bearing and new shoots.By the methods of separation of shoots distinguish:

  • horsetail formation. Fruit-bearing branches are sent to the sides, and new ones are formed in the center.
Scheme of blackberry bush fan formation
  • cable formation. Branches with fruits grow along a stretched wire. New branches, similar to the previous method, grow in the center.
The scheme of formation of a bush of a blackberry by ropes
  • wave formation. One of the new ways. The branches with berries are placed on the lower rows, and the young ones on the upper rows.
The scheme of formation of a bush of a blackberry by waves

Before you choose a variety of blackberries and place it on the site you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of its planting:

  • for the bush it is necessaryprepare a pit40x40 cm.
  • roots cover with simple soil. The rest of the pit space is filled with soil mixed with manure.
  • enduredistance between bushesup to 1 m.
  • the seedling is cropped at a height20-25 cmfrom the soil level.

You can carry out breeding work during the summer and autumn. Options for planting blackberries are different depending on its class.Rolling blackberryplanted by dividing the mother's bush, horizontal and apical taps, cuttings.Reproduction methods of upright blackberry- division of the mother's bush, cuttings and root shoots.

  • rooting of the apical taps. The simplest and most common method of reproduction of blackberries. Any one-year shoot with a growing end is pressed into the ground, fixed and covered with earth. Place the fixation constantly kept moist. The prickly end of the shoot does not grow, but begins to take root. After one or two months, new shoots appear, the root system is fully formed. The bush is cut off from the mother's branch and transplanted.
If you stayed with the operation and started it in August or September, then you will have to transplant only next spring. For winter, the places of powders are covered with sawdust or leaves.
  • rooting of horizontal taps. Under the bush loosen a horizontal strip of earth. To her bend an annual escape and strengthen it. Sprinkle and maintain moisture in this place. After the same one or two months, cut and cut into several pieces transplanted.
  • rooting of root processes. In spring new shoots growing from the roots develop on the surface. In this connection, the connection with the mother's bush is not lost. The green shoots are excavated, from May to June. Dig them out with a clump of earth and transplant them to a new place. The height of the excavated shoots should be 10 cm. The remaining shoots are better to remove when loosening the soil.
  • division of the maternal bush. This method is used if it is necessary to uproot the entire uterine shrub and transfer the blackberry to a new site. Old shoots with roots are destroyed, but only young ones with a developed root system are transplanted.
. . Scheme of reproduction of blackberry apical layering.. Reproduction of blackberry planting root shoots.. Reproduction of blackberry by dividing the mother's bush.. Reproduction of blackberry by cuttings.

We care for the blackberry after transplantation

The main thing in caring for the blackberry is the right place for planting, watering and timely fertilizing bushes. Plant the plant in a place where the soil under the bushes will warm up and there will be no stagnation of water.

In spring, stagnation of water near the roots can lead to decay of the plant. The soil under the bushes should be maintained in a loose state.

That the bush well developed it is necessary to spend constantly feeding with organic fertilizers.

When caring for blackberry shrubs, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • spend a garterand pruning shrubs.
  • since the blackberry is a non-resistant plantshoots cover for the winter. To do this, they are bent to the ground and sprinkled with leaves.
  • for the control of the gall mitein autumn, cut sick branches and spend spraying a bushgarlic infusion.
  • on hot summer days is recommendedIn the evening spray the bushes with water. This helps young shoots to get stronger before the winter.
  • in the spring, at the beginning of budding shootsspend fertilizing with potassium fertilizers.

Blackberry - a plant that has medicinal properties. Fruits contain nicotinic acid, vitamins and minerals.Acts as an antipyretic. For medicinal purposes, the blackberry is used fresh, like jam and as a tea. Use berries and young leaves.

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