Screen for air conditioner do it yourself

A well-known case is that kvass overcooling caused pneumonia in the summer. Consider how to protect against the aggression of cold air. The screen for the air conditioner - a self-made shield - will serve as a barrier between health and the possibility of getting sick.

Split System

Hanging on the wall fan, beating in the back, is dangerous. Cardboard will help. Of course, it is better to buy a device closer to civilization, or to create something that stands alone with skillful hands. Otherwise - read the tips.

Method 1

In the general case, when no one is sitting under the place where the appliance is installed, creating a screen for an air conditioner is quite simple. A large sheet-sail of cardboard cut out of the packaging for household appliances along the length of the split system is reinforced with scotch tape at the top.

Is done so. Scotch strips protruding beyond the edges are glued across the sheet, with the intention of hooking the screen for the air conditioner to the split-system body. Now, under the adhesive tape, we will clean a large body space( without alcohol).You can not use either gasoline or alcohol for plastic cases or varnished.

instagram viewer

In the office, there are napkins for cleaning the monitor. The author is aware of a beautiful inscription with the ending -ol, but this alcohol, unlike ethanol, does not harm plastics, and the construction of the screen for an air conditioner requires non-standard solutions. Without stripping, the construction will not last even an hour under a jet of variable pressure.

It is necessary to turn off the device, stand on a chair, previously having spread two sheets of A4 format, and thoroughly degrease the split-case body. Protective screen for air conditioner ready. It remains to stick with scotch and smooth smooth.

Rotate the jet as far as possible and try to turn on the equipment. The air flow goes along the screen, the load is relatively small. The jet hits the floor, and the reflected flow is not so bad anymore, the lowered table causes air to pass between it and the wall.

Method 2

A screen that gives direction to a draft from a split system, not a screen. From the source materials do something unusual.

A screen for an air conditioner in the form of a cardboard along the length of the split-case body is horizontal, blocking the passage to the air. This is wrong, but. ..

There is no need to clean the case. Stock up with a roll of scotch, skillful hands, a sheet of cardboard and climb onto a chair, spreading a couple of A4 sheets. Screen for air conditioner lean on. Leave 5 cm between the nozzle and paper.

Scotch tape with a large margin - 70 cm - is unwound and covers the case and cardboard in the longitudinal direction. Directly as a parcel in the mail seal. The band covering the screen for the air conditioner, kept tightly.

Warning - do not turn on the device to its fullest in the first days. Unusual mode will cause equipment overheating or breakdown. At the first signs of abnormal split-system behavior, the screen for the air conditioner needs to be removed.

Method 3

If the wall is made of plasterboard and the head is not against the appearance of a pair or three holes of pin size, the screen-reflector for the air conditioner is made in this way.

Cardboard vygivaem letter G. Explanation: the sail is attached as a corner. The part near the wall should not be wide; the stationery power buttons are placed in it.

Note: Power buttons are stationery pins with small little handles to pin advertisements on boards or sheets of paper to a wooden table. Unlike the usual stationery buttons from a single circle of metal, these are equipped with a plastic handle that helps to dig deeper and remove for further use.

The power load is carried by scotch tape. In the train on the top shelf went? The conductor gives belts that prevent a person from falling at night. And there are comedic cases. These transverse straps fix the screen for the air conditioner, self-manufactured in spite of drafts.

Design part. So, for good cause you will need:

  1. Power buttons( the official name of the network).
  2. Sheet of cardboard along the length of the split-system, and in width exceeding the depth of the case by 15 cm - the body of the screen for the air conditioner.
  3. A small hank of stationery tape.
  4. Two A4 sheets and a chair.
  5. Skillful hands.

Device turns off. I want to small side of the screen for the air conditioner instantly pinned to the wall, but the process is different. Three meter-long pieces of scotch tape are cut off and glued across the body of the split system, hanging down freely. Do not fasten on the vertical wall of the case.

Now came the turn of the screen. It is glued with the outer surface on the hanging strips with the short side down. Installation is underway. The short side of the letter G is pinned to the wall, securely grabbing adhesive tape. The work is done correctly - the adhesive tape will remain between the drywall and the screen for the air conditioner.

When mounting, make sure that the large side of the cardboard corner hangs horizontally. And scotch shake vnatyag. From the bottom edge of the split system to the indentation screen will be 15 cm.

The method will send a jet in the horizontal direction, part of it will be reflected towards the ceiling. The advantage of the method is that the operating mode of the split system does not change dramatically; the chance of damage to property by a homemade screen for an air conditioner is extremely low.

Method 4

Taking this opportunity, I would like to complement the story with a specific screen application for an air conditioner. The barrier does not reflect, but directs the flow. You will need to stick the power buttons in the wall or nail the screen for the air conditioner with nails. There are cases, on the contrary, I want to direct the jet not along the wall, but towards myself. Well, the heat, summer, lying on the bed, sweat stream. A breeze would. ..

Instead of the letter G, we will produce a half C. The part hanging in the air will direct the flow to the bed.

The material will be needed as in method number 3.Begins the procedure of making the fitting. At 30 cm above the head of the headboard hands are bent cardboard. One side tight to the wall, and the other directs the flow on the bed. The resulting angle will be remembered, great accuracy is not necessary, it will be adjusted later.

The resulting shape of the screen for the air conditioner holds under the action of adhesive tape. In three places across rewind the cardboard, leaving bent. It remains to pin the buttons on the wall. Decreases the angle of the fold of the screen by winding an adhesive tape.

Because we are pilots. ..

Semi-professional models look more complicated. Two designs are available:

  • Plexiglas;
  • from beautiful plywood( veneer).

As in an

aircraft It is known that plexiglass is used in aviation for a reason. It is strong, durable. And Russian kulibins like plexiglass, unlike the usual glass, it bends when heated. Amateur soldering iron is needed. The letter G is required, but the bend angle of the screen exceeds 90 degrees. Get more V, overlapping the body in length. The width of the larger side extends 20 cm beyond the front panel of the split system.

The process is carried out in several stages, slowly. Sting gently passes through a small section of the future screen for the air conditioner. The warmed plexiglass begins to bend. The process is painstaking, but the screen is needed.

The resulting product is attached to the wall in a convenient way. Naturally, the clerical buttons for the screen do not fit: with a slight effort they flatten. It is more appropriate to use nails or screws. The screen for the air conditioner turned out transparent, it is important that the fasteners look beautiful.


plywood Find a piece of the wall panel or cover the plywood with wallpaper to match, you get a good screen. It remains to find a pair of metal corners, fix the plane at a distance of 15 cm from the outlet. The screen for the air conditioner regularly serves the season, sadness - must be fixed on the wall, which means that the holes will remain after dismantling.

For plastic, prepare a special fastener to hide the defect left by the screen for the air conditioner, and equip the drywall for the winter with chopikas in tone. In the case of wallpaper, the matter is simplified, you need to get a small piece from the roll. The outer end of the chopik is glued into the desired pattern.


The screen for the ceiling air conditioner can hardly be made on its own without spoiling the exterior of the room, and you cannot call it a cheap model. Is it worth it to make a screen for the air conditioner yourself, decide in relation to the situation.

Tips efficient, designs tested in practice, use screens for air conditioners!

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