How to keep cut pumpkin: 5 all sorts of ways


  • 1 Methods for storage of the product
    • 1.1 Method 1. Fridge
    • 1.2 Method 2. freezing
    • 1.3 Method 3. Drying
    • 1.4 Method 4. juicing
    • 1.5 Method 5. cooking jam
  • 2 Summary
Pumpkin can be used for a year, if you know its storage conditionsPumpkin can be used for a year, if you know its storage conditions

As a rule, the pumpkin can not be used at a time - it is a vegetable bulky. How to keep cut a pumpkin for a long period? That's what I asked my mother in law. And it prompted me for five ways. I share with you.

Methods for storage of the product

It was found, pumpkin dried, frozen, baked, steamed from it juices, fruit drinks, purees and preserves. But I start with the announcement of the general rules:

Spoiled vegetables can not be stored for a long timeSpoiled vegetables can not be stored for a long time
  1. healthy vegetable. Before you cut the pumpkin, make sure it is clean and does not rot. Of damage to the fetus, or more precisely, of its healthy parts, you can make juice or jam.
  2. a dark place. Regardless of the method, a vegetable store in the dark from the sun room.
  3. Temperature. Maintain the recommended temperature.
  4. Tara. Use good quality packaging - its price is low.
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Pumpkin should be kept away from sunlightPumpkin should be kept away from sunlight

Method 1. Fridge

Cut the pumpkin can be refrigerated for up to 20 days, subject to certain rules:

  1. Low content should be 2 +... + 4 ° C.
  2. Try not to touch the flesh of his arms - it can cause rotting vegetables.
  3. If possible, do not cut the peel.
  4. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap.

If packed in foil pumpkin, the product will be able to lie in the refrigerator for more than a month.

Perfectly preserved vegetables in the refrigeratorPerfectly preserved vegetables in the refrigerator
Photo: vegetable that you will soon it to use, can be stored on the balcony, in the closet or in the closetPhoto: vegetable that you will soon it to use, can be stored on the balcony, in the closet or in the closet

Method 2. freezing

The easiest way to keep the pumpkin in an apartment for a long time in the freezer compartment:

Picture instruction
Step 1

Free fruit from the seed.

table_pic_att14946029394 step 2

Remove the rind.

Use a long, sharp knife - or thick rind removed it will not be easy.

table_pic_att14946029445 step 3

Chop the vegetables into sticks, the desired shape and size

step 4

Wrap each piece of vegetable in a plastic bag and let out all the air out of him.

step 5

It remains the last - freezing the pumpkin for the winter.

storage life in the freezer: 6-8 months.

The frozen product is better not to put together with the meat - it threatens the appearance of pumpkins unusual for her to smell.

Method 3. Drying

I have in my arsenal and pumpkin recipe at home for lovers of dried fruit. To prepare dried vegetables you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp;
  • water.
Picture instruction
table_pic_att14946029496 Step 1

First you need to cut the pumpkin into small pieces the size of 1.5 to 2 cm.

step 2

Cubes pour boiling water and drain water through the strainer.

table_pic_att14946029527 step 3

Dry the cut vegetable in an oven preheated to 60 ° C.

Even better the cooked pumpkin Electric driers in the "drying fruits and vegetables."

storage life dried vegetables 12 months. Dried serving of vegetables requires content in a dry place in sealed jars.

Method 4. juicing

Oddly enough, but there is a way to store cut the pumpkin, which is slightly deteriorated. Make of her delicious thick juice. Cut away the rot and prepare:

  • pumpkin pulp (kilograms);
  • sugar (glass);
  • lemon;
  • Water (2 liters).
Picture instruction
Step 1

Prepared vegetable grate.

table_pic_att14946029568 step 2

The syrup of water and sugar (boil for 10-15 minutes), add the grated product, mix well and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Constantly stir the porridge, so it does not overheat.

table_pic_att14946029619 step 3

Well cooked pumpkin should be crushed with a blender.

table_pic_att149460296610 step 4

Return the pumpkin puree in a saucepan and add the lemon juice.

table_pic_att149460297011 step 5

Boil water and then on a small fire cook 10 minutes until fully cooked. Do not forget to stir


Ready juice keep in the refrigerator or in the cellar at a temperature of -1... + 3 ° C.

storage life: 3 months.

Method 5. cooking jam

I share, in my opinion, the most delicious way to keep pumpkin. This is a simple recipe of pumpkin jam. For the preparation you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp (kilograms);
  • sugar (kilograms);
  • water (300-350 ml).
Picture instruction
Step 1

Mix sugar and water and cook the syrup.

Consistency liquid transfusion must stretch a thin thread.

step 2

Purified from the seeds and peel the pumpkin chop into cubes of 1 by 1 cm.

table_pic_att149460297412 step 3

Pour syrup cubes and simmer until fully cooked on a small heat for 15-20 minutes.

Pour the jam into jars and sealed send to the basement or leave in the refrigerator.

Shelf life: 18 months.


That's my basic recipe. And you have the secrets of how to keep this vegetable? Suggest my way in the comments. To learn how to save a whole pumpkin in the winter - in the video in this article.

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