Spring top dressing of fruit bushes and trees

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For high fruitfulness of your garden, you must feed the top fruit trees and bushes in spring. Plantings are fed with fertilizers. The main components in the development of trees are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. When using these types of fertilizers, plantings are saturated with oxygen and useful substances necessary for the activation of vegetative processes. Especially feeding fruit trees and shrubs is necessary in the spring when they wake up and need protection and help.

Fertilizers for fruit trees and shrubs in the spring: their types

Many gardeners and gardeners are wondering: What to fertilize trees in the spring? To do this, you need to know what kind of fertilizer they need. The need of fruit trees and shrubs for certain elements necessary for nutrition and development varies, depending on the vegetative processes. In the spring, plantings need potassium. Phosphorus and nitrogen are needed in the formation of fruits.

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The feeding process itself is carried out with organic or mineral substances. Let us cite them below:

  1. Organic fertilizers are humus( compost, droppings, manure, peat), when used, the soil is enriched with vitamins.
  2. Mineral - divided into simple, when they contain one component, and complex, which, in turn, contain several. Their basis is phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Organic - natural fertilizer for plantations. Their main function is to improve the composition of the soil. Do not harm. Feeding trees with manure is quite a popular method. They contain trace elements necessary for growth - copper, manganese, cobalt and others. Compost, as one of the types of fertilizers, is quite a universal remedy. It can be: 1. humus and peat - as independent components;2. as well as a mixture of tops, leaves, and fermented organic residues with the ground.

Read also: When do you need to process garden trees in spring?

Nitrogen fertilizers, as a type of mineral, should be used very carefully. These include ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and urea concentrate( urea).

It is important to respect the dosage, proportion and safety precautions. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for use, so as not to harm either yourself or the plant.

Fertilizers from potassium, it is necessary to apply in diluted form( diluting with iron, zinc).The most commonly used agent is potassium sulphate. The correct dosage will enrich the tree or shrub with necessary elements that will provide them with good fruits. When mixing potash and phosphate fertilizers, the best effect is achieved.

Phosphorous helps in adapting plantings to environmental factors, which makes them strong and resistant to frost. They must be introduced into the ground deeper in spring in order for the roots to absorb the remedy as much as possible. This is necessary for the root system, as a result - good quality and quantity of fruits.

Properly selected and used fertilizer for fruit trees and shrubs in the spring, not only enriches them with the components and substances necessary for nutrition, but also improves the properties of the soil, which will ensure a good harvest.

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Top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs in the spring

Spring top dressing of fruit trees and shrubs begins with the incorporation of nitrogen-containing elements into the ground. In order to saturate the plant with vitamins and trace elements, you can use urea or ammonium nitrate. The process of feeding through the root, will occur in stages and gradually. The microelements and vitamins introduced into the soil, with precipitation fall to the roots and absorb them.

Each planting has its own system, the so-called feeding, the necessary substances. Thanks to this, you can learn how to feed fruit trees and shrubs in the spring.

Spring apple care begins in April. When you see the first leaflets, you can begin the process of feeding, using nitrogen-containing mixtures - humus, urea or ammonium nitrate. They are brought in tree trunks. These substances activate the vegetative processes. Fertilizers are applied to the soil when digging or loosening. In this case, the root of the tree is being fed.

Pear also needs vitamins and trace elements in spring. It is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, urea, and chicken droppings.

It is necessary to add chicken droppings in a small amount, otherwise there is a risk of burning the trunk and roots of the tree.

When mixing saltpeter with water, it is important to respect the proportions 1: 0.5.Every year in spring, the amount of fertilizer used should be increased, as the tree itself grows and grows.

Before the cherry begins to bloom, you need to produce its dressing. Since there are still few leaves on the tree at the beginning of spring, it is during this period that fertilizer should be applied in liquid form. This will enrich the tree, even before flowering, with all the necessary substances for nutrition.

Liquid fertilizers should be applied periodically if there is a small amount of precipitation. Also fit chicken droppings, nitrogen and organic products in the mix.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners know that for shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and blackberries are also important and need feeding in the spring. They should be fertilized as follows:

  • potassium nitrate;
  • ash / urea mixture;
  • ekofoskoy;
  • mixture of several types of fertilizers.
Read also: Fertilizers for conifers or how to feed evergreens?

The application of fertilizer in spring under fruit trees and shrubs is an important factor in the formation of fruits and their normal development. Digging and loosening of the soil, annually, leads to weathering of the earth. Therefore, not only plantings, but also the soil needs feeding. Mineral and organic fertilizers feed and enrich the soil and trees with essential substances. This is necessary not only for the growth and fruitfulness of plants, but also to improve the composition of the soil.

Fertilizing of fruit trees and shrubs begins in spring, before the flowering process. During this period, plantings are weak and need initial care. The root system requires recharge. This is achieved by applying fertilizer to the soil. The process of feeding fruit trees and shrubs is the first step to a good harvest.

Rules for fertilizing fruit trees - video

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