Fat stains on upholstered furniture is a nuisance that any good housewife can handle. To do this, do not necessarily apply to the services of professional dry cleaning. You can remove the fat stain from the sofa using proven folk methods, using home remedies.
General rules and recommendations
Before you begin to remove such contaminants, you need to know and follow three conditions.
First of all, immediately removing the newly formed fatty mark is much easier than the old one.
Secondly, the area must be cleaned strictly from the edges to the center. This procedure does not allow an increase in the area of contamination and avoids divorces on the material from which the furniture is made.
Thirdly, with any method of purification, you should first apply the selected agent to an inconspicuous area of furniture. If this is a sofa book, you can try in the gap between the seat and the back, after spreading it out. If the upholstered furniture is close to the wall, then the tool is better to put on its back side.
How to remove a fresh stain from the sofa
First of all, the hostess should know exactly what material the upholstery of the upholstered furniture is made of. For different fabrics have their own methods of cleaning.
To remove the greasy stain from the sofa with any upholstery, first of all you need to soak it as soon as possible with a dry paper or fabric napkin. This will remove the main amount of fat. If the upholstery is removable, you can try to iron the polluted place on both sides with a hot iron through parchment, blotting paper or a thin cloth.
Fresh stains on
pile fabrics. After removing the main amount of fat, contamination on flock, chenille, velor should be sprinkled with fine salt or baking soda. Grains absorb the fat residues. After some time, they are cleaned with a brush or breadcrumb, rolling his palm over the surface of the sofa.
If the spots are small, in the form of splashes or dots, sprinkle them with an absorbent substance for a short period - for 30 or 40 minutes. If a bowl of soup is knocked over on the sofa or a slice of pizza is dropped, you will have to wait a little longer - 4-5 hours. Then the upholstery is vacuumed with a soft long bristle nozzle. The cleaned place is wiped with a wet soap cloth. Finally, the area is wiped with a slightly damp cloth and thoroughly dried.
An effective but gentle agent for removing fresh stains from pile fabrics is an alcohol solution. Alcohol is diluted with water in equal parts, moisten a clean rag in it and lay it on a dirty site for 15 minutes, lightly rubbing upholstery. Complete the cleaning procedure with a wet first, then with a dry cloth.
Recent Textile Stains
Fresh greasy marks on a mat, tapestry, jacquard are filled with starch, baby powder or chalk as quickly as possible. If there is not one of these remedies in the house, 2-3 tablets of calcium gluconate or any other medicine for strengthening bones and joints can be pounded into powder. Fine powder absorbs fat within 3-4 hours. Then it remains only to remove the remnants of a vacuum cleaner or brush. If there are still greasy traces, the contamination is treated with a solution of dishwashing detergent, washed thoroughly and dried with a hairdryer or iron through a cloth that absorbs moisture.
A recent stain can also be wiped with a soapy rag and dipped in soda. After one hour, the contamination is washed with water and dried.
Fresh stains on leather furniture.
Natural leather, vinyl, dermantin, eco-leather is easy to clean. Skin is not afraid of fat, so just wipe the material with a dry clean cloth. If this is not enough, then egg whites, which are whipped into foam, are put on the dirt. A few minutes is enough to remove the stain completely. The cleared place is wiped at first moistened, then a dry napkin.
How to clean the old stains
If the oil stain is not detected immediately, or the hostess did not have the opportunity to clean it immediately, then you will have to make more efforts to remove it. Fat very quickly penetrates the fibers of the fabric, impregnates it through. Interacting with oxygen, it oxidizes and hardens, forming an insoluble polymer. The task of refreshing the spot comes to the fore, and only then try to clean it.
For this purpose, use:
- sal ammoniac;
- vinegar;
- lemon juice;
- turpentine;
- gasoline;
- lubricant WD-40;
- alcohol;
- shaving foam.
Old stains on nap upholstery
The proven remedy for removing old dirt on flock, velor, and chenille is ammonia. In a liter of warm water, pour in one ampule of ammonia and two teaspoons of lemon juice. The solution is moistened with a napkin and placed on a dirty place for 1.5-2 hours. Then the area is treated with a sponge with soapy water, without exerting pressure, so as not to damage the pile. In conclusion, the cleaned place is washed with water and thoroughly soaked with a dry cloth. You can dry the wet area with a hairdryer.
Old stains on textiles
Old marks successfully soften turpentine. Fat stains from natural tissues are removed with a mixture of rubbed toilet or laundry soap, one share of ammonia and two fractions of turpentine. The ingredients are mixed to a uniform composition and applied to dirty areas. After 1.5-2 hours, the upholstery is thoroughly washed and dried.
Use turpentine in another recipe. It is applied to traces of fat on the couch and left for two hours. After that, soda is poured onto the contaminated area and lightly rubbed. Soda crystals are removed with a brush. The cleaned area is washed with water.
WD-40 multi-purpose grease is used to soften an old, dried-up fat trail on textiles and nap fabrics. The product is sprayed over the surface and left for 2-3 minutes. Grease is removed along with grease using a clean cloth. Then, one of the absorbing substances — chalk, talc, salt, starch, soda — is applied to the treated area. After 3-4 hours, the powder is vacuumed. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
If the stain still does not give in, shaving foam is applied to it and rubbed into the upholstery material with an old toothbrush. After 20-30 minutes, the remaining foam is removed first dry, then wet and then dry with a rag.
The soiled area can be treated with gasoline mixed with starch in a 50/50 ratio. The mass is left on the oily mark for 2-3 hours, washed with warm water and dried. This recipe is also suitable for fleecy fabrics.
To enhance the effect of lemon juice and acetic acid are mixed with each other in equal shares. This solution is applied with a sponge. You can moisten a napkin in it and leave it on the spot for a while. After wiping at first slightly moist, then dry with a napkin. Silk and jacquard are cleaned with a weak vinegar solution without the addition of lemon juice, which leaves stains on these fabrics.
Old stains on leather furniture
A dried out oil residue on upholstery made from leather, natural or artificial materials is treated with a solution of warm water with vinegar or lemon juice. Then the sofa is wiped with a cloth moistened with water and wiped dry.
Household chemicals that remove greasy stains
Industrial stain cleaners contain components that break down fat molecules. Stain removers are available in different forms - solid, powdery, liquid, in the form of a spray or a pencil. There are universal cleaners or directional. Universal stain removers remove various contaminants - not only from fat, but also bloody, herbal, ink, coffee, wine or tea. Directional agents work against a specific type of contamination, including fat.
Stain removers under the brand name Dr. Beckmann( Dr. Beckman) "Fats and Sauces" are available in convenient packaging of 50 ml. They do not irritate the skin, cope with difficult to remove old stains, taking into account the characteristics of the upholstery fabric. Produced in a liquid, gel form, as well as in the form of rollers.
Fatty place without pre-moistening is treated with stain remover, leave for 10-15 minutes for exposure. After this, the area is cleaned first with a wet, then with a dry, clean cloth.
A widely used universal remedy Vanish( Vanish).It removes not only fresh, but also old traces of fat. Shampoo for cleaning carpets of this brand is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 9, foamed and applied with a sponge on the contaminated place. After drying, the upholstery is vacuumed.
Soap Antipyatin is made from natural ingredients and copes with greasy marks. The advantages of this tool, in addition to efficiency, is its low price. Soap does not lose its effectiveness in cold water, which is especially convenient when cleaning sofas.
The polluted area is abundantly moistened, soaped and left to act for 15-30 minutes. Then the cleaned place is washed and dried with a hairdryer.
For cleaning upholstered furniture it is more convenient to use Antipyatin, produced in the form of a spray.
Not bad removes greasy traces of the domestic universal pencil Unimax Ultra( Yumax Ultra).It does not contain chlorine, so it is suitable for any upholstery fabrics. The pencil is compact and economical: one package is designed to remove 500 spots 2 cm by 3 cm.
moisten the stain before use with hot water. Wet the area rubbed with a pencil before the formation of foam. After 20 minutes, the treated area is washed with water and dried.