What fertilizer to use for potatoes when planting in the spring?

The potato harvest in the country is getting worse and worse every year. Soon we will collect as much as planted. I think the reason for the depletion of the soil. They say it is best to fertilize potatoes right at the time of planting. Tell me, please, what kind of fertilizer for potatoes when planting in the spring is best to use?

Hello. Indeed, potato depletes the soil more than the vast majority of crops. Having a weak root system, it brings abundant fruits, pulling potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients out of the ground. Therefore, proper and timely feeding is extremely important for obtaining a good harvest. And knowing what kind of fertilizer for potatoes when planting in the spring in the spring is better to make, you guarantee yourself a rich harvest.

Read also: Ferrous spotting of potatoes: causes of disease, preventive measures

Chemical fertilizers

The modern market offers a wide choice of various chemical fertilizers suitable for potatoes. But most people prefer to use proven mixtures, which for more than a dozen years have allowed us to get a rich harvest. A good combination is the following:

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  • Nitrophoska - 1 tablespoon;
  • Bone Meal - 0.5 cups.

By applying this amount of fertilizer to each well, you can count on a rich harvest in the fall.

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Do-It-Yourself Fertilizers

Some people traditionally do not trust chemical fertilizers, preferring to use only those that are made with their own tools from improvised means. In addition, it allows you to reduce financial costs to zero.

First of all, you can advise bird droppings. Use it should be very careful not to spoil the soil. Chicken droppings are diluted with warm water at a ratio of 1:15.Holding it for a few days in a warm place, giving it a good brew, use it when planting - add 1 liter of the mixture to each well.

Read also: Late planting time for potatoes: how to get a full-fledged crop

Owners of stoves and saunas using firewood only can use ash at the rate of 200 grams per square kilometer. This provides the right amount of potassium that the potato needs.

You can use mullein. Dissolve it in water at a ratio of 1:10 to get an effective and completely harmless fertilizer that feeds potatoes well and allows you to get a rich harvest.

As you can see, fertilizers for potatoes can be made from virtually any organic material.

You can study the issue of potato fertilizer in more detail by viewing the video

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