Lantern with motion sensor from China

Regular increase in the cost of electricity makes us look for new options for savings. Despite the difference in fees, the maintenance of a country house with all the amenities in the summer is an impressive item of expenditure.

The modest change houses are a thing of the past, and modern hostesses can no longer do without a washing machine, an electric kettle, an iron and other household appliances. In addition, I want to feel safe in my summer cottage, so we pay a lot of attention to street lighting in the evening.

Domestic online stores offer a good option to save electricity - solar-powered lights. However, overcast weather will easily disrupt your plans and return ordinary light bulbs to their former places. Another way to reduce costs is to install lights with motion sensors.

Read also: Choosing a night light for a child’s room

Built-in sensors analyze the level of background heat radiation and instantly react to its increase. When a living organism is fixed in a radius of action, the device turns on, and it dies away only after the thermal background radiation becomes the same. The cost of lamps with motion sensors in Russian online stores from 500 rubles and above.

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Despite the low price, the budget model is equipped with a shock-resistant casing and a high degree of protection against moisture and dust. Stainless steel fixing screws. The manufacturer guarantees a service life of 30,000 hours. Temperature range from -30 to +40 degrees.

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The AliExpress site also presents several options for lighting devices with motion sensors. The most popular model on batteries( type AAA) will cost 203 rubles. The product weighs only 42 grams, so the manufacturer provided adhesive tape as an attachment.

Reviews high quality products. The motion sensor only works in the dark, so the batteries last long. Traditionally, batteries when ordering devices from China are not included. The LED is bright and the sensor radius is about 2.5 meters. Buyers place such devices not only on the porch or open porch, but also inside the house( in the corridors and storage rooms, on the stairs and even in the closets).

Read also: Goods from China - floating lights

The battery compartment is closed with magnets, which eliminates unnecessary movement when replacing the power supply. After receiving the goods, most of the buyers immediately issue a new order on AliExpress, because in Russian online stores the price of lamps with motion sensors is at least twice as high.

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