How to make a wind generator from a washing machine

Have you wanted to establish an alternative energy source for a long time? A significant obstacle to the realization of the idea is the cost of the device. But do not despair, you can make a wind generator from the engine of the washing machine with your own hands.

This mechanism will rework wind power into electrical energy, and you will use it for everyday needs. To create your own device, read our article.

Content of the material:

  • 1Advantages of a self-made wind generator
  • 2Preparation for work
    • 2.1What other elements does the windmill consist of?
  • 3Instruction how to make a wind generator from an engine

Advantages of a self-made wind generator

If you buy a wind generator, even from a Chinese manufacturer, together with the installation, it will result in 7, 00 rubles. To create a windmill with your own hands, you will need patience and sleight of hand, as well as an old washing machine, extra details, time. But this work is worth the effort.

To get maximum efficiency from the device, it should be placed in an open space. The windmill starts at a wind speed of 2 to 3 m / s. To obtain the maximum efficiency (EFFICIENCY), the wind strength is 9-10 m / s.

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It is interesting! If you think that the higher the wind speed, the greater the efficiency, then this is not so. At 25 m / s the productivity of the windmill is significantly reduced, since the blades become perpendicular.

What is useful for a wind generator from a washing machine:

  1. The generated, 5 kW of energy is enough to light up two rooms and watch TV.
  2. When working out 1-5 kW you can use a refrigerator, a computer, a washing machine.
  3. 20 kW will not only provide all the premises with light, but also allow heating.

Consider how to make and install a wind generator with a power output, kW.

Preparation for work

The "heart" of the whole design is an electric generator. To make it, and you need a motor from a washing machine - you can use it from Vyatka or another Soviet brand. For this purpose, the motor rotor must be completely reworked.

Since it is long and laborious, it is recommended to buy a ready-made magnetic rotor, and here are the reasons:

  • To adjust the home rotor of the motor, it must be cut off on the lathe, and also to pierce the grooves for fixing the magnets.
  • You need to buy neodymium magnets, which stand as a new rotor.
  • Mount magnets must be reliable and accurate. A minimal shift to the side will result in their sticking and reduced productivity.

The rotor of the generator is the main and most expensive part of the design.

What other elements does the windmill consist of?

  • Mast.
  • Reducer.
  • Shaft.
  • Impeller.
  • Gears.
  • Flange.

We use what is near at hand, and we will make the mast. To do this, you can take a long pipe, but if there is not one, you can use pipe lengths of 32 mm. Cook them together and get a mast 10 meters high.

  1. Cover the painted mast.
  2. Secure the mast vertically. To do this thoroughly, you can use a pillar or other support. At the same time, expect that the support does not interfere with the rotation of the windmill.

Engage in the gear assembly, as shown in the photo below:

The reducer is designed to control and slow down the rotation of the propeller of the wind generator. So it protects the device from breakage during a strong wind. How to proceed:

  • Take the gear from the drive of the water pump. It is put on the mast, as noted in figure 5.
  • On the perimeter to the gears, connect the cuttings of the metal fittings. Secure the joint with welding. In the picture it is marked with the letter C.
  • For these trims (axles), bearings and gears are installed and pressed. This action is shown under the letter B.
  • A small pinion is put on the mast, which is marked by the letter A.
  • All gears are in contact with each other and constantly interact.

After the assembly of the structure, it is necessary to protect the mechanism from the weather. The figure below the figure 11 shows the body. To install it, you can take the case from an old pump or an electric motor.

Now you need to assemble the impeller. The blades are of this type: winged and sailing (like a windmill). It is better to stop the choice on the winged structure, they allow to obtain a greater efficiency.

Make blades of light and hard material: wood, aluminum, plastic. According to our installation, the length of the blades should be -2 meters.

You can also make a propeller from fiberglass sheet. But in order to achieve the rigidity of the construction, it is necessary to glue the workpieces in two layers. Then they are united in a single mechanism.

Preparation of the parts is over, proceed with the assembly of the wind generator.

Instruction how to make a wind generator from an engine

Here is a step-by-step example of how to build an alternative energy source from a direct drive engine.

To establish a support and the mast of the windmill is necessary in the open area, it is possible on a hill. After the support is installed, do the following:

  • At the mast, fasten the gear and propeller.

Some wind generators use a tail, as shown in the picture. It is made of light and material, allows you to rotate the structure in the wind.

  • Connect the long shaft to the gearbox base. Fix the shaft so that it does not fall out, but at the same time it freely rotates.
  • On the previously prepared support from the metal corners is mounted the generator, which is connected to the shaft.
  • For the generator and the rotor, it is necessary to provide a protective casing that will protect them from moisture ingress. To protect from frost in winter, cover the structure with silicone grease.

Install the windmill correctly in windless weather.


It is advisable to connect all electrical devices through the inverter.

It should be borne in mind that large installations emit strong noise and vibration. Now you can connect the generator to the network, and check the operation of the wind generator.

Be careful. Do not immediately connect expensive and powerful devices. Test the operation of the windmill on normal charging and other elementary devices.

The wind generator is an ideal option for a backup power source. It can serve as the main, but only for small farms or villas.

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