Which humidifier to buy

Doctors do not in vain recommend that the temperature in the room be maintained at 18-22 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, viruses die faster. In addition, the required moisture and sustain the recommended - 40-60%.The air is clean, cool, moderately humid. With mass epidemics, the rooms are ventilated even in winter. This contributes to the renewal of air masses. To inform the atmosphere of the required number of water vapor, ask yourself what kind of humidifier to buy.

What is an

humidifier? If you buy a steam humidifier, the house will be less sick. Moms ask if the device will not cause the discomfort of children or parents. This is excluded, but in order to properly use a humidifier, you will need to control the operation. Sounds like a joke, the new reality becomes the main difficulty! The level of relative humidity depends on the temperature and pressure, it is necessary to maintain the parameter within 40-60%.

It is curious that the regulations specify only the upper threshold - 60% for residential premises. The lower threshold is silenced. With a decrease in relative humidity up to 35%, the mucous membrane dries, which leads to a decrease in immunity. To withstand the specified conditions is not easy. This requires an integrated approach. In parallel, an outside or built-in water vapor level meter should work. The sensor is already built in expensive air humidifiers, work in the automatic mode is possible.

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Psychrometers hygrometers sell in any store at a price of 300 rubles and above. This is not money for confident knowledge of the state of the microclimate in the room. Minus - sometimes glass appliances do not work in a house with children.

For measuring relative humidity on a psychrometer two scales, with different fillers( mercury, toluene).By the difference in the readings of the graded lines, the parameter is calculated. For the convenience of the process on the dial of the psychrometer is a table with calculated figures. The devices are sold in the Ecomedik chain of stores.

Varieties of air humidifiers

Without choice, the consumer world will perish. Competition forms the basis of technical progress.

Air humidifier with convection

Air humidifiers with convection

We noticed, of course, that it is cool near the water: the water surface has a low temperature. Even in the sun, a natural reservoir does not get very warm, except for small lakes and backwaters. Water gives off heat to the air along with molecules carried away from the surface. The warm air evaporates. The first method of operation of the humidifier is based on the convective exchange with the water surface. There is a vessel connected to the outside air and blown by a fan to speed up the process. The handyman will make the device with his own hands if he puts a basin of water under the jet of a summer fan.

There is a snag - increased dryness of the air is observed at the end of autumn and in winter, when the fan is no longer needed. In the old Soviet electric fireplaces, the problem was solved simply: a container with water was placed above the spirals, which made it possible to reduce the damage caused by the operation of a household appliance. As for the wind guide, it is permissible to substitute a basin. Household fireplaces contain, in addition to the fan, a ready-made steam generator. To simulate a flame, cold quartz vapor generators are used, which serve as excellent humidifiers. Take note.

Quartz Humidifiers

Smoothly passed to the second modification of the humidifier - quartz steam generators. Plus device - the air is saturated with moisture as naturally as possible. Recall that the work of quartz oscillators is based on the piezoelectric effect of oscillations of a plate of crystals under the action of current. Due to this, the mechanical energy is transferred to water molecules, which tend to leave the liquid. It looks like a boiling pot at room temperature. Advantages of the solution are obvious:

Quartz humidifier

  1. No scale formation, salt deposits.
  2. Harmless to wallpaper, tiled ceiling.
  3. Cannot be burned if handled carelessly.
  4. Relative safety( depends on the performance of the specific device).

It is permissible to use running water from the tap, although it will be necessary to regularly wash the container. Inability to burn yourself is welcomed in families with children.

Steam Air Humidifiers

Finally, the third type is a standard electric kettle. This is rude, but the meaning is similar. With such success, a typical steam generator or steamer is used.

We believe that it is difficult to choose a good humidifier from the category. The reason is simple: hot steam easily spoils the wallpaper, it is harmful for furniture, it can not be placed under the table top made of chipboard or fiberboard. Immediately epoxies will begin to release formaldehyde and other harmful substances.

Steam humidifier

What type of humidifier to choose for your home

We recommend buying a quartz humidifier for your home. The parameters of the environment should be monitored using an external psychrometer. The site of Ecomedika presents selected models of air humidifiers. You will not name a ruler cheap, but the detailed description is given, for what to pay money. If you do not need a filler for an IOS Boneco 7533 cartridge, do not buy resin. In the latter case, the air is not cleared of salts.

The fact is that the ion exchange resin absorbs charged particles, salts. In the process of working with a humidifier with hard water, objects are covered with a light white bloom. In addition, not all salts are good for human health. In order not to breathe in impurities, granules from ion-exchange resin are poured into the humidifier cartridge.

The average price of a quartz instrument on the Ecomedik site is 1500 rubles. Sales points scattered across Russia. We believe that the manufacturers of air humidifiers are carefully sorted. The power of the equipment is so small that you can even ignore tens of watts. Less than a light bulb consumes. Ultimately, the power depends on the area of ​​the room.

Humidifier for home

It is not recommended to use solutions or extracts for humidification. This will lead to the inoperability of the device. Separate humidifiers, for example, Ecosphere, on the contrary, are designed for aromatherapy. We remind you that smells directly affect the brain, due to which a healing effect is quickly achieved. For example, sandalwood contributes to the spiritual growth of the personality, sends it to the true path, is good for meditation. Having bought in the pharmacy essential oil, it is possible to radically change the atmosphere in the apartment. Just as a church lamp brings comfort to a Christian home when it is filled with oil and lit.

Unconventional Swedish humidifiers save cigarette smoke from the presence of carbon filters - like kitchen hoods. HEPA-filters capture the smallest particles from a flowing stream, mechanical air cleaning takes place. They are not cheap. Air-O-Swiss 2071 is sold at a price of 20 thousand rubles. True, the power of steam generation is regulated as necessary, inside a special capsule for essential oils. Do not forget, such substances do not like cats. For animals, most aromatic oils are poison.

Humidifier with an ionic silver rod disinfects water, the steam is obtained healing. The AOS S450 humidifier uses hot steam, an additional plus is a built-in humidity sensor. Energy consumption will be higher, because to go to a different state of aggregation, the water must be heated. The disadvantages of this approach are already described, if antique antiques are displayed in the house, the negative effect may be reflected in the wallpaper.

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