How to make emery from the engine of a washing machine

Do you have an old washing machine that can not be repaired? Do not rush to get rid of it, from this article you will learn how to make an emery from the engine of a washing machine.

Homemade grindstone from the motor is always useful in the household and for household needs. Especially, in shops, industrial sandpaper are expensive, whereas a grinding machine from a washing machine, an automatic machine, is free.

Content of the material:

  • 1What is emery for?
  • 2Which engine is suitable for making grit
    • 2.1What you need to create an emery from the motor of a washing machine
  • 3Stages of creating an emery from the engine of a washing machine by one's own hands
    • 3.1Motor connection
  • 4How to put an emery grinder and make a protection

What is emery for?

Sandpaper is useful for such works:

  • Restoring cutting qualities of a drill. In order not to buy new drills, you need to know how to sharpen the old ones. While working with a drill, the drill is very hot, which is why it is constantly dull. Having peredochiv it on the machine, you can use it many more times.
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  • Sharpening of knives, scissors, shovels and other tools. Thanks to the self-made machine from the washing engine, your knives will always be sharpened, and the scissors will cut perfectly. For this, no special effort is required.
  • If you replace the emery wheel with a polishing pad, you can easily process the products and parts.

Using the motor from the styralka, you can make your own grinding machine with your own hands. To do this you will have to buy just one detail - an emery circle. All other components are in the motor.

Which engine is suitable for making grit

Think about which engine you can use? You can apply any motor from the washing machine, even brands "Vyatka "Riga" or "Volga". The main thing is that it has sufficient power.

For normal operation of the grindstone, the power will be 100-200 W, from 1000-1500 rpm. For particularly large parts, a 400W motor is suitable. But if the engine speed reaches 3000 rpm, it needs to be adjusted or set a very strong disk.

What you need to create an emery from the motor of a washing machine

To make a simple grinder you will need:

  • engine from styralki;
  • flange;
  • sleeve;
  • a nozzle on the electric motor (an emery circle);
  • a casing for protection;
  • support;
  • starting device.

When buying a better choose a product with two circles: a clean and draft version.

You also need to make an adapter with a flange. Since the shaft size does not coincide with the hole of the grinding stone, it is necessary to make an adapter. It can be performed on a lathe, having previously determined the dimensions and having executed the drawing. On the diagram it is necessary to note the diameter of the shaft and the hole of the emery.

Flange on the shaft can be done by yourself. Suitable piece of pipe diameter of 32 mm, not more than 200 mm in length. It should ideally sit on the motor shaft. On one side of the flange, the thread is threaded, the direction of which depends on the direction of movement of the shaft. When sent to the engine, the other end of the flange heats up and presses.

After installation, fix the flange. You can do this with a welding or bolt, drilling a flange with a shaft.

The adapter is ready from the shaft. It remains to install an element for sharpening the incisors.

Stages of creating an emery from the engine of a washing machine by one's own hands

For a homemade adaptation, the engine with a belt drive is useful.

It remains to correctly assemble the device. After installing the flange, put a nut and washer on the shaft, then a large emery circle and again the nut and washer.

Motor connection

How to connect the engine from the washing machine-machine:

  • Using a multimeter tester, look for tachometer wires that show a resistance of 70 ohms (usually they are white). We will not use them.
  • There are four wires left. Using a multimeter, you need to determine the pair wires.
  • Connect the wires leading to the stator and to the electrobrushes. The remaining wires must be connected to the wire and the plug at the end, and then connected to the network.
  • Places of connections must be isolated.

Immediately after connection, the motor for domestic emery will start to work, and you will be able to evaluate the functionality of the device.

The connection of a Soviet-style electric propeller is different from the previous version.

  • Here you will find only 4 wires. We need to find pairs.
  • Take the multimeter, measure the readings of each of the wires. You need pair wires with less resistance, which go to the working winding.
  • Connect these wires to the plug and connect them to the mains.
  • Now you need to make a starting element. You can use any button, for example, from a door lock. Connect one wire from the button to the start wire (software), and the other to the worker (OB).

The motor is now connected. But before you start work, you need to firmly fix the machine to avoid an emergency situation.

How to put an emery grinder and make a protection

How to fix the sanding machine and put protection on it? You can screw it to the workbench.

To do this, use the bracket that is in the washing machine. To reduce vibration during operation, rubber gaskets are put on the corner, which can be made from a piece of hose.

If installing the device on a wooden workbench, cover it with a sheet of metal to prevent fire.

To protect yourself while using the machine, place an arc of metal above the disk. Also it is possible to strengthen the protection by attaching 5 mm plexiglass on the pendants. Due to the suspension, the glass can be raised and lowered.

It is not difficult to manufacture the grinding machine. The main thing is to properly fix it and connect it. Also adhere to safety rules at work, use safety glasses and special clothes.

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