How best to organize the garage Heating: arguments for choosing the best option

Garage - a multi-purpose room. It is here that kept the car or motorcycle. Here, as a rule, is the cellar with blanks for the winter, as well as improvised repair shop.

It is not surprising that with the onset of cold weather at the improvident owner of this building problems. Therefore, heating a garage - a problem that is best solved in advance.

The content of the article:

  • Why do I need a warm garage
  • The main ways of warming
  • Heating during the cold season
    • Water heating system
    • Heated gas using
    • The use of electricity for heating
    • air heating system
    • The use of an oil mining
    • Heating solid fuel
  • General rules for safe heating garage
  • Useful videos on the topic

Why do I need a warm garage

We live in a huge country with a fairly harsh climate in most parts of its territory. For this reason, the garage remains a safe haven for a family vehicle is not round, but only in the period from October to April.

This circumstance does not depend on the material from which built the structure. Structures made of brick, concrete and cinder block equally freezes during this cold weather.

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warm garage
Garage - it's not just the storage location of a family vehicle. garage owner can organize a workshop here, build a cellar or other auxiliary room

Microclimate, which is generated indoors in cold weather, can cause serious damage not only the car, but also the construction. Cold promote the formation of condensate on the metal surface. It was he who causes corrosion of the body of the car, garage doors and other structures exposed to rust.

In addition, in the cold and the vehicle may not start. Not to mention the potatoes in the cellar, which can freeze slightly. Yes, and work in a dank room without fear to make a cold, will not work.

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The purpose of forming the garage microclimate
The microclimate of the garage is significantly different from the conditions for stay at home. Maintaining the right temperature and humidity required for storing cars, tools, workpieces and others
Conditions for the preservation of the car
To maintain normal technical state machine is necessary that the temperature in the garage did not rise above + 5º C
Equipped as a workshop garage
If the expected holding garage minor plumbing or body work available to the motorist, it is sufficient to maintain a temperature in the range from 0 to + 5º
The temperature for the normal operation
If the garage owner is almost daily and conducts it over 1 hour, the temperature pattern can be in the range from +5 to + 15º. Especially, if the work is done with the rubber or plastic elements
Cellar for blanks in the garage
For storage of blanks in the garage is necessary to maintain a temperature of up to + 0,1º + 3º C
Non-insulated garage without heating
If you plan to use the garage only as a box for the car, and in the region are rarely below freezing - 15º, the heating device generally is not necessary
Connecting to a centralized network
The easiest option heating organizations - to connect to a centralized network. However, in this case it is difficult to consider all influencing factors of the microclimate in the garage
Option Local heating
Individual Heating - more costly step in setting up the garage, but often it is the only possible solution. In addition, it is easier to focus on specific problems
The purpose of forming the garage microclimate
The purpose of forming the garage microclimate
Conditions for the preservation of the car
Conditions for the preservation of the car
Equipped as a workshop garage
Equipped as a workshop garage
The temperature for the normal operation
The temperature for the normal operation
Cellar for blanks in the garage
Cellar for blanks in the garage
Non-insulated garage without heating
Non-insulated garage without heating
Connecting to a centralized network
Connecting to a centralized network
Option Local heating
Option Local heating

The main ways of warming

It is natural that there is a desire to insulate the structure of all possible ways in anticipation of cold weather. The sooner this desire will be, the better. Further circuit variants and heating is desirable to consider in advance and to provide methods of reducing heat losses, which include:

  • Styrofoam (polystyrene). This material is excellent for the gate panels. If you compare it with such fiber heaters as mineral wool, glass wool and on their basis the plates, the foam will cost you less. In addition, it is more durable and absorbs moisture. Do not forget the anti-corrosion protection of metal gates.
  • Glass wool (mineral) plate. This material, along with foam, is used for the interior lining of the walls and roof. Plates are glued to the surface of freshly prepared using special adhesives. Sami plate from mechanical damage and moisture to protect the plaster, which is reinforced with glass fiber mesh to increase its strength.
  • Siding. Or other fully prepared for the installation of cladding systems. All this serves to finish the outside of the protection structure from frost. If the garage is a free-standing building in a part of the estate, it can be oblitsevat decorative brick.
  • Thick veil. Metal garage doors - poor protection from frost. Not transmissive cold air curtain can be built using a suitable sized thick piece of polyethylene to 0.8 mm or tarpaulins. This structure is attached in the same way as a conventional curtain.

It is better if a kind of curtain can be pulled apart when the car leaves or enters.

Garage roof insulated both internally and externally. For added protection, gates, plates of foam attached to the wings, you can sew plywood or paneling. As obligatory measures insulation settling additional ventilation. It will help to bring out of the room, not only the exhaust gases, but excess moisture.

garage Warming
Of course, if we do not want to heat the "space", should be carefully insulate the entire garage, not forgetting to keep the high quality ventilation

Heating during the cold season

Take all necessary measures to prevent heat loss from the room, we can think about the organization and its heating. If the structure is not enough insulated, the heat we'll be out, and the desired effect and we will not be achieved. Of course, such a heat in the apartment, we do not need, but the temperature between + 5 ° C - this is our goal.

The room is warm garage can be several ways. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. We will try to provide you with all the necessary information about each of the most popular methods of heating the garage, so you can choose the one that is right for you.

Water heating system

When using a water heating system coolant is water. It circulates in a closed circuit, which includes the boiler, a pump, pipes and radiators.

Simplistically heating process is as follows: Heat generation by means of the boiler, water is heated and then moved with the assistance of a pump through pipes to radiators. Here, the water gives the resulting heat, warming the room, and then again returned to the boiler by closing the circle of the circulation.

hot-water heating
Water heating garage can be beneficial, but only if it combines a garage and a house or a group of capital construction objects

Advantages water heating garage as follows:

  • Long service life. Indeed, if the installation of the system carried out in compliance with all the rules, and it is operated carefully, it may properly be very long.
  • Maintainability. Each element included in the schema if suddenly fails, it can be removed and replaced.
  • Security. Water heating has a high safety and environmental protection.

As we can see, the advantages of this method are significant, but the hot water heating in the garage is used very rarely. Most often this happens if the garage is included in a single heating system with a residential cottage. It uses a heating and garage cooperatives, if a part of the heated objects include several permanent buildings, integrated into a single network.

When the location of the garage away from the district heating costs for equipment and insulation of heating systems make it unprofitable. In addition, the water in the system will have to replace the antifreeze.

The greatest effect of the use of water garage heating can be achieved in buildings made of bricks or concrete blocks from whole. In designs created from metal sheets or other lightweight materials this type of heating is not applicable.

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Scheme water heating garage
In the case of an autonomous device in a garage water heating system uses the standard rules of the organization. The circuit includes the boiler, piping, heating devices, used for circulating the coolant conduit
Priority version of the system organization
Because of the simplicity and cheapness of the device in priority open hot water heating system with the natural movement of the coolant. They do not have the circulation pump, expansion tank used unlocked
Heating registers in the garage
Registers - a common garage option of heating appliances. The two-storey garages use vertical layout, in one-storey buildings horizontal
Steel panel radiators
As the heating devices are often used usual battery iron and steel panel radiators. It is important that the desired temperature is achieved smoothly and more or less permanently maintained
Scheme water heating garage
Scheme water heating garage
Priority version of the system organization
Priority version of the system organization
Heating registers in the garage
Heating registers in the garage
Steel panel radiators
Steel panel radiators

Heated gas using

As in the case of heating systems, major investments require the installation of a heating system. gas itself - relatively cheap fuel. Therefore, it is also used to create a garage heating system.

Most of the money required for the purchase of all necessary equipment for the installation of heating systems, as well as for the services of specialists who will perform the installation.

Heating gas
Apply the gas cylinders is not economically feasible to provide gas space heating: it is advantageous to produce fuel from a central gas pipeline through the sidebar

Difficulties can arise at the stage of obtaining permits for gas heating in the services that are authorized to issue those documents. Without the permission of installation, commissioning, and the very use of gas equipment is not only illegal, but also dangerous. After the gas is one of hazardous materials.

So, the benefits of heating gas garage are:

  • Affordability of fuel.
  • The high system efficiency.

With such a heat transfer system that economic efficiency is obvious.

Recall and about the shortcomings:

  • The potential danger of this fuel. Once again we will remind about the explosive gas.
  • Significant costs associated with installation of equipment.

Profitable such heating system is only in the case when the source gas is a central gas pipeline, which is allowed to make the sidebar. If you have to bother with a regular filling of empty bottles, all the advantages of the use of gas is simply darkened.

The use of electricity for heating

Modern electrical appliances can also be used as a heat source. Especially that the range of heaters available on the market, has grown considerably in recent years. You can find everything from cheap heaters and finishing solid convectors and infrared models.

That's looking "goat" - a primitive homemade electrical device, wherein at risk of fire, consuming unnecessary amounts of electricity

However, electricity and used to use the garage owner for space heating. In most cases, the device being constructed for the purpose of thumb: a pipe made of asbestos wound Nichrome spiral. And I get a "goat". It's pretty powerful heater, which consumes up to 10 kW per hour.

To avoid unnecessary costs, you must carefully calculate what kind of power should be in the device, to fully heat the room, but do not overdo it. Excess heat adversely affects the paintwork of your "iron horse".

It is this danger may await those who set the infrared heater is not above the entrance, where it belongs, and in the vicinity of the machine. Generally speaking, the operating principle of this device consists precisely in the fact that the infrared radiation emitted by the element quartz glass or glass-ceramic, heats the surrounding objects from the warmed air which is already in room.

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Advantages of infrared heating
Infrared devices used in heating garage to form a micro-climate with the required parameters
Coverage infrared instruments
Infrared device covers during the work zone defined by its radius of action, which heats the objects, and they are transmitting the resulting heat into the air
Portable infrared lamp on a tripod
Using a portable infrared heater on a tripod, you can without any problems quickly heat the entire garage is not, as is necessary for the working area
Mobile floor variant IR heater
Similar priorities of different outdoor heater, working part you want by simply turning a corner is required
Ceiling device for IR heating
Ceiling models of infrared heaters are not different mobility. But they are difficult to accidentally drop for repairs
Economical gas infrared heater
Most infrared heaters are electrical, but have products and gas models, eating bottled gas
Apparatus ceiling heating system
Infrared heating garage can be arranged with the help of film system. In the back rooms it is not always close finish
Infrared film on the walls
There is no need to decorate the infrared heating systems on the walls of the garage. The only negative is that the building is less efficient if the garage cluttered
Advantages of infrared heating
Advantages of infrared heating
Coverage infrared instruments
Coverage infrared instruments
Portable infrared lamp on a tripod
Portable infrared lamp on a tripod
Mobile floor variant IR heater
Mobile floor variant IR heater
Ceiling device for IR heating
Ceiling device for IR heating
Economical gas infrared heater
Economical gas infrared heater
Apparatus ceiling heating system
Apparatus ceiling heating system
Infrared film on the walls
Infrared film on the walls

Therefore, the infrared heater is placed over the entrance to the garage ceiling. From there, he successfully heats the floor. It should be noted that this device can not be left on unattended. Its heating can be considerable temperature.

The advantages of this method are:

  • A wide range of electric heaters, from which you can choose the one that will perfectly match the parameters of your building.
  • There is no difficulty in the process of bringing the heater into operation.
  • To operate such a device easier than ever.

However, heating with electricity and the garage has a major drawback: its implementation need electricity. If the electricity in the garage is not, in principle, or may suddenly turn off, the heating system simply will not work. And, yes, the price of this type of fuel is growing annually.

air heating system

For air heating systems use different devices: fan heaters, curtains and special fans are catching up in the heated indoor air. The principle of operation of these devices is the same: a built-in air is heated in the heater unit and extends through the fan, which is also located inside the product.

Air heating your garage can rapidly heat the premises of various sizes. If the direct air flow to the machine is possible even under it quickly to remove all moisture. Some of the air devices consume electricity, including in the normal household network. Other uses for air heating other fuels.

heat gun
The main advantage here is a heat gun is fast heating facilities, which can be achieved using this effective device

As an example, air heating device can be reduced all the same heat gun. It should be included when you visit a garage. It warms the room in minutes. The rugged concluded that a powerful fan unit by which heat from the heating element extends around the room. But it should be borne in mind that in the absence of the owner of the garage will freeze.

Advantages of air heating are as follows:

  • The room can be heated very quickly.
  • The room temperature will be maintained at the desired level.
  • Devices for heating the air are easy to operate.

The essential disadvantage is that the air flow generated can raise the dust in the room. Regular cleaning in this case can not be avoided. In addition, the disadvantages of the devices operating on electricity, we have already discussed.

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Cons air heating circuit
Strong negative air heating systems, the booster warm air into the garage is too fast increase of temperature indicators
Condensation inside the vehicle
Due to the fact that the outside and inside temperature of a vehicle differs for a few tens degrees, condensation appears on a cooled side
Condensation on constructions
On cooling the warm air streams supplied heat gun, condensation accumulates on the ceiling and walls, which is extremely safe for both cars as well as for building structures
Damage condensation
Condensate due to temperature differences of objects, structures, equipment and surrounding air promotes rusting of metal parts, rotting insulation, upholstery, wood element
Cons air heating circuit
Cons air heating circuit
Condensation inside the vehicle
Condensation inside the vehicle
Condensation on constructions
Condensation on constructions
Damage condensation
Damage condensation

The use of an oil mining

There are ovens, for the operation of which the waste oil is used. They are not often used for heating the garage, but since this method also exists, consider it as well.

The big advantage of this method is that to make a furnace for heating working off the garage you can own hands. This job requires certain skills, but the structure of the furnace is not too difficult to DIY. For its operation needs some waste material - testing, which can get to the nearest service station. So that the fuel problem should not occur.

Heating oil working out
One major advantage of using the heating furnace at working out a testing of the oil itself. This material must be disposed of, which means that you will get for nothing or next to nothing

The process of kiln firing on working out pretty simple. Inside the device is put some paper, after which there follows the pour one liter of waste oil. Paper ignited. For working out you need to boil a few minutes, then light up a pair of oil. Add refinement needed for 5 liters. This is done in the combustion process. You can use any fuel, which is based on oil.

The advantages of this method is sufficient:

  • As fuel used free testing of which is intended for disposal.
  • The temperature of the environment does not affect the operation of the furnace.
  • The furnace design is considered fireproof, since a pair of mining burn, thus not forming an open flame.

But the superiority lies the drawback of this system: fuel storage room garage You need to find a special place that you want to build with all the fire measures security.

burning mining
Heating stove via functioning in oil processing, considered the most fireproof heating method, because the oil vapors are combusted only, without thereby forming an open flame

In addition, operation of the furnace in working out implies a special flue which the length should not be less than 4 meters. In the channel of the chimney can not be horizontal sections. It will have to be cleaned at least once a week, so it's better to foresee a removable structure.

Heating solid fuel

Solid fuel heating never occupied the leading position in the list used in garages heating systems. Everything changed with the advent of new boilers, capable of long burning. Now this method deserves your attention. Especially when you consider the fact that some kinds of boilers can be done independently, but will cost a very inexpensive unit.

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Homemade stove in the garage
Solid units are rarely used in the arrangement of garages. They take up a lot of space, need to be isolated from the space around the sparks and require constant addition of wood
Benefits of Cheap heating
However, if you do not disturb the listed disadvantages and there is enough space to install the stove, prefer it. It consumes the least expensive and is always available type of fuel
Air heating based on wood-burning stove
On the basis of wood stove is possible to arrange the air heating circuit with a pipe, laid on the perimeter of the garage
The unit for water heating system
Wood stove is often the unit, which is organized on the basis of water heating garage. In this case, inside the oven to be heat
Homemade stove in the garage
Homemade stove in the garage
Benefits of Cheap heating
Benefits of Cheap heating
Air heating based on wood-burning stove
Air heating based on wood-burning stove
The unit for water heating system
The unit for water heating system

Models of industrial production has proved popular Jetstream furnace. It is capable of 6-12 hours to maintain optimum room temperature. Pyrolysis - a process that occurs in the boiler, which is combustion of solid fuel separately from the substances released during the combustion. This feature allows you to maintain a constant temperature in the room.

To operate the pyrolysis boiler is necessary to organize the forced draft. Typically, this problem is solved by a fan. Jetstream furnace should be cleaned periodically.

There is also a pellet boiler, which uses a solid fuel in the form of pellets of compacted sawdust and shavings, - pellets. Feed pellets into the furnace is carried out automatically by means of a screw hopper or container. If you do not forget about ventilation, the boiler will be working, the more heated the more it covered with pellets.

Pellets - modern look greener fuel, representing a pressed from wood sawdust and shavings granules which, incidentally, can be used as a filler for cat the toilet

The advantages of solid-fuel heating:

  • This heating system can also be used where there is no electricity.
  • Simple boiler can be built with their own hands.

But we should not forget that during the operation of the solid heating system potential risk of fire. If you apply it in the garage, in the same room with the boiler can not be stored explosive and flammable substances. This is dangerous.

Furthermore, in the garage good extractor capable withdraw combustion products must be fitted. Duct will need regular cleaning, and for the boiler to be watched.

General rules for safe heating garage

Which of the proposed systems will fall your choice - we do not know, but we do know that, regardless of the heating method, you should follow the safety rules, which we want you tell:

  • Think garage heating system, not when approaching cold, and during the construction of the premises. This will greatly facilitate the realization of many ideas.
  • Operation furnaces type "stove" is impossible if there is no high-quality ventilation.
  • Gas heating is not compatible with the presence in the same room with it hazardous and volatile substances, as well as means capable trigger metal corrosion.
  • Power installed in the structure of the instrument must not exceed the capacity of your network. Even if you think that the excess is insignificant.
  • Electric heating means installing automatic cutout, which de-energize the electrical appliances in the event of network congestion.
  • If the connection device used with the socket strip, the length should not be more than 6 meters at section 2-3.5 mm2.
  • On heating devices can not place things to dry.
  • You can store gas cylinders only in areas that are above ground level. That is, in the garage with a basement can not be used.
  • If there is a gas leak, it accumulates in the lower room. For full blast in this situation enough not only match, but also a simple spark that can slip when you turn on the light. If you are using gas heating garage scheme sniffs before flip the switch.
  • At night, all the electrical appliances should be turned off. If they needed it at night for them will have to follow.
  • Normal garage microclimate provided by means of ventilation and insulation quality.
  • Heating equipment requires preventive examinations, which should be carried out regularly.

None of these rules is not impossible. And they all combine to provide for your safety.

Warm garage heating
The rules that you have to follow are simple and do not cause trouble, but the execution of them will help you save both their property and perhaps his life

Useful videos on the topic

In this video clip is presented in detail the process of making the stove, solid fuel (wood) for heating garden, garage premises or other buildings. The main feature of this oven is a pipe 330 mm in diameter and 500 mm in length. At full tab wood and when burning them in the smoldering mode, the heat generated is enough for 4-6 hours at room heating in winter 15 m2.

Arrangement and warming the garage in which the infrared heaters are installed, dedicated to the second roller. He is valuable because it demonstrates some of the ways of warming garage that will not waste the resulting heat.

We have presented you with the most popular ways of organization of heating in the garage. Perhaps you will like fast heat gun, and perhaps attract the attention of an economical wood burning stove. If the garage is directly adjacent to the house, the choice is obvious: it is necessary to include this space in the house with common water heating circuit. In any case, the choice is yours. To do this, we have tried to collect for you the arguments "for" and "against."

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