How to whiten yellowed plastic - 8 recipes and useful tips


  • 1 It causes yellowing of plastic
  • 2 Getting rid of the yellowness
    • 2.1 5 popular recipes
    • 2.2 3 special means
  • 3 helpful hints
  • 4 Finally

Plastic is one of the most versatile materials it is made from the body of household appliances, windows and sills and more. But he has one big disadvantage - over time the surface begins to turn yellow. I decided to talk about the reasons for the appearance of plaque on the surface and how to whiten yellowed plastic.

The most common cause of yellowing of the plastic - ultraviolet radiationThe most common cause of yellowing of the plastic - ultraviolet radiation

It causes yellowing of plastic

Most often there are problems with window frames and sills. Before deliberation, how and what to wash white plastic, it is necessary to identify and possibly eliminate the main causes of bad plaque on it.

Most often, surface contamination is due to:

  1. temperature changesThat the kitchen is not uncommon;
  2. Partial collapse of plastic in the case of household appliances from the effects of ultraviolet light;
  3. substandard additivesUsed in the creation of modern materials.
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Poor quality material will change its color provokesPoor quality material will change its color provokes

All this may be the reason that the plastic or silicone case turned yellow or raid struck the window sill, frame and home appliances.

Getting rid of the yellowness

Not knowing the exact recipe, remove the yellowing with plastic can be very problematic. But I know a few effective tools that will help to quickly whiten yellowed plastic.

Return PVC material snow-white view of the means at hand to help and a soft spongeReturn PVC material snow-white view of the means at hand to help and a soft sponge

5 popular recipes

More often resorted to folk remedies in cases where the know exactly what to wash the refrigerator inside the yellowness. You agree not very desirable storage location wash chemical products.

But I want to note that these funds in the table on the right, and other plastic surfaces:

Illustration Guide to Action
Recipe 1. Alcohol

In this case, it fits almost any alcohol. Bleach can be surface via ethanol, methanol, isopropanol or any similar alcohol.

In order not to spoil the yellowed plastic, first try to wash a small inconspicuous site, and only then proceed to a full cleaning.

Recipe 2. Acetone

Another tool that can clean the plastic windows of yellow (you can replace nail polish remover). But be careful with acetone contamination capable corrode topsheet surface. So do not be too zealous, and rub the material is not very strong.

Recipe 3. Soda ash and powder

These two components help to effectively whiten the plastic sill or appliance. To do this, a liter of water mix a tablespoon of powder and soda.

Apply the mixture on the sill, and leave to soak for several hours. After this will only wash the material with lukewarm water.

Recipe 4. suds

Suitable when the change in the surface color was not due to fading, and as a result of pollution. It is possible to try to dissolve soap and wash liquid obtained sill and frame in water.

Recipe 5. Hydrogen peroxide

Moisten a soft sponge in a hydrogen peroxide and wipe the plastic surface. Repeat the procedure three or four times to get the perfect result.

As you can see, a safe and healthy cleaning products that can be used for cleaning your hands, enough, you can choose the most appropriate for your case. With their help you will remove yellowness with plastic, without damaging its upper layer.

3 special means

If you do not want to clean the plastic improvised means, you can resort to the help of purchased. A lot of them.

proven such:

Illustration Guide to Action
Means №1. Bleach with chlorine

It is possible to use a detergent to clean the small plastic items. Mix a tablespoon of bleach with soda and spread them a liter of water. Soak in a solution of the object at night and wash the surface.

Means №2. napkins

Wipes impregnated with cleaning - the answer to a question than to clean plastic on the computer keyboard. They are good because they do not leave on the surface scratches and minor injuries, while the price is quite reasonable.

Means №3. spray paint

For this option necessary to resort after a yellowed plastic, and all other means have already tried. Spray paint evenly paint the surface and return to her original appearance.

helpful hints

How to clean the plastic from the plaque, now you know. But I want to share with you the simple guidelines that can help prevent the appearance of yellowing of plastics:

  1. Do not smoke in the room where there is a plastic box. Tar contained in cigarette smoke are deposited on virtually all surfaces and contaminate them. This applies not only to plastic, but paper, and textiles as well.
  2. "Protect" window sills. They are most strongly exposed to fading from UV light. Spread out on the surface of decorative napkins. So you kill two birds with one stone - and the interior of the supplement, and protect the plastic from the scorching sun.
  3. Do not forget about the regular cleaning. The more you wipe with a damp sponge material, the longer it will retain its snow-white look.
Decorative napkins, as in the photo, not only look beautiful, but also protect the window sill from fadingDecorative napkins, as in the photo, not only look beautiful, but also protect the window sill from fading


I shared the most simple and effective ways to clean plastic surfaces on the yellow plaque. They will help to restore the whiteness of the material without much effort and money.

Some more instructions on how to get rid of the yellowing of the plastic, you will find in the video in this article. If you have any questions or have their secrets - write in the comments!

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