How to make a lathe and milling machine from a washing machine

Do you want to have your own lathe and milling machine? You do not have to go to the store to buy, you can make a self-made lathe from the engine of the washing machine.

From this article you will learn how to make the main parts of the device, perform their assembly and connect the machine.

Content of the material:

  • 1Instructions: how to make a lathe from the engine of a washing machine
    • 1.1Front headstock
    • 1.2Tailstock
    • 1.3Friend
  • 2How to make a milling machine

Instructions: how to make a lathe from the engine of a washing machine

Consider how to make a lathe for woodwork from the engine of a washing machine. With it, you can cut the workpieces, drill holes, and grind.

The machine has the main parts and components:

  • front headstock;
  • tailstock;
  • pandora;
  • frame.

An asynchronous electric motor can be used for operation from a washing machine. Two speeds - at 400 and 3000 rpm - will be enough.

Now consider in detail how to make each knot and assemble the whole structure with your own hands.

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Front headstock

From the device headstock, as well as the power of the motor will depend on the operating parameters of the device, the size of blanks. The spindle must be reliable, because it is subjected to radial and axial loads when it is pressed by the tailstock.

Do this:

  1. The body is made of 140 channels, which is cut into pieces and welded into a single structure at an angle of 90 degrees. The hull should come out 300x265 mm.
  2. On the smaller side, the connector for the bearing assembly is made. The device itself can be taken from the washing machine, only to fit to the required dimensions.
  3. The bearing assembly is installed in the hole through a paronit cushion, bolted to the casing.
  4. The bearings from the stylus remain in the knot, but the stuffing box is removed. Instead, install a thrust bearing.
  5. A belt pulley with a diameter of 70 mm is separately manufactured, and a shaft is provided with the provided seats for bearing mounting.
  6. Inside the structure of the channel, the base for fixing the motor is installed.
  7. The poly-V belt is tightened - to do this, move the motor along the mounting.
  8. The rear of the motor is attached to the channel.

With the manufacture of the headstock finished.


One of the main elements that allows you to press the wooden blank to the front headstock. From the reliability of the tailstock, it depends on how much work is quality and safe. From the length of the sliding element of the head will depend on the dimensions of the parts to be sharpened.

Get Started:

  • Take two channels with a width of 140 mm. Connect them using four strips of metal.
  • To the bottom of the case, weld two partitions using a welding machine.
  • In the partitions, fix two bushings 14x20 mm in size. One bushing is welded, and the other is secured with two screws.
  • The shaft is made for bushings: diameter 20 mm, edges 14 mm, the center is displaced by 2 mm. After installation, the shaft must fall and rise when rotating. When moving from above and below, there should be a gap of 4 mm, which will clamp and release the front headstock.
  • Take two pieces of pipe length 30-40 mm and diameter 21-23 mm. Weld them to the heads of bolts M12. Weld the tubes together, connecting with a wire 3-4 mm thick.
  • Attach the handle to the end of the shaft that comes out of the bushing.

Assemble the device as shown in the photo, and attach the bolts to the plate.

It needs to be tightened with nuts so that the design is fixed on the support when you rotate the handle from yourself. When moving toward yourself, it should descend and move along the support. This will allow you to quickly rebuild the machine for processing different parts.

Now you need to make a quill with a rotating center:

  1. Take three straight bearings and one stubborn.
  2. Pinol lead from a thick tube with a square section and dimensions of 30x30 mm. Refit the edges to 29x29 mm. At one end, fix it with a nut M12, on the other - a rod length of 12 mm. On the rod, press the three bearings.
  3. Make a housing for the quill from a pipe with a square section of 29x29 mm. From one end the case is completely closed, only the center hole remains. On the other hand, there is a cut where the nut with the eye is welded. Thus, by pushing the bolt into the nut with the eyelet, you will be able to secure the quill.
  4. Take the pin, where there should be a M12 thread from one end and M8 on the other. At the end of M8, wind the flywheel and fix the nut M8.
  5. To the body of the quill, weld two pieces of the corner and secure it to the tailstock.
  6. Adjust the tailstock, respectively, so that its center axis, rotating, coincides with the axis of the headstock spindle.


From the correct manufacturing of the pod depends on how much the device will be safe and convenient to use. To make it easy to rebuild and securely fastened, you need to make an eccentric clamp.

  • Take the rod from the shock absorber.
  • Make two sleeves with boards. Their diameter should be 26 mm. Make holes with a size of 14 and 10 mm in them. They should move 2 mm from the center.
  • From the larger end, drill the threaded holes to fix the bushings on the axle with screws.
  • Take the edge of the pipe so that its diameter is slightly larger than the rod. It is welded to the rod with a thread M12.
  • To make the case, take a channel of 80x40 mm. Inside, weld two partitions, make holes in them. In the holes weld the bushings with a diameter of 2, mm and a length of 19 mm.
  • The design must have backlashes so that the rod can rotate.
  • To fix the pod, to the rod weld a piece of pipe. Cut it at the end and weld the nut and sleeve on both sides. Screwing, the bolt should clamp the pod.

From the motor of the washing machine it is necessary to make the starting device. Therefore, the connection is made according to the scheme.

Be sure to make a casing for the engine. You can make it from pieces of laminate. On the body, install the speed controller, which will allow you to perform work of varying complexity.

How to make a milling machine

You can make a milling machine with a motor from a washing machine in the same way as a lathe. Use the construction of the front and rear headstock. The workpieces can be machined using a chisel, chisel or router.

Homemade from the motor of the washing machine turns out to be reliable and easy to use. The main thing is the preparation of detailed drawings, since in these constructions everything should be exact.

Use a self-made lathe and milling machine for processing wood and other household needs.

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