DIY Air Purifier

The air of cities is far from perfect. Far from safe are the people who have installed an air-heating system combined with ventilation in the cottage. There is a pair of coarse filter dust collectors plus a primitive humidifier. Today we will talk about powerful devices capable of removing microbes from rooms. If the family is sick or in the bathroom is an unpleasant smell, try to fix it. It is unlikely that it will be possible to make an air purifier with your own hands from scratch, but it is quite possible to buy a suitable one in the store.

Regulation of the microclimate

It is necessary to tell about numerous devices from the class of household equipment. The fact is that the devices are simultaneously air purification. If the air purifier money is a pity, take the device with the combined functions. Let's start with the original type of humidifier.

Humidifier-Air Purifier

The device is called a sink for air. The principle of action is based on cold evaporation of ordinary water. Liquid is poured into the pan, further the blades are taken, reminiscent of the first steamers with giant paddle wheels, far above the deck. Such a device simultaneously performs humidification. Includes:

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  1. Housing with a pallet and a cascade of gratings in the upper part and on the sides.
  2. Fan-compressor sucking inlet flow.
  3. Dual wheel with blades.
  4. Electric Drive.

The twin “paddle” wheel is made of plastic and equipped with swirling transverse blades, being the heart of the device. The cleaner sucks in air from above, immediately falling onto the rotating wheels with blades. The stream is addicted to the pallet filled with water. There the air is cleaned of dust( washes) and filled with moisture. After - the flow under pressure is ejected from the side slits.

Periodically change the water. You should not wait until the pan is completely dry: it collects dirt that was in the room. The air purifier should be turned off by pulling the cord out of the socket, then the water tank should be thoroughly cleaned. The device does not remove aromas and microbes, but it will eliminate dust in two accounts.

The device is remarkable in that besides the purification of the air is engaged in humidification. Any household appliances when working dries the room. The air conditioner or heater reduces the moisture percentage. The liquid settles in the form of condensate on the evaporators or is carried into the environment through the walls.

Humidity in most residential, educational and other premises is 30%, which is below the norm. Conditions are considered optimal when the parameter reaches 40-60% at an air temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. Any deviations from the recommendations lead to health problems. People with strong immunity may not notice anything for a long time, until one day there will be no thunder.

It is appropriate to recall that in rooms like a nursery or bedroom, it is appropriate to purchase instruments for monitoring temperature and humidity. This will save the home from trouble. By the way, the described humidifier should be protected from children for obvious reasons. It is unacceptable to include in the presence of pets.

To fill the air with ozone for complete resemblance, stock up on an ionizer. This will eliminate the negative effect of positively charged air particles, which are certainly formed during the operation of household appliances.

Washing Vacuum Cleaner as an Air Purifier

Two types of vacuum cleaners that act as an air purifier are produced:

  1. Vacuum cleaners with an aqua filter.
  2. Washing Vacuum Cleaners.

In essence, the principle of operation is similar. It is easy to guess how the devices turn into an air purifier. Already described the principle of action of the humidifier with cold evaporation. Vacuum cleaners are not very different, the meaning is the same. The air is sucked in, passes through the water, then is ejected out through at least two filters. It will come out cleaner than from the humidifier and will contain no less than water vapor.

The principle of operation of an improvised type air purifier is simple. At the entrance to the case of the vacuum cleaner are several nozzles located around the canal. Each ejects a stream of water washing the incoming stream. In cruising mode, it is assumed that there is a lot of dirt and specks, but if you use a vacuum cleaner for an air purifier, there are much less foreign matter. The result determines the structure of the filters; some even pick up bacterial spores( micrometer size).

It is possible to make an air purifier with your own hands from a suitable vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter. Fill the tank with water. Turn on the device and leave for half an hour with a brush hanging in the air. So the vacuum cleaner for cleaning the apartment turns into a hybrid home appliances - an air purifier + a humidifier. There are two disadvantages:

  1. Vacuum cleaners are noisy. The average air purifier operates at a volume of 53 dB( at maximum power), the vacuum cleaner covers the specified figure.
  2. Power consumption is poor, the vacuum cleaner is not directly intended to clean the air.

In this case, the cleaning quality is better than in the case of the humidifier described above. On vacuum cleaners, HEPA filters are installed at the outlet. This eliminates the flow of particles of a size of 3-5 microns in excess of 99%.However, specialized air purifiers work quietly, consume little energy and are able to free up the room even from pathogenic bacteria.

Specialized Air Purifiers

The information below is useful if you decide to repair an air purifier yourself.

Considering that specialized air purifiers differ little from a special type kitchen hood( without an air duct) is greatly mistaken. The difference in the appointment. The kitchen hood is designed to filter fats and odors, soot. Dust and pathogenic bacteria of the structure do not matter, although large particles will remain inside.

Note: a kitchen hood will serve as a primitive air purifier. And only models that work on the principle of recycling( air is thrown back into the kitchen).Already mentioned that the devices eliminate the soot, grease and odor. What specifically accumulates inside determines the cascade of installed filters. The device air purifier from the kitchen hood is possible, but not effective.

Conclusion: a specialized device is required to complete the procedure. Most of all, the air purifier resembles a blower. Heating of the flow does not occur. On the opposite sides of the housing two sets of slots, input and output. An inside fan blows air out, from the opposite side the flow goes inside.

Cleaning filters are busy, there are half a dozen modifications. The first step is coarse, retains dust, pollen, hair, animal hair. Periodically the element is changed, the accessory does not deserve special attention. Much more interesting is what is located further into the depth of the air purifier.

Commercials are described in general terms. Like: moisturizing and deodorizing filters. The first is busy saturating the air with water vapor, the second clears the flow of odors. The next step is fighting bacteria. This air purifier includes green tea extract, hypoallergenic and bactericidal components. It is believed that particles larger than 0.1 microns and pathogenic bacteria remain inside.

Nano-air purifiers

Synthetic fabric manufacturers open up a much more detailed topic. An air purifier containing such a progressive innovation of science is capable of delivering the highest quality. Fibers of synthetic fabric are interwoven randomly with a maximum distance of 4 microns. Even much smaller particles will remain inside.

Coarse dust remains in the inlet filter, the stream is already partially cleaned on the synthetic fabric. Particles exceeding 4 microns in size get stuck between the fibers, but the most interesting thing goes further and explains why such air purifiers come with the nano attachment.

When the particle size is in units of microns, dust particles begin to exhibit particulate properties. Behave like molecules, attracting to the fibers due to electronic bonds. No matter how small the particles, the likelihood of bumping into the fiber and sticking is high. Out of every 10,000 dust particles, only 3 hit the exit of the air purifier. These are great achievements without exaggeration. This is the best dust collector produced by modern factories. The future is in synthetic fabric.

DIY Air Purifier

DIY Air PurifierFor Good Health

The air of cities is far from perfect. Far from safe are the people who have installed an air-heating system combined with ventilation in the cottage. There is a pair of coarse filter dust collec...

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