Residents of country houses, accustomed to the comfort of city life, today also can afford to have on hand all the benefits of civilization. Modern sewage treatment plants allow you to organize an effective sewage system on your site.
Among similar equipment can be distinguished septic Cedar, in which an affordable price is successfully combined with decent performance. But is he good and is it worth buying? We will examine these questions in detail in our article, having considered the device of the septic tank, its working principle, the main advantages and disadvantages.
Also in this material we describe the features of installation and connection, we give recommendations for operation and periodic maintenance.
The content of the article:
- Device of clearing installation Cedar
- The principle of the treatment plant
- The advantages and disadvantages of a septic tank
- Biological products to improve cleaning efficiency
Features of installation and connection
- What to consider when choosing a place?
- Stages of installation work
- Recommendations for operation and maintenance
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Device of clearing installation Cedar
Septic Cedar refers to non-volatile devices that work in tandem with systems of ground purification.
The installation provides primary clarification of wastewater, which is then subjected to additional treatment when passing through filter wells or filter fieldswhere they go into the underlying layers of soil.
The need to arrange additional filtration systems does not allow the use of a settling tank in soils with high groundwater storage.
The most favorable for the installation of Cedar septic tanks are considered to be soils characterized by good permeability: sands of all degrees of density and fineness, gravel and rubble deposits with sandy placeholders.
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Cedar brand septic tank is a constructively improved septic tank that is independent of power supply.

The use of a septic tank in a private farm will ensure the improvement of the ecological situation, guarantees the protection of the environment from harmful emissions.

Vertically oriented tank, immersed in the ground, occupies minimum space on the site

The plastic case inside is divided into four chambers. With the sequential flow of wastewater from one to another, the wastewater is clarified and cleaned.

The septic tank must be at least 5 meters away from the foundation of the house so that in case of an emergency leakage, the soil under the base of the house is not washed out.

Septic Cedar is extremely easy to install and connect, its installation can be done by the owners of the site

Anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen supply are involved in the process of processing waste mass. Septic just close the lid

The hatch of the septic system is better to fence from animals and small children. The design uses different techniques, for example, a plastic construction in the form of a boulder

Specificity of Cedar Septic Tank Design

Septic can improve the ecological situation

Features installation capacity

Septic tank

Distance from the foundation

Do-it-yourself system installation

The use of bacteria in the work

Installation hatch installation
Installations of this type in their class surpass accumulative tanks in which sewage is accumulated and stored until pumping by an after-collecting machine.
But at the same time, they are not able to provide such a degree of purification as septic tanks with deep bio-cleaning, after which filtered water becomes environmentally friendly and can flow directly into the ground, into gutters or open reservoirs.

Sewage, passing through the septic tank, is not completely cleared of biological and mineral impurities and need additional filtering, which is carried out in the filtration field or in the absorption well
The septic tank is a completely sealed reservoir made of polypropylene. Inside the installation there are four cameras isolated from each other. The chambers are arranged in such a way that, after passing through the next stage of purification, water can freely flow into the next compartment, where it is subjected to a higher degree of purification.
The inside of the septic tank consists of:
- receiving chamber volume of 1,500 liters, in which the separation into liquid drains, solid insoluble sediment and fat;
- anaerobic cleaning chamber volume of 1500 liters, in which liquid effluents are fermented and clarified under the action of anaerobes;
- deep aerobic cleaning chamber volume of 750 liters, where the processing of organic inclusions of active microflora;
- camera clarifierin which finishing clarification is made.
If necessary, in the artificial stimulation of waste disposal in the fourth compartment can be installed pumping equipment.
Septic Cedar has a compact size, it is made in the form of an oval (with a diameter of 1.4 m), a vertically located structure, with a height of three meters. The weight of the device is 150 kg.
The standard tip of the septic tank is 1/3 of the structure. If necessary, the manufacturer can make the installation with a higher, or vice versa, low tip.

The drawing shows a standard treatment plant, which is capable of processing 1000 liters of sewage per day.
On the plastic case of the septic tank are located polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 11 cm, designed to connect the inlet and outlet sewer PVC pipes. The branch pipe for connecting the supply sewer is at a distance of 1.2 m. From the upper boundary of the reservoir, and the discharge branch pipe is at a distance of 1.4 m. From the top.
Delivery of a septic tank is made in different versions. In addition to the sewage treatment plant, you can order a complete set of equipment for arranging the sewage system: PVC pipes required diameter for the external sewage system, geofabric, bulk materials for the filtration bedding device and etc.
The principle of the treatment plant
The first camera acts as a receiving compartment. In it flock to PVC pipes all dirty sewage flows from the house.
All solid fractions settle to the bottom of the section and accumulate there as a sediment, and light fat molecules float to form a fatty film on the surface. The drains that have undergone partial cleaning pass into the second compartment through a small vertical opening 10 cm wide.

When arranging the cleaning system, the pipes are laid with a slight bias towards the treatment plant, and from it towards the ground after-treatment system. This installation ensures the continuous flow of water into the tank from the domestic sewage system.
In the second section, only the primary sewage treatment takes place. Anaerobic drugs enter the compartment. bacterialiving in a vacuum, which, in the course of their livelihoods, partly lighten the waste water that has arrived.
To activate the aerobic purification process, special bioparats with microorganisms are added to the third chamber. After clarification, water through special 10-millimeter slotted partitions located at a distance of 80 cm from the bottom of the chamber enters the third compartment.

The four chambers of a septic tank are completely autonomous and operate independently of each other, the fluid, flowing from one edema to another, is subjected to a higher level of purification.
In the third chamber is a removable biological filter, which is a plastic collection of lattice design with filter loading. The grille provides only purified water to the inside of the filter, retaining the remaining particles of activated sludge formed as a result of aerobic activity.
With the help of a special filler from microorganisms, water undergoes a deep biological purification and is completely purified, rushes into the next compartment.
The filtration process is completed in the fourth chamber, where the water is completely clarified and sent to the filter well, filtration field or trench. Purified water moves by gravity. If the filtering system is located at a higher level, and water cannot naturally enter there, the level of discharge can be raised by equipping the compartment with any drainage pump with a float.
The advantages and disadvantages of a septic tank
The septic tank is suitable for installation both at summer residences with seasonal accommodation, and on country sites where the owners live permanently.
It does not need frequent cleaning, for its efficient operation it is enough once every two years to remove the accumulated sediment with the help of as-spraying technology. A wastewater treatment plant can provide comfortable living for a family of five.

Septic Cedar - optimal cleaning system for country cottages and garden plots. The installation of the tank is quite capable of being done independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.
The installation has become quite widespread in Russia, where it has been used for more than four years. It is perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. The septic tank belongs to budget-class devices, however, it can compete with consumer equipment of a higher price category in its consumer characteristics.
Among the advantages of the model are the following:
- the equipment provides a sufficiently high level of filtration, since water goes through several stages of purification, and the process itself can be activated by adding special biopreparations;
- compact vertical design does not require much space;
- the wastewater treatment plant can be located a short distance from the house;
- the septic tank has a small weight, which allows you to independently perform the installation of the tank without using special equipment;
- The body of durable plastic is not susceptible to corrosion and reliably protects the structure from moisture, dirt and other external influences, thanks to which the septic tank can be fully used for thirty years and more;
- all processes in a fully hermetic construction take place inside the installation, without excreting into the external environment no impurities and odors, which indicates environmental safety stations;
- the cleaning system is non-volatile and does not require additional energy costs;
- the septic tank is buried deep in the ground, due to which the tank does not need additional warming;
- equipment does not require complex maintenance;
- the cost of the cleaning system does not exceed 60 thousand rubles, which is significantly lower than installations with similar characteristics.
However, in addition to the merits, a septic tank Cedar also has some drawbacks that must be considered when buying a device.
The water that has undergone treatment in the installation is not so pure as to immediately fall into the soil or merge into open sources, the degree of its purification is about 75%.

The filtration field is intended for the purification of water coming from the septic tank. For its organization requires a large space. If there is no excess area on the site, it is better to install an absorption well, which takes up much less space.
Therefore, it requires additional cleaning in other filtration systems, which implies the design of filtration sites. And this is the free area, which must be found on the site, and extra costs for the arrangement of the absorption pit or filtration fields.
In addition, the septic tank requires periodic cleaning with the help of ashenizatorsky technique, which also implies additional costs.
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For the discharge of the purified liquid component of the effluent from the Cedar septic tank into the ground, they are satisfied with the systems of ground purification, for example, a group of infiltrators

Infiltrators are installed in a trench covered with geotextile and covered with gravel for 20-30 cm

A group of infiltrators in a trench is covered with gravel with sandy aggregate. There should be no clay inclusions in the backfill

The gravel bed is covered with the edges of the geotextile panel. Then the rest of the space in the trench is filled with soil, rolled away during its development.

Device aftertreatment system

The installation scheme of infiltrators

Filling a trench with an after-treatment system

Trench backfilling
Biological products to improve cleaning efficiency
The manufacturer of septic Cedar, the company Unilos, specially developed a series of biological products Unibak, allowing to activate and accelerate the process of cleaning biomass. The composition of drugs includes only natural ingredients that are completely decomposed and do not cause any harm to the environment.
The use of the drug allows several times to improve the quality and efficiency of sewage treatment. It is produced in the form of microgranules, with a size less than 0.1 mm, having a liquid consistency, which are in a special preservative solution.

Biological products Unibak allow you to increase the rate of decomposition of feces and make the process of cleaning wastewater much more efficient
The shell of the granules is made of a polysaccharide of natural origin, inside of which there are microorganisms. When released into a favorable environment, their livelihoods are activated, they begin to multiply rapidly, forming large colonies.
Bacteria work at a temperature of from +3 to +50 ° C, the most active vital activity of microorganisms is shown at a temperature range from +18 to +30 ° C.
Over time, the bacteria die, so the drug must be added to the septic tank regularly. The frequency and dose of the introduction of a new portion of microorganisms are selected individually, it depends on the degree of contamination of sewage.
It should also be borne in mind that the presence of chemicals and detergents containing chlorine and acid in wastewater reduces the activity of bacteria. In this case, it is recommended to make a biological product more often, as well as to increase its quantity.
Features of installation and connection
For the installation of equipment, you can invite experts, but their services are expensive. Therefore, those who are not ready for extra expenses can do this work independently. Due to the small size and low weight of the structure, it is quite possible to install a septic tank on its own.
What to consider when choosing a place?
Before installation, you need to find the optimal place to place it. There are certain standards that must be adhered to.

The figure clearly shows at what minimum distance from the house, water source and trees a cleaning system can be installed. Recommended standards must be taken into account when choosing a place for a station.
Improper installation of the tank can lead to very adverse consequences. If the distance from the septic tank to the water source is less than the permitted, dirty wastewater can penetrate into the water intake system, which will pollute the drinking water.
Installation of equipment closer than five meters to the house, can cause flooding of the foundation.
It is also necessary to take into account that this septic tank requires the arrangement of a filtering field or an absorption well, which will also require additional space. It is also necessary to provide free access to the installation of the aspener machine.
Stages of installation work
At the selected location, a contour is marked, which then digs the pit of the desired size. When digging holes in depth, you need to take into account the height of the tank, the height of the sand-gravel pad and a layer of concrete. In total, it is necessary to add 25-35 cm. The width of the pit is about 20 cm larger than the diameter of the tank.

The septic tank has relatively small dimensions in the plan, and therefore the pit does not need a huge size for it.
At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to fill the sand and gravel with a layer of 15-20 cm, it is good to compact them, and then make a concrete base with a height of 10-15 cm. You can use a concrete slab for this or just pour concrete solution.
When installing the tank, it must be set strictly on the level, it must stand smoothly and without distortions. Anchoring rings are used for fixing the device, by means of which the container is attached to the concrete.
Next, the septic tank is filled with sand to the level of the inlet nozzle. Through this operation, the tank is simultaneously filled with water to the height of the backfill. This is done in order to avoid deformation of the walls of the installation. After connecting the sewer pipes to the pipes and sealing joints produced a complete backfilling of the pit to ground level.

The wiring diagram demonstrates how to install the equipment properly. The drawing shows the main elements of the system, and shows the optimal dimensions of the pit and the base under the tank
Recommendations for operation and maintenance
Septic Cedar - cleaning system that requires minimal maintenance, provided that the operating rules recommended by the manufacturer are followed. Inside the station, sewage is cleaned naturally with microorganisms. The user's task is to periodically introduce a new batch of bacteria to maintain the productive operation of the device.
It is not recommended to dump into the sewer a large number of chemicals and household chemicals that negatively affect the vital activity of microorganisms. It is advisable to ensure that the temperature inside the structure does not fall below +5 degrees and does not rise above +50 degrees.
It is necessary to periodically, but at least once a year, clean the biofilter, which is located in the third compartment of the installation. It must be removed and rinsed well. If the need arises, the filter can be replaced.
Over time, solid waste accumulates in the reception area, which must be pumped out with an ashenizator machine. The manufacturer recommends that this operation be performed no more than once every two years.
However, the frequency of cleaning can be increased, or vice versa reduced, depending on the number of people living in the house and the activity of using the treatment plant.
If you do not want to call the aspenisation machine for pumping waste and equip filtration fields on the site, then pay attention to the bioremediation station of the same manufacturer - Septic Yunilos Astra.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video on how to choose a septic tank for a country house:
From the following video you can find out how wastewater is treated in a septic tank:
Septic Cedar is an affordable and reliable sewage treatment plant that allows you to organize an effective sewage treatment system in your suburban area..
By adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations for operating the installation and performing simple maintenance, you can forget about sewage problems for many years.
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