How to choose a home juicer

The popularity of juicers can be judged by the search Yandex-Market: column "popular products."Among them are Zelmer, Moulinex, Braun, Panasonic, Philips. From domestic juicers - Polaris - disguised as an American. In the USA nobody knows about him. How to choose a juicer for your home?

Classification of juicers in the world of

Dozens of sites are devoted to the topic of building juicer ratings, some have specific address names. We will understand the terminology. There are 6 types of juicers:

  • Citrus Juicer - a citrus juicer of any type. There is a dome with slots, rotating or standing in place. Half of the orange is placed with the pulp down - the process of pressing starts using different methods. To occur due to the rotation of the dome by the motor or the muscular strength of the hand pressing the fruit. Known press, where the pressure is obtained due to the long handle - there are a couple of other designs.

  • Centrifugal Juicer - centrifugal juicer. Due to the rapid rotation of the drum with a grater at the bottom of the fruit is literally torn to pieces. The resulting pulp is extruded on porous walls due to the centrifugal force of rotation. The cake is reset automatically, using a special pen or completely manually. In the first case we are dealing with a conical centrifuge, in the rest - with a cylindrical one.
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  • Horizontal-type screw juicers are called Masticating Juicer( grinding juicers).Similar to the meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out through the lower branch of the steel or plastic pipe. The screw from different materials. From this depend on the price, strength, spin efficiency. Excess oilcake is discharged through an overflow valve in the bow of the "meat grinder".
  • Triturating Juicer is a twin screw type juicer. Literally, they are called rubbing: they grind everything between two steel spiral axes. Twin-screw juicers are expensive, have the highest efficiency. Spin speed is reserved for centrifugal models.
  • A separate line is the "meat grinder" for wheat germ: manual, called Wheatgrass Juicer. Like the horizontal screw, made of plastic or steel.

  • Vertical screw juicers are called Slow Juicer - “slow juicer”.The speed is not small, just the first commercial juicers, which have become the use of slow-pressing technology. According to this principle, horizontal screw and twin screw models work.

World Juicer Ratings

The world's number one juicer

The Ocy is the leading stainless steel Epica citrus juicer. Lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits are popular. Squeeze the juice is simple. It turns out tolerable quality, excellent efficiency. On Ozon the device costs $ 41 - 1435 rubles. Expensive, but do not forget about the stainless steel body, not absorbing dyes, easy to clean.

Epica Stainless Steel Electric Citrus Citrus Juicer Citrus Juicers have a 70 W motor, are for sale by the company. Cheating does not happen. Shipping cost is a different matter. It is possible that the manufacturer has points of sale in Russia.

The device has the functions of autostart, autostop by touch. Does not need control, as previous models. The citrus juice extractor "Epika" began to gain popularity in 2013.Nowhere is a word about the place of production of the device.

Device operation:

  • The dome rotates at the touch of a hand with half of the fruit at a speed of 90 revolutions per minute. About the device is difficult to injure or damage the skin. It turns out a slow spin.
  • Under the dome of something resembling a centrifuge rotary juicer. At the bottom of the usual for this class of device closely spaced radial slots: the juice flows down, through a special hole enters the glass.
  • A niche for a centrifuge is trimmed with a smooth-shaped plastic. Regarding washing: a little water is poured from above. The pulp remains in a removable centrifuge - easy to clean under the tap from the kitchen.
  • dome removable. The mechanism stops at the cessation of pressure on the half of the fruit. The device looks scary. But this level of security will provide a few electric models.
  • Can not squeeze the grenade. The fruit should be with a thick durable skin, watery pulp.

Home Epica Citrus Juicer Juicer at a price of 40-50 dollars on all sites. Required to carefully select the terms of delivery, warranty.

Bestsellers of the beginning of the year


  1. juicers are popular today The second place on Ozon is taken by the commercial J8004 juicers with a horizontal screw and plastic case. The model is priced at 227 dollars( 8,000 rubles).Almost for nothing, if it were out of steel. For comparison, the cheapest nozzles for food processors, Zelmer meat grinders cost four times cheaper, but they are the minimum issue price. Such accessories for devices of other manufacturers can cost 4000 rubles. The engine produces 80 revolutions per minute. Excellent screw a juice extractor for the house at reasonable price.
  2. In third place in sales is the Breville 800 JEXL centrifugal juicer at a price of $ 299( 10,500 rubles).The apparent overpayment for the 1000-watt motor with two speeds, 6500, 13000 revolutions per minute. Carrots will have to squeeze on the second speed, for grapes enough first. The main advantages of the model in a steel case, a lid with a wide neck( 8 cm) - small apples fit whole. There is only one cheap citrus juice squeezer from this manufacturer on the Yandex Market. The Australian company does not consider our search engine as a means to promote the goods.

The fourth and fifth places are occupied by horizontal screw-type Omega juicers. Models are more expensive than the one described above. In the top ten brands of the mentioned firms. Vertical screw juicers appear at the end of the second ten, there is no Hurom belonging to the honor of the discovery method. The choice of home juicers is made from price criteria that exceed the average for Russia. Preference remains for cheap models. Not visible in the twin-screw juicer rating.

All English-language sites revolve around those very brands - Breville, Omega. Mentioned vertical screw juicers firms. Centrifugal models are more suitable bars, catering establishments. Breville 800 JEXL cannot be considered professional. It can be seen on the small capacity tank. Most people chose to choose a home-made juicer of this brand.

As a budget centrifuge in the West, it is recommended to look at Breville BJE200XL for 3,500 rubles - in the middle of the price range. The oilcake is dumped into the outer transparent cylinder, the degree of filling can be observed. Conical centrifuge: waste is eliminated automatically. There is protection against improper assembly, measuring cup for juice. Engine power 700 W, plastic housing.

How to be summer residents and gardeners

Summer residents, gardeners can not think for a long time about choosing a juicer. To spin the crop fit high-performance cheap Russian, Belarusian models. Designed for the garden segment - kindly lost to global manufacturers. Pay attention to the rotary( centrifugal) juicers: "Neptune", "Rossoshanka", "Zhuravinka".The performance of the devices is amazing. The quality of the juice is lame.

Juicer at home will allow you to process a huge number of products. Cheaper Ladomir Juicer. Centrifugal models come at a bargain price.

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