Pear is the most common fruit tree. It is quite unpretentious, so it can be grown in different climatic zones. The fruits are delicious, juicy and useful, thanks to this every gardener wants to have the best grade.
In this article we will talk about the description of the pear variety of the Conference, learn its advantages and disadvantages and understand how to deal with pests.
Table of contents
Description of pear variety Conference
Advantages and disadvantages
Rules of landing
Nursing in spring and autumn
Diseases and pests
Reviews of gardeners
Description of pear variety Conference
The conference is a sort of pear. The name was given to the fruit by a conference on growing pears, which was held in Britain. Mass acquaintance took place with this variety much later.
Fruit ripening occurs in the second half of September. The fruits are elongated, large in size. The color is greenish-yellow, the skin is stiff with a matt shade, with inclusions of small brown spots. The pulp is juicy, fragrant, soft and melts in the mouth.
Taste is inherent in tart taste due to the content of tannin in the skin.
The height of the fruit tree can reach 5 meters, for a season the tree gives shoots more than 60 cm, but this depends on the weather conditions.
The crown of the tree is broad and dense, like a cone. Do not ripen the fruit can only in the event that the summer is cool. The hibernation is poor.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of the variety:
Abundant and regular fruiting.
Self pollinated.
The variety does not need pollinating trees. Pear tree takes up a lot of space, so it can serve as a pollinator for the rest of the pear varieties.
Excellent taste qualities of fruits, give the opportunity to grow pears for sale.
Store a variety of pears "Conference" can be for six months, just put them in the cellar or refrigerator. It will not lose taste and aesthetic qualities.
Weak winter hardiness, temperature drops below 20 degrees will negatively affect the state of the variety.
Fruiting can depend on weather conditions. Cold, rain and wind will not give the fruits a good ripe, and this will affect their taste. The sun promotes the correct maturation of the fetus.
Unpresentable appearance, but this is not the main thing, because the taste is more important.
Exposure to diseases caused by fungi.
Fruit of pear variety Conference
The fruit does not ripen on the tree, so harvest should be removed and put in a cool dry place.After lying a few days, the rush will ripen, begin to gain flavor and delicate taste.
Advantages include the compliance to heat treatment without loss of taste and useful properties. From it you can prepare jam and other delicacies. Due to the fact that it contains acids, which contribute to the improvement of digestive processes.
Fruits must be eaten correctly. It is not necessary to eat a pear on an empty stomach and is strictly forbidden to wash down with water. You can eat fruit only half an hour after the meal. The healing properties are only ripe fruits.
Calorie content of the pear is quite low, only 42 kcal per 100 g of product. They are recommended to include in various types of diets.
Rules of landing
Planting in the garden begins with choosing a place. The variety likes to loose soil, but at the same time it must retain moisture. Good for growing pears loose loam or chernozem.
Pear loves sunlight, but does not like strong wind.In winter, wind can cause freezing, in summer and in spring - it knocks off fruit and ovaries. Therefore, put the Conference in a sheltered place from the wind. Damage to the tree can cause increased humidity, therefore, for planting, do not choose the lowland.
The variety is resistant to heat. Remember, the correct location of the tree will help you get a better harvest faster. The adult plant is large enough, so there should not be any perennial plants around it.
Sitting a pear next to the buildings is not desirable. Since the tree crown starts to form incorrectly, resulting in a poor harvest.
Planting young seedlings is carried out - autumn. Plant a variety of pears Conference is better in late September. The young tree will have time to gain strength, root and prepare for the winter. Before the onset of frosts it is necessary to hide the tree from rodents and frost.
Flowering pears in the nursery
For planting, choose only annual saplings with a developed root system.Branches of a young tree should be elastic. Before planting the plant, it must be soaked in clean water with the addition of a growth stimulant for 12 hours.
Pit preparation. It must be at least 1 m deep and wide. This depth promotes a good development of the root system. At the bottom of the pit lay drainage, then fall asleep with earth, which was excavated from the pit. You can add peat to the soil, humus. From mineral fertilizers use superphosphate or dolomite flour. Do not use fresh manure, it decomposes badly and can burn young roots.
After the ground has been preparedIn the center of the pit, make a small mound, which must be planted with a seedling. The root system is carefully spread out and covered with earth. Remember that the root neck of the tree should be 3 cm above the soil level.
The earth is priptoptat and form a circular shaft.
The plant is well watered.How the moisture will be absorbed by the ground mulch with straw or grass. For a more secure planting, the tree can be tied to a peg that is 15 cm farther than a tree.
A young plant is afraid of direct sunlight, so it must be pritenyat, otherwise they will constantly turn yellow, blacken and fall off leaves.
Nursing in spring and autumn
Care in the spring is to remove the winter shelter and inspection for damage. All damages must be disinfected. You can use copper sulfate for this. The lower part of the trunk is whitened with a solution of lime with the addition of PVA glue. This way you can destroy pests and pathogens. Around the tree loosens the soil well, as a result of which bacteria, spores and larvae of pests are destroyed.
To increase the yield and to strengthen the immunity of the tree, a spring top dressing is necessary.
Before blossoming, the wood is sprayed with a solution of urea, or vitriol. In autumn the tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Top dressing should be performed immediately after harvesting, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for the winter.
Fruit on the pear Conference ready for collection and storage
Preparing for wintering is a fairly important event.In November, the tree must be hidden.Roots and the bottom third of the trunk are covered with earth about 25 cm thick.
The first harvest from a young tree will be after about 5 years of life in one place. About 40 kg of fruit are removed from one adult tree. Harvesting begins in late September. It is better to remove the unripe fruit, because on the tree they will not be able to gain juiciness, softness.
Harvest is necessary only in good weather, it must be dry.In order to avoid damage to the fruit, collect them in baskets, then spread out in a ventilated room for several days. This is necessary, in order for them to evaporate unnecessary moisture, preventing long-term storage.
Diseases and pests
Pear The conference is subject to various pests and diseases. Follow the tree and in case of any changes, solve the problem radically.
White or brown spots on leavesIs a sign of manifestation of entomosporia or septoria. The disease can affect not only the leaves, but also shoots, fruits. The disease leads to deformation of the fruit, shoots grow poorly, and the leaves fall off. Combat the problem by spraying wood with a Bordeaux solution or other fungicides. For example, Kuprostat, Skor, Champion. For prophylaxis every spring, it is necessary to handle the near-trunk circle with Nitrofen.
The scab affects the fruit sometimes and leaves.The touch is onovsistaya, brown color. The spots are small, but eventually spread to the entire fruit. As a result, it is deformed, the skin is cracked, it is not recommended to use such fruits for food. Fighting the problem must be cardinal. At the first occurrence of infection, the infected site is cut and burned.The harvest of fresh pears Conference
For prevention, you can use a urea solution or a solution of the Bordeaux mixture.
Rust on the leaves.When affected, all foliage is removed and burned. If the tree is badly affected, its crown should be treated with chemical preparations containing copper and sulfur.
Fruit rot.It affects the flesh of the fetus and the flesh, as a result of which it becomes mealy and an unpleasant smell appears. Such a fruit can not be eaten. In case of defeat, all fruits are destroyed, and the tree is treated with Biomix.
Powdery mildewmanifests itself in the form of a grayish coating on the leaves. The affected leaves twist and dry up. To fight use a solution of manganese or a solution of soda ash. To keep the solution well kept on the tree, you can add a laundry soap.
Black spots,which can cover the trunk, branches, fruits. As a result, the infected areas begin to dry up. Fight will be lime with the addition of copper sulfate. Every spring the branches and trunk blemish.
Aphidcovers the inside of the leaves. Fight using a spray of wood with such drugs: Agroverin, Iskra-Bio.
Reviews of gardeners
Tatiana, Moscow region:I can say with full confidence that the pear Conference on my dacha site has been growing for a long time. She is well experienced in the winter, gives a good harvest.
Marina, Rostov on Don:The conference is the taste of my childhood. My grandfather's pear grew in the shade. Every year a good harvest was harvested, the fruits were eaten until the very spring. If we compare the fruits with the shops, we have them a little smaller, and the taste is even better. The tree is not very tall, although last year it was frozen out, but we are inclined to the fact that next to it was planted mulberry, most likely it influenced the development of the pear.
Katerina, Sumy:It grows on my dacha section of the pear for many years. Every year fructifies. The first harvest was waiting for almost 10 years, the harvest on the tree does not ripen, so it removes pears and piles on the cabinet. The taste qualities of this variety are extraordinary. A variety is happy and I advise everyone.
Pear Conference - the most fruitful and unpretentious variety. The guarantee of a good harvest depends on the correct planting and timely control of diseases. Pay attention to the variety, and you will get a rich and healthy harvest.
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