Whitening the yellowed
tulle Before proceeding directly with the bleaching, the curtain must be shaken from dust, soaked in saline solution( 2-3 tablespoons are taken on a bucket of water) for a couple of hours and thoroughly washed. For synthetic fabrics, more gentle means should be used to prevent premature wear of the product. If the yellowness on the curtain has not yet been ingrained into the fibers, bleaching will occur at this stage already.
If the size of the product allows, it is better to wash delicate fabrics by hand. Tulle folded neat rectangle, until its size becomes convenient for washing. The temperature of the water must necessarily correspond to the type of fabric, if you wash the synthetics in hot water, the yellowness does not wash off, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger.
It is recommended to wash linen or cotton tulle in water whose temperature is above 40 degrees. When washing in the car, you should use the appropriate mode, and spinning is not worth using.If you haven’t been able to wash out tulle from dullness and yellowness, you can now proceed directly to bleaching.
- If you are using a traditional bleach, when choosing it, pay attention to what types of fabrics it is intended for.
- Pour warm water into the basin and add bleach in the required amount strictly according to the instructions.
- Soaking the tulle, make sure that it is completely covered with mortar.
- It is necessary to soak the yellowed fabric in water as much as is required by the instructions. If the product is overexposed, it may be damaged.
- After bleaching, rinse the product, let the water drain and hang it to dry. Many housewives, so as not to iron nylon tulle, hang it still wet. But now practical curtains of unbreakable fabrics are especially popular.
- If chlorine is present in your bleach and your smell is unpleasant, you can add a pleasantly scented conditioner to the water when rinsing.
Previously, curtains were boiled using powder or bleach, but nowadays, items made of fabrics suitable for boiling are rarely found. But some housewives still successfully use this method to get rid of yellowness.
Whiten in folk ways
Some women do not quite trust modern whitening agents when it comes to delicate and delicate fabrics. They are more inspired by the tried and tested folk recipes that have long been used in our country to eliminate the yellowness of snow-white tulle. These methods are very diverse. If you do not try to understand the characteristics of complex chemical reactions, it seems incredible how such strong dyes as brilliant green or blue can give the fabric whiteness.
Zelenka perfectly helps to wash the fabric from yellowness. Pour water into a basin and mix salt( 3 tablespoons) in it. In a glass of warm water, dilute the brilliant green( 10-12 drops), wait for the sediment to settle completely. Carefully pour the diluted brilliant green into the basin with saline solution so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the glass. In the solution resulting from these manipulations, we lower the curtain prepared for bleaching for a few minutes, then take out and let the water drain.
Pure tulle should be wrapped in a dry cloth, a sheet can be used and water should be allowed to soak. Then another wet tulle should be hung on the window, the fabric smoothed out without the help of an iron.
Another effective tool is blue. To wash the curtain in the car will help this powder, diluted in water and added instead of the air conditioner in the tray. Can be used during hand washing, for this, yellowed cloth should be lowered into the basin with a solution for 3-4 minutes. To distribute the color evenly, the curtain in the tank must be constantly turned over.
An excellent remedy is soaking in soda solution( one tablespoon per water bucket), soda powder can also be added directly during washing.
Peroxide and ammonia
The ideal bleach is also obtained from an aqueous solution with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Add ammonia( a tablespoon) and peroxide, which take twice as much, into a basin of water. Water should be heated to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Soaking lasts half an hour, after which the tulle rinse well.
Despite the abundance of colors and prints, white curtains invariably remain a symbol of purity, special chic and perfection. They give the room that unique comfort that is always associated with the classics. Whatever recipes you use, let your curtains always delight you with their magnificent whiteness.