Causes of blockages
In order to successfully deal with clogging pipes, you need to find out the reasons for which they are polluted. This can occur not only as a result of contamination by household waste, but also as a result of the destruction of communication routes and bad water in the pipes. The main causes of blockages are not so much.
- The blockages in metal pipes can occur due to the corrosion process that begins on their walls with time. In this case, the rust-affected metal particles are detached from the walls of the pipes and, carried away by the flow of water, then settle in narrower places. Other particles of contaminants get caught and a blockage occurs.
- If the water is supersaturated with heavy metal salts in running water, they settle on the walls of the pipes and form deposits. Thickening of this kind within the communications also contributes to the creation of traffic jams.
- Insoluble residues of household waste accumulate in pipes and create an impassable blockage through which water flow cannot pass.
- Fat, washed off the dishes, gets inside the pipe and covers the food particles. Thereby, a fatty plug is formed that prevents the passage of water.
Mechanical method of dealing with blockages
If there is a blockage in the sink, at home it can be removed with various tools by applying physical force. There are several methods for this.
You can quickly clean up a small blockage in both the kitchen and the bathroom using a tool such as a plunger. Pour hot water approximately 1/3 into the sink. Then, with vigorous up-and-down movements, you need to create pressure in the pipe to break through the mud plug. Literally within a few minutes you can clean the sink.
Slight dirt in the sink can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, which has a blowing function. Wind the cloth on the vacuum cleaner tube so that it fits tightly with the hole in the sink when they are connected. Turn on the vacuum cleaner on the blowing, while the pressure of the air flow will affect the tube. After a while, turn on the water to remove any residual dirt.
If it was not possible to get rid of the blockage by means of a plunger, you can use a plumbing cable. With it, you can clean even heavy dirt in the bathroom. The cable has a special nozzle at the end, which breaks the dirt, screwing into the pipe. The tool must be inserted into the hole of the sink and push it away from you, while scrolling. Turn on water periodically to flush loose dirt particles.
In order to clean plastic and chrome-plated pipes from contamination, a tool such as a metal cable will not work, as it can damage their structure.Chemicals
If mechanical actions did not help, in order to clear the mash at home, you need to look for other means. To solve the problem of how to eliminate the blockage in the sink, you can turn to potent chemicals.
Special means of chemical action for cleaning pipes are quite a lot. It can be a variety of liquids, gels, powders, which are sold in hardware stores( Mole, Mr. Muscle, etc.).The active ingredient in their composition is sodium hydroxide. They quite quickly and effectively allow you to clear even strong congestion.
Before use, carefully read the instructions for their use, as these substances are very toxic and should be handled with care. Most often, these drugs are poured into the hole in the sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen and after a specified time are washed off with water.
When using chemicals do not pour them on the surface of the sink or bath, and also do not allow accidental contact with the skin and eyes. When cleaning clogs, use protective equipment to increase safety.
Folk remedies
If you have a sink clogged, you can use folk remedies to clean it. They are non-toxic and in most cases quite effectively allow you to remove the blockage.
To clean the sink in the bathroom or kitchen from the fat tube at home, you can make a strong saline solution. Stir a few tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water and pour it into the drain hole. If the cork is not dissolved, you can additionally clean the sink with a plunger.
Clean the pipes quite effectively with soda and vinegar. First pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drain hole. Then fill the drain with vinegar and plug the hole with a stopper. As a result of a chemical reaction, foam is formed, which is able to quickly and efficiently clear blockages.If the drain is clogged in the kitchen, into which the cooking oil was poured, you can clear the drains by preparing a cleaning mixture with vinegar and soda, with the addition of laundry detergent. Mix the powder with soda in equal parts and pour into the drain. Top with vinegar and wait about 20 minutes. Then rinse the drain well with hot water.
Prevention measures
In order to avoid clogging of pipes and subsequently did not have to do the cleaning of the drain in the bathroom, you need to follow fairly simple rules:
- in sink sinks do not pour out the remnants of cooking oil remaining on the dishes;
- before you start washing dishes, it must be well cleaned from food debris;
- shell hole must be protected with a special mesh designed to collect food particles;
- periodically clean the sinks using any method available to you; this should be done regularly to avoid creating tight traffic jams.
In order to quickly and reliably get rid of food debris, there is a special device - food waste shredder. If you install it inside the sink, it will effectively grind all solid particles trapped in the sink.
The grinder is virtually silent and versatile, as it copes with all types of food waste. In addition, when using it, unpleasant odors are eliminated from the sink, since impurities will not accumulate inside the pipe. The device is very ergonomic and does not require maintenance.
Whatever means you use to clean the pipes from blockages, it is always better to prevent a problem than to make efforts to eliminate it. Follow the necessary recommendations to keep the pipes clean and you will not have to deal with difficult to clean congestion.