Pear is the most revered and unique in its healing and taste properties fruit. Saturated with a large amount of fiber, it helps to improve the body and improve mood. The sweet “gift of the gods” that came to us from the prehistoric era, is still driving everyone crazy with its delicious aroma.
In this article we will talk about the pear variety Muscovite, we will know its description and taste characteristics.
Content of the asd.last century, in the 80s, in the Agricultural Academy. K.A.Timiryazev, known breeders: S.T.Chizhov and S.P.Potapov. The name of the Muscovite comes from the purpose of the variety for growing in the gardens of the Moscow region. The yield of the variety reaches 15-20 tons per 1 hectare. By the time of ripening of fruits refers to the early autumn variety. The collection of the Muscovite variety is carried out from the beginning of September until the end of October. Earlier varieties include pear Augustus dew.
The variety grows in areas of the temperate continental climate zone of Russia. In the sharply continental and monsoon climate, the variety is not grown. It is widespread in the Moscow region. Zoning: Central, Middle Volga and Volga-Vyatka regions.
Short shoots have an average size. Their curved shape with a light brown shade. On the shoots in sufficient quantities grow convex and small lentils. The variety has a sufficient winter hardiness. tolerates temperatures up to –20 ° C, being an average indicator of frost resistance of the variety
For a pear, pollinator varieties are necessary due to its inability to fruit without cross-pollination.

The best pollinators are the variety:
- Otradnenskaya;
- Favorite Yakovlev;
- Elegant Efimova;
- Marble;
- Lada.
Characteristic of trees and fruits.
Trees of the stem type, medium tall. Seedlings are columnar crown, and adults - conical. Crohn is quite an average degree of foliage. Skeletal branches are slightly lighter in color than the trunk of a tree. The oval shape of green leaves is small. The flowers contain a white corolla.
Ш irokogrushvoobraznye yellow fruit with a greenish tint, without blush. Fetal weight reaches 110-130 grams. The flesh is white, with granulation in the middle. The aromatic consistency of the flesh - sweet-sour taste.
The history of breeding and the region of breeding
The origin of Muscovite pear - from seedlings of pear varieties "Kieffer", bred in Philadelphia. In the experimental trials of 1986, conducted at the testing site of the cities of Moscow and Orel, the variety did not produce mostly fruits.
However, a year later, there were global changes in the study. In unfavorable weather with low air temperature during flowering, a high set of fruits was observed. Revealed more than 50% on benchmarks. All this happened with artificial and natural self-pollination.

Advantages and disadvantages of
Grade advantages:
- early autumn variety;
- dessert type variety;
- has scurry;
- stable fruiting;
- high yield;
- lack of carrion;
- has a high quality appearance;
- excellent aromatic taste;
- excellent portability of transportation;
- long-term storage;
- resists fruit rot, brown spot, scab;
- resistant to aggressive environmental conditions.
- self-infesting variety;
- medium frost resistance;
- low drought tolerance.
Rules for planting
seedlings Muscovite sowing is done in two seasonal variations:
- autumn: all October;the best period is from 10 to 20 October.
- Spring: April - May;the best period is April 20-30.
Seedlings for planting should be one-year or two years old. Usually planted seedlings with two years of age. It is this age of trees that has a formed root system suitable for planting.

Selection of seedling for planting:
- seedling height should be 70 - 80 cm;
- pruned powerful and rotten roots from 10 to 20 cm;
- cut tip;
- broken leaves;
- pruned broken branches.
One hour before planting, the seedlings are placed in water, or in a solution of mullein.
Pears grow on loamy and sandy-black earth soil. It needs a sunny and dry place. The soil must have loose properties, be fertilized, and give air circulation. It must contain a small amount of clay and sand. In advance, a fortnight before landing, prepare a pit.
Soil preparation for planting:
- top soil layer is deposited up to 40 cm;
- digs a hole - with a diameter - from 80 cm to 1 meter, to 1 m in depth;
- need to fill the pit with soil prepared in the following proportions:
humus - 2.5 buckets,
sand - 2.5 buckets,
superphosphate - 1.5 cups,
potassium sulfate - 2.5 tablespoons,
any organic matter - 2 kg;
- fill the pit with earth;
- pour dolomite flour: 300 grams per 1 bucket of water;
- fill the pit with water - 2 buckets.

Seedling planting sequence:
- A hole is dug out with steep walls of size: width — up to 80 cm, depth — up to 70 cm.
potassium sulphate - 150 grams;
wood ash - 800 g;
ammonium nitrate - 2/3 filling pit.
- A peg is driven in in the center of the pit, with an exit to the surface, to a height of half a meter.
- Pour a little earth, in the form of a mound along the bottom of the pit.
- Place a tree on a hill, and evenly distribute the root system.
- The root neck of the seedling above the ground should be 5 cm.
- Fill the hole with soil, constantly shaking the seedling to distribute the root system, and to avoid emptiness.
- Thoroughly tamp the hole.
- Produce watering, about 3 buckets per sapling.
- Grind the well with a circle around the stem with dry humus.
- Snap a sapling to a peg.
Pristvolny circle to maintain moisture, you must constantly be kept clean, mulch any organic matter.Growing Conditions
After planting, the pear is watered: for one seedling - 1 time in 7 days, 1 bucket of water - in the morning and in the evening. With summer fruiting, watering increases, with the same approach, up to two times in 7 days. In winter, the lower part of the tree is covered with snow.
Ripe fruits Muscovites ready for harvesting
Fruit-bearing trees are watered:
- before bud break;
- after flowering - after 2 weeks;
- 2 - 3 weeks before the appearance of the fruit;
- after fruit removal.
Cessation of watering in September, prevents a prolonged growth of the shoot, and has a good effect on winter hardiness.Feed the variety in the next year after planting.
Methods of feeding trees to the tree trunk:
- fertilizers are used every year in the spring: per 1 sq. M.m: ammonium nitrate - 30 g;
- in the fall, fertilize once every 2 years:
per 1 sq. M.m, to choose from:
superphosphate - 50 g,
compost - half a bucket,
humus - half a bucket,
potassium sulphate - 30 g.
In the growing season, trees need cutting. This procedure should be carried out in early spring, until the bud breaks. So the crown of trees is formed faster. Shoots tend to level out during their growth.
The important position of the central shoot during pruning must be maintained.Pruning trees is as follows:
- removes branches that grow inside the tree;
- pruned weak shoots;
- pruned broken branches;
- removed one of the branches in contact with the other.
During pruning, it is necessary to remove no more than of the branches in order to prevent a stressful “blow” to the trees.The beginning of fruiting pear Muscovite under good conditions of care begins at 3-4 years of tree growth, and continues annually. The period of fruiting can reach more than 30 years.
Autumn pruning varieties of pears
Factors affecting poor fruiting:
- Improper feeding.
- Deepening when planting a root collar seedling.
- Small garden area.
- Shadow plot.
- “Attack” of a plot by an apple flower beetle.
- Thickness of the crown.
- Waterlogged soil.
With the elimination of important factors of poor fruiting, the result comes next year.
It is necessary to plant trees at a distance of up to 4 meters from each other, due to the spreading crown.Productivity and storage
A consistently high yield is obtained even in unfavorable climatic conditions. Up to 60 kg of crop can be harvested from a tree. For long-term preservation of pears, they should be removed until mature , with light green skin. Maturation occurs up to 7 days indoors.
Fruit storage periods:
- refrigerator - 0 ° C - 3 months;
- basement - up to 1 month.
Features of the pear variety Muscovite
Pears are soaked with plenty of nutrients. When exposed to the body, there is a fortifying effect. Thanks to the variety, the human immune system is strengthened.
Pear helps in the fight against colds, with antitussive and antipyretic effects. Beneficial to the digestive process, producing an effect of fixation. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, calming the heartbeat.
Diseases and pests
Resistance of the variety is manifested to brown leaf spot, fruit rot and scab.
In the spring time, spraying for fungal diseases is prevented:
- urea solution - 700 g - 1 bucket of water;
- with a solution of copper or iron vitriol - 150 g - 1 bucket of water.
Scab-infected fruit of the pear,
folk methods: decoction of chamomile, green soap;
- from mite: with a solution of colloidal sulfur;
- from the leaflet: before flowering - “Tsimbush”.
In the spring, damaged and wounded trees must be cured. This contributes to limit the spread of diseases.Gardener Reviews
Muscovite is a truly valuable variety for all gardeners. Hardy, with maximum fruiting, grown in many garden plots. Cristina
: Praised fairly. Good winter hardiness. Dense juicy pulp. It grows beautifully in the garden for more than 10 years. To sort of treat, as to the "consumer goods."If you want to speed up fruiting - to the horizon, plant branches.
Ivan: From Muscovites delighted! One of the most valuable pears. Suitable for gardens near Moscow, grows very well. I do not use nitrogen fertilizers in any case. I get a great harvest!
Yana: Muscovite bears fruit for the third year in the garden. Less than all suffered from cold and disease. The fruits are large and juicy.
The excellent characteristic properties of Muscovite are worthy of becoming the most beloved for everyone who loves a pear. Proper care of the fruit tree in the future will bring a generous harvest of delicious fruits. A storehouse of beneficial vitamins will always be on your table!