Preparing for the removal of
You can clean the tiles on the walls and ceilings in the bathroom with your own hands using specialized tools, as well as using traditional recipes. Regardless of the method chosen, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation so that the procedure is the most effective. Do not forget that the mold is not only unaesthetic, but also hazardous to health, therefore it is recommended to prepare in advance:
- thick rubber gloves for cleaning;
- medical mask or cotton-gauze bandage, and when working with potent household chemicals - a respirator;
- safety glasses;
- spray gun for easy handling of hard-to-reach areas on walls and ceilings;
- brush, sponge or brush for applying the composition;
- non-food capacity for solution preparation.
Before using any tool of your choice in order to completely clean the surfaces in the bathroom from black fungus, it is necessary to clean the top layer of the mold. To do this, use an aqueous solution of chlorine-containing funds, it is applied with a soft sponge, while washing away the mold from the surface.
Household chemicals
In hardware stores you can find specialized tools for almost any need, and getting rid of mold in the bathroom is no exception. Among such funds you can find both budget and more expensive imported ones, but there is practically no difference in the effect of their use.
Bleach "Whiteness"
The cheapest means among household chemicals can be called "Whiteness" of domestic production. Initially, it was intended as a laundry bleach, but it can also be used to combat mold on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom. The destructive effect of "Whiteness" on the fungus is caused by the content of chlorine in its composition. For processing ceramic tiles, it is necessary to dilute the whiteness with water at a ratio of 1:10, and in order to remove the fungus from plastic panels, the concentration must be reduced by half.
Cillit Bang
Under this brand, a specialized tool is produced that allows you to effortlessly destroy black molds on walls and ceilings in the bathroom. It is ready for use immediately after purchase, it does not need to be diluted with water, besides it has a convenient spray shape, which makes it convenient to spray it on any surface. Many people note its impeccable effect on smooth surfaces, but in the space between the tiles Cillit Bang is not always effective.
This spray can be used not only to remove fungus on the walls and ceiling, but also to get rid of black spots on the bathroom curtain.Veksa for mold
This specialized tool allows you to quickly and without much effort to remove the mold from the surfaces of the bathroom, produces its Russian company. Veksa allows you to remove black fungus from ceramic, plastic, wood and stone surfaces, and in each case, the concentration will be different. The tool is produced in the form of a spray, so it is convenient to apply it on any surface without using additional tools.
Folk remedies
Fighting mold on the walls and ceiling in the bathroom can be carried out not only with the help of specialized purchase means, but also when using self-made solutions. This option is cheaper than buying household chemicals, but in some cases it may be less effective.
The most popular means to clean the mold from the walls and ceiling in the bathroom is copper sulphate - small blue crystals that can be purchased at hardware stores. To get rid of black fungus, you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 100 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water. Treatment with this agent must be carried out exclusively with the use of personal protective equipment.
Hydrogen Peroxide
It is popular not only in medicine, but also on the farm it can be considered the safest of all ways to remove black mold. To clean the tile and other affected surfaces, it is necessary to use 3% hydrogen peroxide. However, it should be borne in mind that alone she does not always cope with the task, sometimes it is necessary to prepare a complex solution with her participation.
Boric acid, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide
To enhance the effect of hydrogen peroxide, you can prepare a more effective tool. To do this, mix it, vinegar, boric acid and water in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 4.In the resulting solution you need to moisten the sponge, and then destroy the black spots of mold on all affected areas. The remnants of the composition are washed with soapy water, and then with clean water.
Soda and Vinegar
Many of the culinary experts know the reaction that occurs when baking soda is poured with table vinegar. This process can be used to fight black mold in a bathroom, but it is suitable only for horizontal surfaces. Soda powder should be poured on the affected area with a thick layer, then pour it with vinegar. When the foam settles, its remnants must be removed with a sponge moistened in soapy water.
Tea Tree Oil
If the mold has appeared quite recently, it will be much easier to fight it, in particular, you can use the essential oil of tea tree. To prepare the solution, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of oil in 0.5 l of water, mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a household spray bottle. The resulting remedy should be sprayed onto all clusters of the fungus and left in this state for 12 hours.
Mold on the sealant
Not everyone knows how to remove the mold in the bathroom on the sealant, as some tools may be too aggressive for him. This mold is no less dangerous than the usual fungus on the tile, so you need to get rid of it immediately, without waiting for the problem to grow. It can provoke diseases of vital organs in people and animals, therefore it is necessary to take measures quickly.
In order to rationally fight against the fungus on silicone sealant, it is necessary to determine the extent of the problem. If the problem has appeared recently, it may be sufficient to simply wash off the mold and treat the place of its localization with an antiseptic. If the situation is running, more laborious processing is required.
Dissolve a small amount of detergent suitable for cleaning the bathroom in warm water, then moisten a sponge in the mixture and wipe all affected areas. Thus removing the top layer of mold from the surface of the sealant, you need to wash off the remnants of the solution with clean water. After that, the affected areas need to be treated with any bleach, whiteness will do, and after 10 to 15 minutes, rinse off the product and dry the surface. Bleach will not only disinfect the sealant, but also return it to the original shade. In addition, to get rid of the fungus on silicone sealant, you can use vinegar, soda or hydrogen peroxide.
It is not always possible to get rid of mold the first time, sometimes it appears in the same place again some time after processing. If you have performed the procedure several times, but the fungus still appears on the silicone sealant, the only way out is to remove it in order to find the true center of mold growth. Having got rid of the old sealant with a knife, you need to clean the mold and other debris from the cavities, then wash with a soap solution and disinfect with an antiseptic.