Recommendations for cleaning the carpet with a long nap

Even with flooring in the form of parquet, laminate or linoleum, fluffy carpet looks very impressive, walking on it is incredibly pleasant, and the house becomes cozy and warm. They are particularly decorated with living rooms, and decorated in completely different styles, and they are indispensable in rooms for children. Such things require special attention to themselves, and some time after replenishing the interior with such a new thing, the question arises how to clean the carpet with a long nap at home by yourself.

Several ways to clean the carpet.

Of course, cleaning such bulky items is better and easier to entrust to professionals. But if you have to do it more often than you would like, there is no specialized dry-cleaner nearby or from elementary economy, you can use simple methods to return your presentable house to your carpet.

Using a vacuum cleaner, special detergents for carpets, a broom of suitable hardness and a soft sponge, we proceed to the cleaning process. Also worth getting out of the closet and put nearby salt, 6% vinegar and sal ammoniac.

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The amount of dust in a product directly depends on the density and size of its pile. It is hard to believe, but one square meter can contain about a kilogram of dirt, but this is the case if they rarely do the cleaning of the carpet in the house. Constant and timely cleaning will prevent such a disgrace.

For a product with a long nap, a vacuum cleaner is ideal, this method should be applied at least a couple of times a week. A vacuum cleaner can handle a small amount of dust and dirt. But as the carpet becomes soiled, it becomes more and more difficult for the vacuum cleaner to cope with this task, so you should resort to help and other cleaning procedures.

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Periodically, you should knock the dust out of the carpet on the street. In winter you can use snow for cleaning. The carpet should be spread on pristine clean snow in the yard or outside the city, the pile should be located outside. Put snow on a fluffy surface and then brush it off with a hard broom or brush.

After the bulk of the dirt has been removed with a vacuum cleaner or with the help of snow, you can use any of the special carpet shampoos for more perfect cleaning. Detergents of such brands as “Kovrol”, Vanish, “Vorsinka” have proven themselves well.

But it should be remembered that there is alkali in the composition of such preparations, and so that the brightness of the product does not fade with time, you should not abuse them. After using any of these products, the nap should be wiped with a weak solution of vinegar. This can be done with a sponge or soft cloth, directing movement in the direction of "growth" of the pile.

At home, instead of household chemicals, it is permissible and even recommended to use other means. Effectively clean the carpet using ordinary table salt, it will give freshness and brightness to the colors.

Salt should be poured abundantly on the spread carpet. It should be removed with a hard broom, periodically rinsing it in warm soapy water. Salt can be replaced with used brew, sawdust or bran. Finishing the procedure should be knocking out the carpet to get rid of the remnants of the substances used for cleaning.

A fleecy carpet can also be well cleaned using ammonia. A spoon of ammonia together with three spoons of powder is diluted in a 5-7-liter bucket of water and the resulting solution is applied to the surface of the carpet with a soft brush. Then the remains are removed with a damp, clean cloth, after which the pile should be dried.

A solution prepared with the addition of vinegar and soda will be ideal for cleaning a house with a white carpet. Soda( a tablespoon) and vinegar( a teaspoon) are added to a container with a liter of water and mixed well. If you use 6 or 9% vinegar, add a tablespoon. Remove dirt from the carpet with a stiff brush, wetting it in the prepared solution. This method is very effective, all components are available.

Removing persistent stains

Sometimes stains appear on the surface of the carpet, such as from spilled coffee or another drink, a randomly dropped piece of chocolate or ice cream. But there are few surprises from which no one is insured, especially if there are small children in the house. A few tips to remove stains from the surface of the carpet at home will help you to correct the situation and return the product to its previous appearance.

  • If someone accidentally spilled red wine on the carpet, it should immediately be poured with salt. After 20-30 minutes, you need to vacuum it.
  • Fruit and chocolate spots are easy to wash off with a special solution. To prepare it, a teaspoon of vinegar( preferably wine or fruit) and the same amount of laundry detergent are taken per liter of water. The pile at the spot formation is rubbed with the mixture.
  • Chewing gum is a perennial problem of families with children; it turns out to be stuck in the most unimaginable places. Easy to remove the gum with the help of freezing, but you can not put the carpet in the freezer. Surely you will find ice in the fridge, but if not - you can use, for example, frozen meat. You need to put ice or a bag of frozen food on the place where the gum stuck and wait until it hardens, then it will be removed easily.
  • A splotch of fat on the carpet should be sprinkled with salt or sawdust, pre-moistened with gasoline, and left for a while, you can overnight. Sawdust will absorb the fat in itself, the carpet in this place will need to be rubbed with a cloth moistened with soapy water.

Self-cleaning a carpet with a large pile at home is not such a difficult task. And deny yourself the pleasure of walking barefoot on the fluffy surface because of the far-fetched and exaggerated problem of the complexity of care, not worth it. In addition, this carpet will make your home truly warm and cozy, and you can easily clean it with the help of a variety of means and methods, starting with special shampoos and finishing with improvised means.

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