Let's talk today how Micatermic Heaters buy, based on what useful effect. For the most part Micatermic relates to an infrared heater, distributes heat radiation. Due to the coating of mica (mica from English. mica) is formed the spectrum, useful for humans. The crystals do not emit as in physics amorphous body. It is known that a ruby laser is pumped with light and receive waves of infrared or other range, with the result differs high coherence. On this basis already constructed medical devices.

Micatermic Heaters
mica heaters
To be able to buy Micatermic heater, it is necessary to represent the device. Synthetic mica can withstand a temperature of 1100 degrees, does not emit gases when heated. The temperature coefficient different from that of the steel, it is believed that the heater coating binders are added. By the way, the mica used in ancient Mexico to protect the ritual structures. Perhaps, from cosmic rays or the sun. Scientists are still struggling with the mystery.
Mica base application:
- Mica is an excellent insulator. Non-conductive, does not absorb water, solid and durable. About speak synthetic mica obtained artificially. As a result, the metal surface is insulated, there is no chance of getting an electric shock. In addition, the coating protects the steel from corrosion by air, increasing the durability of the heater.
- The main reason is different. Heat is generated in the conductor by Joule-Lenz and does not depend on external conditions. Conductor surrounded by mica shirt will bask stronger. As a result, the thermal expansion increases. Skilful selection mica achieve uniform thickness increasing size and mica, and steel. This will prolong the life Micatermic Heaters. In the process, eliminated the familiar crackle.
- Mica inert, dust does not excessively combusted on the surface of the heating element. A similar effect is applied to the ceramic vetroduvkah. Option reduces oxygen combustion temperature obtained significant.

mica heater
We raised the issue because around a bunch of innuendo Micatermic heaters. If you do not believe me, try to find what makes up the radiator. The article says about mica minerals but does not conduct electrical current, therefore, serve as a working body can not. We believe that the good old hides inside nichrome wire or foil that is protected by a dielectric layer. Many contradictory phrases sellers say when the product advertising:
- Micatermic heaters of efficiency is higher than other devices;
- housing room temperature (up to 60 degrees Celsius);
- power surpasses 1.5 kW.
Benefits Micatermic Heaters soon - marketing question. Each body hotter other, gives off heat by radiation and convection. If the quartz tubes zero second component, in this case the transfer of the air flow - an equal member of equality. Similarly occurs in oily or other heaters. Say more! The heater has heat transfer two components: the convective and infra-red.
Another thing is that the emissivity of the possible increase due to the formation of a flat surface that is visible. Convection increases, on the contrary, rugged terrain and forced blowing. And mica serve for the above three objectives, and the integral emissivity of the general background does not stand out.

Housing Micatermic Heaters
Do not listen to the tale of a cold body. The phenomenon is obtained due to the internal thermal insulation (hot or housing). Do not rely on the stories about the extraordinary efficiency. Micatermic heaters are covered with an inert layer of mica, the smell will be minimal. According to its own calculations, the less pop instrumentation of electric fireplaces with nichrome spiral. Said take for shortcomings Micatermic heater. Advantages:
- Light weight at a relatively high heat return.
- A plurality of embodiments: infrared heaters, vetroduvki (heaters) even electros (manufactured by Vitek).
- Possibility to heat the space sector at the expense of the radiating component.
- The presence of special nozzles, heated towel rails.
These pros and cons do not contain interesting details. It is said that near-infrared instrument like to bask in dogs and other animals. Observe and leave comments!
The process of selecting a heater Micatermic
Manufacturers claim that this is the only product - the best. Nevertheless, the principle of Micatermic heater remains the same. Select design.
Mica coated with a heat source to protect the metal from oxidation. What vetroduvka better Micatermic or ceramic? Both materials - variety of minerals from the earth's crust, the difference is small. By Region cheaper to either the first technique or the second. For example, in Italy clinker made from a lack of high-quality clays. Let us now see how much is in store. Try to make your own hands.
How to choose the power. Unlike oil heaters with high inertia Micatermic immediately work to its fullest. We believe that the typical room even 1.5 kW much. By the way, look for a model with a thermostat, not to run constantly switched on and off purchase. Models sold wall, floor and built. Take any. Vozite, hang, mount. The greatest importance is the transfer method. Convectors, are known to have a special form of housing. Vetroduvki promote faster preheating, at smaller sizes give the same power. Electric fireplaces made from Vitek in the latest version.
If there was a desire to warm up at the TV, and the fan noise is annoying, take a standard open version (originally appeared on the market) with the lattice. Note that despite the publicity, protective decor is heated strongly. He becomes the re-heat. Just do not touch the subject, do not put back the clothes. Now briefly go over the parameters. On Yandex-market Micatermic no concept, which means contempt for technology, E-katalog among infrared isolate Micatermic. Facts tend to regard such a way that the type of heating element heaters, electric fireplaces and vetroduvki divide is not accepted.

Setting power
Power Micatermic Heaters
Micatermic convector different type of operating member coating. Manufacturers have recognized that the steel (!) Can burn the air and covered the passive layer of mica. When choosing a convector, convector... choose. No better and no worse than others. Exactly similar to say about the fireplace and vetroduvku. Just change the warm-up conditions:
- Convector due to natural circulation, enhanced body shape, provide room heating.
- Forced air cooling fireplaces and heaters accelerates. But the noise is increasing.
- Plate Micatermic Heaters "illuminate" the right side of the room. From all the above devices are infrared. It is possible, emphasize heating sector. Due to the latter method saves energy, power, reducing the cost of cold corners of the room.
Other options Micatermic Heaters
The dealer may ask is whether the structure of the device coated with mica. The good news on the E-katalog opportunity to choose a flat area. Click the favorite, and see what remains. Note that in spite of the mistakes, do not lose hope to choose a good Micatermic heater.
On a range of 16 - 20 have issued a number of models with capacity of 1.5 - 2 kW. Concerning the wall and ceiling appreciated that cover 20 square meters with a height of the suspension on standard 2.5 meters. What considerations went division in the case of the floor, hard to say. Already mentioned that at the temperature of the battery at 20 degrees below 70 degrees Celsius laid enough power of 2.5 kW on a flat area of 50 square meters. Otherwise exceed standards temperature (18-22 degrees Celsius).
Hopefully, with the help of E-katalog readers decide what to buy Micatermic heater. Or embark on additional efforts by resorting to the help of Yandex-market.