Potash fertilizers their value and use

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fertilizer The main symptom of the lack of mineral nutrients is the appearance of marginal burns on the leaves, their darkening and folding. This means that the plant needs potash fertilizers.

Together with phosphorus and nitrogen, potassium acts as one of the main elements of mineral replenishment of plants, but, unlike them, is not an integral part of organic substances. The ionic form of potassium in the form of soluble salts, is located inside the plant cells, in the cell sap.

In the vital parts of young plants, potassium is much more than in the same, but older, representatives of the species. If potassium is not enough in the nutrient medium of young shoots, then there is a process of utilization( reuse of nutrients as a result of outflow of potassium from old plants to the organs of young, growing inflorescences).

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Potash fertilizer is a type of mineral fertilizer that improves the taste and quality characteristics of garden crops. Its use enhances immunity and provides the plant resistance to disease. Potassium protects the plant from a variety of pests in the form of small beetles, caterpillars, insects. With the use of potash fertilizers, garden and garden crops show resistance to cold, they are more easily tolerated by changeable weather conditions.

How to apply potash fertilizer for cucumbers, in greenhouse conditions?

Cucumbers are an early maturing type of vegetable crop. In greenhouse conditions, cucumbers grow even faster and can produce almost year-round yield. Like other plants or garden crops, cucumbers need to be fed with fertilizers.

As their root system is not resistant to nutrient deficiencies, this can lead to the loss of part of the crop. Therefore, you need time to make the necessary fertilizers in the soil, while the value of potash fertilizers is very large.

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Before you start feeding all the plants, it is recommended to first try fertilizer on several bushes. After 2-3 days you should check the top-fed cucumber bushes. If their growth has improved, it means that the proportion is sustained correctly, and it is possible to apply potash fertilizer to the soil to all the remaining bushes.

Cucumbers do not tolerate an excess and deficiency of potassium. The first signs of potassium deficiency - the appearance of a light green edge on the edge of the leaves. Potassium glut causes a mosaic of yellow-green color on the leaves and a reduction in the amount of magnesium.

To avoid this, it is necessary to know how to apply potash fertilizer to cucumbers for their greenhouse growth.

Planning the number of fertilizing greenhouse cucumbers depends largely on the preparation of the soil in the greenhouse in autumn and spring.

Proceeding from the practice of soda-garden research, direct feeding of cucumber plants to poorly prepared soil should be carried out only 3 to 5 times in summer, at approximately equal intervals or according to the needs of a particular shrub.

With well-fertilized soil in a greenhouse in spring or autumn, only two supplements are made:

  • Before the cucumber bush begins to bloom. Cottagers prepare a complex fertilizer for this( 10 liters of water is added: mullein or liquid bird droppings - 0.200 kg., Superphosphate - one teaspoon, potassium sulfate - 1 teaspoon).Such a plant is watered under the root with a watering can.
  • Before the start of fruiting. Fertilizers apply gardeners, gardeners during the formation of ovaries. To do this, apply a 10-liter bucket of water and 150 grams of mullein, and you should also add one tablespoon of nitrophoska.
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If there is no mullein, you can use regular herbal tea made from finely chopped nettle roots, wood lice and slit. He insists about 5 days, then add to the soil at 3 l./m2.Potassium fertilizer for cucumbers can also be used in the form of potassium chloride. It can be used in the case of an open greenhouse.

You should know that the use of chlorine in cucumbers is extremely not desirable. Potassium chloride is not applied directly for plant nutrition, but long before that, during the autumn soil preparation period. Before planting cucumbers in the soil, the rains will wash the chlorine from the soil, leaving potassium useful for cucumbers.

The most suitable and optimal option of mineral fertilizer for cucumbers, regardless of the landing site( greenhouse or vegetable garden), is the use of potassium sulfate. In another it is called potassium sulfate fertilizer( holds 50% potassium).It has the appearance of a crystalline powder with a grayish tint or a pure white color, which is easily dissolved in water. Most importantly, it does not include chlorine.

The application of mineral fertilizers in the required proportions depends on the spring and autumn soil preparation. Before using a potassium-based fertilizer, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of the soil and the nutrient requirements of cucumbers. The need for feeding for cucumbers is evidenced by the color of their leaves and the state of the root system.

Potash fertilizers for tomatoes

For the cultivation of tomatoes use such mineral fertilizers as potassium chloride and potassium sulfate( potassium sulfate).

Most often, gardeners use potassium sulfate in the form of potash fertilizer for tomatoes, because it does not have chlorine. It can be used for direct feeding of tomatoes. Potassium chloride is used in the fall, when preparing the soil after harvest.

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In order to achieve the maximum possible yield of tomato, you need to know the necessary norms for fertilizing the soil. Usually on the package there is a table on the application of fertilizer for tomatoes.

To get a tomato bush to obtain the required amount of potassium, 40 g of potassium sulfate is applied to the soil per 1m2.This feeding of soil will help increase the yield of tomatoes and protect the plant from leaf wilting.

Potash fertilizers for roses

Of all types of potash fertilizers, potassium sulfate is well suited for the first feeding of roses. With further feeding of bushes, summer residents apply potassium nitrate, which is applied to the soil during their flowering in spring.

Before the onset of flowering of roses, it is recommended that once every 7 days, make 15 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2 of soil. This should be done 3 weeks before flowering. Then every summer month the process must be repeated.

Rose is very sensitive to the use of fertilizers, because they need to be made after watering.

Signs of lack of potash fertilizer roses:

  • Reducing the size of the rose flower.
  • Slow growth of the bush.
  • Shrunken leaves around the edges.
  • Leaf Reduction.
  • Falling leaves from the stem.

Feeding roses, alternate types of fertilizers. In this case, potash fertilizer for roses can be alternated from superphosphate.

Potash fertilizers are one of the most useful mineral fertilizers for all types of plants. Only its direct use in the form of compounds with chlorine for some plant species is undesirable. Therefore, it is necessary to take this fact into account when fertilizing garden crops.

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