How to wash fresh and old persimmon stains

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When autumn comes to an end, the season of the beloved fruit of many people - persimmon begins, an unusual taste combined with a lot of vitamins make it a welcome guest on many tables. The only disadvantage of this fruit is that if you accidentally drop it on your clothes, the pollution is very difficult to wash. Especially often such a nuisance occurs in families with small children, where inquisitive restless people, without worrying about clean clothes, provide the search for a solution to the problem to their parents.

How to wipe fresh stains

Persimmon strongly eats into the fibers of the fabric, so the sooner you start to wash the stain, the better. Old stains often even after washing with several agents leave behind a brown reminder that cannot be removed by anything. There are several ways to remove fresh stains, it is better to start with the most benign ones, so as not to accidentally spoil the fabric:

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  1. A regular boiling water can cope with a newly set spot. First you need to wet the affected area of ​​tissue and rub it with soap, then pour boiling water, acting from the edges of the spot to the center. After that, you need to wash the thing in cold water with the same soap and rinse. Instead of soap at the last stage, you can use any industrial stain remover that fits the type of fabric. After this procedure, the persimmon stain should disappear, if brown edges remain, the process must be repeated again.
  2. Dishwashing detergents work well with stains from various fruits. First, you can pour the product with a thin layer directly on the stain, let the gel soak a little and send the clothes to be washed in an automatic typewriter. Secondly, you can wash the thing manually, for this you need to dissolve 2 - 3 tablespoons of detergent in the basin with water. For many types of fabrics, this washing will be harmless, but if you dunk the natural delicate fabrics for a long time, the clothes may be damaged.
  3. Citric acid is also a popular folk stain remover. To remove persimmon stains from clothes, it is necessary to treat them with a solution of one glass of warm water and 2 g of citric acid. In the mixture, you need to moisten a cotton pad and wipe the affected area with it, as the disc becomes dirty, it should be replaced with a new one. When the stain disappears, you need to wash the thing manually or in a washing machine, preferably using a fabric softener.
  4. Some advise using a saline solution. It is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per cup of hot water. In the resulting mixture, soak the affected item for 10 - 15 minutes, then wash it manually or in a washing machine using a stain remover.

How to remove ingrained stains

If you did not immediately notice the spot that was planted, it is likely that you will be able to remove it with proper luck. Everything will depend on how long the pollution has formed, and on the type of fabric. There are several popular methods that allow you to solve the problem:

  1. You can try to remove even dried brown spots with 9% table vinegar. It is necessary to moisten a cotton disc in it and diligently rub all the persimmon stains. This process is quite long, so you must first be patient and clean cotton pads. When the stain can be removed, the thing needs to be rinsed and sent to be washed in a typewriter in normal mode, preferably with the addition of a fabric softener.
  2. The following recipe may help: crushed white chalk is mixed with baking soda in equal quantities, after which the mixture is poured with hydrogen peroxide until a thick gruel is obtained. The soiled area of ​​clothing must be wetted and processed with the resulting gruel, then carefully place the item in a plastic bag and tie it up. In this state, it is left for 10 - 12 hours, after which it is washed manually or in a washing machine.
  3. Persimmon stains can be removed with oxalic acid. To do this, you need to mix 2 g of acid powder with 1 teaspoon of ammonia and treat the dirty stain with the resulting mixture. You need to wait until the acid is absorbed, it will take no more than 20 minutes, after which you need to wash the thing in warm water with powder. If the item is light, a weak bleach can be added to the powder.
  4. Another remedy from the kitchen is potato starch. The contaminated area is plentifully sprinkled with starch powder and left overnight. In the morning, the remnants of starch are removed from the fabric, and the thing is erased as usual in a typewriter or manually.

If no popular tool has brought the expected result, you can use any industrial stain remover. On any of them the instructions for use are indicated, you just need to follow the instructions, and the stain can be removed. Another option is to use carpet cleaner; sometimes they work just as effectively as special tools. In the extreme case, the spoiled item can be dry cleaned, where professionals can remove the contamination without leaving a trace.

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