Why does the pear not bloom and does not bear fruit and what should I do?


Why does not the pear bloom and bear fruit? There are various reasons why a pear does not bear fruit. Consider them in order.

In botany pearis defined as a class of dicotyledons, a flowering branch, a family of pink, a genus of pear (lat. Pyrus). The height of the trunk is up to 20-25 m, the diameter of the crown is up to 5 m.There are about five thousand varieties of pears. Individual trees can live up to two hundred years. The average harvest yield of fruits is about five tons per hectare, the maximum harvest from one tree is up to one ton.There are 33 kinds of pears. According to safety and cleaning time, pear varieties are divided into summer, autumn and winter.


Table of contents

  • The main reasons why not blossoms and does not bear fruit
  • For what year after planting the tree begins to bear fruit: varietal features
  • How many years on average does it bear fruit?
  • Will the pear bear fruit if it is alone?
  • How to make fruit, what to do

The main reasons why not blossoms and does not bear fruit

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Pear quite unpretentious plantand does not require any special conditions for its growth.

But, of course, good soil, sufficient lighting and loosening of the soil favorably affect it. So, unfavorable conditions can affect its flowering and fruit bearing.

It is known that almost all sorts of pears are self-fruitful. I.efor pears need cross pollination, since their own pollen does not form the ovary. Therefore, it is necessary that there are several varieties of pears in the garden.

It is important to take into account that the maturity dates coincide. The same problem can be solved by vaccinating a pear of one kind of a branch of another variety.

To the pear bloom and give fruit, you need to have on the site not one tree, but several

Frost - the second reason, affecting the flowering and fruiting of the pear. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the effect of cold on various parts of the plant:

  • early in the spring flowers, buds and ovaries do not tolerate frost, so when choosing seedlings it is not advisable to purchase southern varieties (unless, of course, you live in the middle or northern strip). Thermophilic varieties in these conditions require additional care for their protection, for example, with polyethylene films;
  • in the beginning of winter snow, as a natural insulation, is still scarce. And the temperature has already dropped sufficiently to freeze the roots of the plant and destroy or weaken it. In these cases, you need to take care of the warming of the roots, covering them around the perimeter with some kind of insulation (leaves, branches, needles);
  • Also, from the frost in winter, the tree can break the bark. In this case, the smearing of the damage with clay, garden varnish with subsequent wrapping of the cloth will help;
  • The cold north wind is also unfavorable for the pear. Therefore, when planting, you should consider this and find a sufficiently protected place for the seedling (for example, a fence, a wall, etc.).

It should be taken into account thatinsufficient illuminationcan also adversely affect the yield of pears. Therefore, protecting the tree from the wind, it is also necessary to take care of its sufficient illumination.

The cause of poor fruiting can also be an inept landing of a tree. The root neck of the pear after planting should be approximately at the level of the soil surface.

Otherwise, if the neck is high above the ground, then the tree should be hilled. And if, on the contrary, it is low, then the extra land needs to be deflected and discarded.

Pear does not like transplant. This is especially true of large seedlings. If possible, this should be avoided. And if all this fails, then you need to take extra care of the young seedlings, enough watering it.

But sometimes even under favorable conditions a pear can not bear fruit. The reason for this can be simple -julienne.

Some pear varieties begin to bear fruit after planting for the 10th year and even later

There are pear varieties that bloom for the first time and begin to bear fruit only on the 10th or even the 15th year of life. There's nothing to be done, except to get him another sort of vaccination.

Another misfortune for pears ispests, for example, a medina. Even early in the spring, it can damage the kidneys, even without letting them blossom.

There are pears and other enemies, for example, apple floret, moth. In addition, these pests are able to bring with them to the tree fungi, which form later on the leaves a dark plaque.

Therefore, pear trees should be sprayed with appropriate preparations, both before flowering and during it (for example, chlorophos or carbophos).

You may be interested in the following articles:

  • How to properly plant and transplant a pear in the fall.
  • Full description of the pear variety Talgar beauty.
  • Planting and care for the column-shaped pears.

Soil depleted of nutrients, can also cause the absence of fruiting. Lack of nitrogen can make up for manure. It is also desirable to purchase and enrich the soil with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

As with protecting the tree from the wind, it is also necessary not to overdo it here. If the soil is oversaturated with manure and fertilizers, it can lead not to growth of fruits, but to increased growth of branches and leaves.

This increase creates a strong thickening of the pear crown. This unproductive waste of tree forces adversely affects the crop. The fruits of this become smaller and their number decreases. thereforeThe crown of a tree requires regular pruning.

Pear must be competently trained and regularly cut

In this case,remove young shoots growing inside the crown. And the branches growing upward at a greater angle should be bent downwards and fixed horizontally.

But here also a reasonable and commensurable approach is needed. Too zealous pruning can further deplete a weak tree. Therefore, while the seedlings have not yet begun to bear fruit, trim should be made minimal.

Pear does not like high acidity of the soil, as well as waterlogging it. Therefore, when watering, you need to take this into account.

To the same can lead andtoo high groundwater, in which the roots of the tree begin to rot. This trouble is desirable to avoid even when landing the seedling on the site.


For what year after planting the tree begins to bear fruit: varietal features

The pear does not have a certain age of fruiting. This age varies widely between different varieties of pears - from 10-15 years, to ultra-fast varieties of one year.

Below is the age of the beginning of fruiting of some popular pear varieties in alphabetical order:

  • Annushka- on the 1-2-th year after planting;
  • Bergamot- 7-8 years;
  • Bere Bosk- for 6-7 years;
  • Bessemyanka- by 8-9;
  • Veles- 5-7 years;
  • Victoria- for 6-7 years;
  • Williams- for 5-6 years;
  • Children's- for 4-5 years;
  • Duchess- for 5-6 years;
  • Forest Beauty- for 6-7 years;
  • Limonka- 7-8 years;
  • Honey- for 3 years;
  • Moldavian early- for 3-4 years;
  • Nika- for 5-6 years;
  • November- for 3-4 years;
  • In memory of Yakovlev- for 3-4 years;
  • Petrovskaya- for 3-4 years;
  • Pushkinskaya- for 4-5 years;
  • Rogneda- for 3-4 years;
  • Rossoshanskaya later- for 5-6 years;
  • Siberian- for 4-5 years;
  • Fairytale- 5-7 years;
  • Early maturing- for 5 years;
  • Treasure- 5-7 years;
  • The Talgar Beauty- for 4-5 years;
  • Favorite- 7-8 years;
  • Chizhovskaya- for 3-4 years.

How many years on average does it bear fruit?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Varieties of pears in this indicator are very diverse. This period can last for 10 and 50 years. After fading, the tree dies very quickly.

Statisticallythe maximum age of fruiting of pear trees is 60-70 years. But statistics, of course, contains exceptions. Cases were recorded when pears reached the age of one hundred and even 150 years.

Now you can still meet with us100-year-old Lemon Pear. His longevity, against the background of other varieties, is also differentPear ordinary. The duration of her life is up to 120 years, and under favorable conditions it fructifies up to two hundred years.

Pear fructifies on average from 10 to 50 years, there are varieties that give fruit to 100 years

Will the pear bear fruit if it is alone?

This question has already been partially answered above. But let us say a few more words about this.

Pear predominantly cross-pollinated plants. Therefore, self-pollination does not lead to ovary formation. And therefore the probability of the birth of fruit in one pear in the garden is not high.

It is good in this case, if the pears grow in the neighbors on the site. ButYou can solve this problem yourself, planting together (at a distance of 3-4 meters) several different varieties of pears.

And if the lack of space does not allow this, thenyou can plant one or two types of a second variety on a variety of pears.

Nevertheless, there arevarieties of pears, capable of self-pollination. The phenomenon is quite rare, and therefore very valuable. Therefore, here are some of them.

These include: Banquet, Winter birch Michurin, In memory of Yakovlev, Chizhovskaya, Jubilee Korneeva.


How to make fruit, what to do

Above, in the section dealing with the reasons for the inefficiency of pears, this question has already been largely covered. Now it remains to add thatconstant fruit bearing of pears contributethe following recommendations:

  1. To access the root system of more oxygen, you should periodically loosen the soil under the tree. Pear loves it and will respond by increasing fruitfulness.
  2. In the dry summer will not hurt and additional watering the pear, although it is a drought-resistant plant.
  3. It is also necessary to feed manure, compost and mineral fertilizers. It is convenient to combine this with a digging digging. For a tree, five kilograms of manure is enough once in 2 years, and superphosphate is 50 grams.
To pear blossom and fruit, it needs watering, loosening and fertilizing the soil
The remaining measures to increase fruiting (protection from frost, hilling and digging, fighting with pear pests, reasonable trimming of the thickening of the crown, inoculation of harvest varieties) were already considered by us higher.

Pear - a valuable and loved by many fruit tree, bringing a fragrant and amazingly delicate taste fruit.

Jams, jams, compotes, jams and just dried pears allow you to recall the past summer and appreciate this unpretentious tree gratefully.

It is only a little extra to take care of it, and it will gratefully respond to your care with a plentiful harvest.

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