Zircon fertilizer instructions for use

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. After application of biological and chemical fertilizers to the soil, the plant can get into a stressful situation that may affect its development. The plant needs protection, which it provides zircon fertilizer.

Zircon is used as a regulator of rooting, growth, flowering and fruiting, and it also has the properties of inducing the disease resistance of houseplants and garden plants. The composition of zircon allows to level all stressful situations that appear in a plant.

The basis of the fertilizer and its main component is a plant extract - purple echinacea.

Such substances do not adversely affect the environment, animals or people. Zircon is compatible with almost all biological and piece insecticides( substances that protect the plant from insects) and fungicides( substances that prevent fungal plant diseases).This is its main advantage over other similar fertilizers.

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Zircon is effectively used before planting seeds in the soil, as a result, the punching of the seedling from the seeds takes place a week earlier. The use of this type of fertilizer increases the resistance to temperature extremes of domestic and outdoor microclimate, and to changes in the chemical composition of the soil.

Instructions for use zircon. Creating a solution

Preparation of zircon fertilizer should be carried out immediately before planting. It is allowed to store the prepared substance for 3 days in a room inaccessible to the sun's rays. In this case, the water in the solution should be acidified with citric acid( 1 g. Of lemon juice per 5 liters of water).No more than a day, you can store the solution outdoors.

In the case of zircon separation in the ampoule, it is necessary to shake it slightly so that the drug is completely dissolved into a homogeneous liquid. At the same time, this temperature should not be below room temperature, and should be 18-23С.

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According to the instructions for use of zircon fertilizer, emit basic solutions for watering horticultural crops:

  • For feeding cucumbers, 5 drops of zircon / 1l.water are used. The solution should be infused for about 8 hours.
  • 10 drops of zircon / 1 l are used for soaking vegetable seeds.water. The solution should be infused for about 6 hours.
  • About 40 drops( about one ampoule) of zircon / 1 liter of water are used for soaking flower seeds. The solution should be infused for 6-8 hours.
  • A solution of 20 drops of zircon / 1 liter is prepared for fertilizing potatoes.water. Calculated solution per 100 kg.tubers.
  • Gladiolus tubers need to be fed with a solution of 20 drops of zircon / 1 l.water. The resulting solution is infused for about a day.
  • The bulbs of different colors are fertilized with a stronger solution - 1 ampoule of zircon / 1l.water. Infuse the solution at room temperature for about 18 hours.
  • For cuttings of all types of fruit tree, it is necessary for fertilizer to prepare a solution of 1 ampoule of zircon / 1 l.water. After that, put it up to 12 hours. Apply for watering the soil around the cuttings of the tree.
  • For various types of other soda-garden crops and plants, a universal proportion is used - 20 drops of zircon are diluted in a liter of water and infused for 20 hours. After that, the solution can be used as a fertilizer.
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There is another way to use zircon fertilizer - spraying during the growing season. It takes place only in the morning, before the sun appears in the sky. The morning should be windless, since the wind can blow away fertilizer and its use will not be effective. Such processing plants are carried out once for 7 days.

Spraying of some garden crops is carried out with the following solutions, in the ratio of a cycron drop / amount of water:

  • Root vegetables - 8k. / 10l. It is carried out after the appearance of the first plants from the ground.
  • Potato culture - 13k. / 10l. Is carried out at the beginning of budding, and with the appearance of the first gatherings.
  • Cucumbers - 4k. / 1l. It is carried out only once at the beginning of budding( with the appearance of at least 3 full-fledged leaves).
  • Cabbage( white and cauliflower) - 14k. / 10l. Carried out with the beginning of the formation of the head.
  • Tomatoes - 4k. / 1l., Fertilizer is applied when planting seedlings into the soil one-time, and is repeated when the first, second and third brushes appear.
  • Pepper, eggplants - 4 r. / 1 ​​l. Spraying takes place after planting seedlings and during the appearance of the first buds.

Following simple instructions and recommendations, each summer resident can prepare, as well as feed his garden crops with zircon.

During the use of the drug should use protective equipment and standard security measures. All work should be done in a mask, gloves should be on hands, boots should be worn, headgear should be worn on the body, a dressing gown should be worn on the body, and goggles should be worn to protect the eyes.

Application of zircon for indoor plants

Very often, zircon as a fertilizer is used for indoor plants as a growth promoter. The first time it is used in the preparation of a solution for soaking the seeds or watering the bulbs, shoots, cuttings during transplantation.

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The seed soaking solution is prepared in the proportion of 1k.zircona / 300ml.water. Infused solution for 16 hours.

Attention. For soaking vegetable seeds a lower concentration of zircon is needed than for growing flowers. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations from the instructions on the package.

To speed up the growth of cuttings, one ampoule of zircon is needed per liter of water. Need to insist up to 14 hours. This substance is also effectively used to increase the buds of bulbous indoor plants( 1 ampoule / 1 liter of water), only the solution must be set up within 24 hours.

If zircon is used for watering indoor plants, you need to remember a very simple proportion that does not harm: 1 ampoule / 10 l.water or 4 k. / 1 ​​l.water. This is a universal watering solution for vases.

Zircon is an environmentally friendly fertilizer compared to other species. The benefit of zircon is that it is used to feed and stimulate the growth of garden plants and houseplants, and also helps to eliminate stressful situations and to adapt plants to new conditions.

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