How to keep longer lilacs in a vase - 3 rules and emergency measures


  • 1 The right approach
    • 1.1 Rule 1. water treatment
    • 1.2 Rule 2. Placing a bouquet
    • 1.3 Rule 3. Tricks of the long flowering
  • 2 Emergency resuscitation
  • 3 Output
In order to lilac stood long in a vase, you can use some tricksIn order to lilac stood long in a vase, you can use some tricks

Lilac Bouquet - an indispensable attribute of a good spring mood. With the arrival of spring brought home a few sprigs fill it with a pleasant scent. But unfortunately, the flowers begin to fade quickly. What to do and how to keep lilacs in a vase longer - I talk about this.

The right approach

Lilacs in a bouquet found on the shelves of flower shops infrequently. Much more interesting, when we decide to get a few vending brushes his hands and put them in a vase.

In order to lilac stood long in a vase, it is necessary to properly cut. How to do it?

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Picture instruction
Rule 1. The optimal time of day.

It is better to collect the twigs in the early morning, around 6-7 am.

Rule 2. Suitable brushes.

In order to keep longer the bouquet, you need to cut the branch on which dissolve about 2/3 of the flowers (example pictured).

Rule 3. Tools for cutting.

The branches can be cut:

  • shears;
  • a sharp knife;
  • blade.

Breaking or use stationery scissors do not recommend. Broke down on the stems do not give a bouquet to save for a long time.

Rule 4. Preparation section.

The cut must be made maximally obliquely.

If you bought a bunch of ready, check the sections in all branches. If necessary, make an oblique cut.

Rule 5. Formation of the bouquet.

Before you put the flowers in a vase, clear branches from leaves.

Leaves absorb a lot of moisture, so do not give to get enough water stems and flowers.

In addition to the proper preparation of the bouquet, it is necessary to use several important recommendations.

Rule 1. water treatment

How to prepare the water in the vase, make it ideal for a long flowering lilac:

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Step 1.

For our purposes it is suitable:

  • spring;
  • melt;
  • The well;
  • purified tap water.

Please note, the worse the quality of the water, the faster the flowers wither.

Step 2.

Vase to be filled with water at room temperature or slightly warmer. Desirably, it is slightly spaced previously.

Step 3.

In what kind of water to put the lilacs? Add dressing (one of these substances):

  • tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons diluted citric acid;
  • teaspoon weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • 2 teaspoon rubbing alcohol.

Rule 2. Placing a bouquet

Siren exudes a very intense smell, it easily fills the space of a few rooms, so it is best to place the bouquet away from other colors.

It is best to put a vase on a windowsill with diffused sunlight.It is best to put a vase on a windowsill with diffused sunlight.

What capacity is ideal for long standing lilac:

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Material 1. Glass
  • vases with wide necks;
  • tall glasses;
  • banks.
Material 2. Ceramics

Perfectly suited clay cooking pots and standard pots for plants.

Material 3. wattle

On sale you can find a wide special woven baskets for flowers. Inside they have small latent capacity, which is necessary to pour water.

Rule 3. Tricks of the long flowering

So, to lilac bouquet stood as long as possible, I use a 3 small tweaks:

  1. Regularly spray the flowers. This is best done early in the morning and at night.
  2. Make slanting cuts on the stems. So, the water will quickly flow to the hands.
The photo shows the right angle cut.The photo shows the right angle cut.
  1. Daily Water change in the vase with the addition of a new portion of fertilizing.

If your bouquet is already quite a while, add a couple of tablespoons of water, sugar and a little boric acid. Colors come to life before our eyes.

Emergency resuscitation

It is necessary to revive and carry a bouquet to a different location? What can be done in such cases:

Picture means
Method 1. Boiling water

To revive even completely wilted bouquet, enough to put it in very hot water for a few minutes, and then return to the cool.

Method 2. Water pouches.

If you want to carry a bouquet of lilacs from place to place, make small bags of plastic bags for each stem. Pour into them quite a bit of water and densely tie.

Brushes can not be permanently leave without moisture, so it is strongly recommended to use this method.


Ancient beliefs state that planted a lilac bush near the house will be able to protect all the inhabitants from evil forces. In reality do not always have the opportunity to have your own garden outside the window, but to organize their own hands fragrant bouquet on a window sill is quite accessible, and the price of this - a pleasant aroma and beauty.

Use my recommendations to keep lilacs in a vase for a long period. Videos in this article will describe more instructions. If you know of other ways to extend the flowering of lilacs in a vase - write in the comments, discuss!

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