How much is stored in the refrigerator soup - 3 mandatory rules


  • 1 3 features proper storage
  • 2 storage time
    • 2.1 Fridge
    • 2.2 freezer
  • 3 results
Soup - a traditional first course, which must be stored properly.Soup - a traditional first course, which must be stored properly.

Active rhythm of life forces us to prepare food for future use. We know that the pasta and meatballs excellent stand for several days in the cold. And what to do with liquid dish? How long can you keep the soup in the refrigerator? I share my observations with you.

3 features proper storage

According to sanitary regulations the first dish should be eaten within three hours after preparation.According to sanitary regulations the first dish should be eaten within three hours after preparation.

Approved health standards say that soups are classified as perishable products:

  • by the standards of liquid food to eat within three hours after preparation.
  • If the soup is pre-cool, Its period of storage in the refrigerator will be up to 18 hours at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

Violation of the requirements contributes to product spoilage.

I with this opinion only partially agree. Experienced cooks and respected authors of cookbooks in one voice told that cooked with his own hands liquid dish can be stored for much longer. The main thing - to follow a few simple rules.

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Extend the life of first courses by using the refrigerator and freezer.Extend the life of first courses by using the refrigerator and freezer.

General rules:

  1. Temperature. It should be observed constant temperature refrigerator mode. No more than 2-6 ° C.
  2. Tableware. Well it kept only soup in an enamel and glass containers.
In the glass and enamelware food are not oxidized.In the glass and enamelware food are not oxidized.

I strongly recommend not to store the first dishes in aluminum and stainless steel containers - they can produce harmful substances.

  1. Protection. To the broth has not lost its taste qualities, it is necessary to remove the spoons and ladles of the container. Required to close the lid tightly.
Pouring a liquid on the plates and transfer it to a lower capacity is necessary ladle clean.Pouring a liquid on the plates and transfer it to a lower capacity is necessary ladle clean.

Is it possible to remove the hot soup in the fridge? No, it is not desirable. Worsen the taste of dishes, besides there is a risk of spoiling the products placed in the neighborhood.

storage time

There are over 1500 different soups. I'll tell you how to preserve the freshness of the most popular types of soups.


How much is stored in the refrigerator soup and other liquid food?

Picture Dish
table_pic_att14947109054 broth

First course on the fatty meat broth can be stored for several days, but no more than 72 hours.

table_pic_att14947109065 Chicken bouillon

Determine how many chicken broth stored in the refrigerator, it is possible only on the basis of its components:

  • If the broth is cooked only of chicken and spices - 48 hours;
  • If the soup is, greens and eggs - 24 hours.
table_pic_att14947109076 Fish soup

After 3 hours, after cooling soup taste noticeably worsen. Store in the refrigerator, you can dish it, but no more than 48 hours.

table_pic_att14947109077 Mushroom soup

Broth with mushrooms is best to use immediately after preparation. But in case of acute need it is possible to send in the refrigerator - not more than 24 hours.

table_pic_att14947109088 Cheese soup

If the first meal prepared:

  • processed cheese - 48 hours;
  • of grated cheese - 36 hours.

On the surface of the broth with cheese may appear oily film characteristic - it does not affect the taste.

table_pic_att14947109149 Borscht

Cabbage, which is a part of this dish, soup can store much longer than the others:

  • for the first 72 hours in the refrigerator soup does not happen any changes;
  • maximum storage time7 days.
table_pic_att149471091610 Hash and beetroot

Completely cooked hash will not lose the freshness in the fridge - until 72 hours.

If you keep the "salad" for this soup separately from the liquid, the storage period can be increased by 2 times.

Milk soup

This is the most perishable liquid dish. For him, the best freshness period - not more than 12 hours in the cold.

The same term is given fresh soups and sweet with condensed milk, cream and yoghurt.

table_pic_att149471091711 vegetable broth

Vegetable first courses can be kept in refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Please note, after cooling can change the color of some vegetables.

table_pic_att149471091812 Cream soup

If a part of the first dishes to eat dairy products - not more than 12 hours. If no milk - up to 24 hours.


Ready broth can be stored for a long time in the freezer. If we remove from the thick part of the whole, the deadline will be - up to 6 months at a temperature from -15 to -18 ° C.

Instructions how to properly freeze the broth:

  1. cool broth. To save time, pour cold water into a bowl and put to a pot of soup.
Add a few ice cubes to accelerate the cooling of food.Add a few ice cubes to accelerate the cooling of food.
  1. pour broth by sealed plastic containers for ready meals.

Instead, plastic containers can be used silicone molds for cakes.

  1. Glue on each serving Sticker with the date of freezing.
  2. Send a liquid in the freezer and use as needed.

Even if you follow all instructions exactly - liquid dish can deteriorate.

Why kisnet soup in the refrigerator:

  • temperature changes;
  • improper utensils;
  • in containers are metal cutlery.
In the photo - the wrong example of soup storageIn the photo - the wrong example of soup storage

If you notice that prokis soup - it is better not use it for food. Indigestion - the minimum price that need to pay for it.


As we have seen, can be stored in the cold any soup. The main thing - to adhere to the above recommendations. Videos in this article clearly show recommendations. If you have questions - contact the comments.

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