Errors washing machine "Ariston» (Ariston): decoding fault codes + Repair tips

Ariston washing machines are very popular because of its reliability, stylish design and modern functionality. But if your assistant suddenly refused to work, pay attention to the symbols on the last screen or flashing on the panel.

And we'll show you how to decipher the most common mistakes Ariston washing machine and follow-up to its repair.

The content of the article:

  • Principles for determining the failure code
  • Problems with motor or control board
    • Malfunctions under code F01 (F1)
    • Explanation signals F02, F2
    • connection or memory card error codes F09, F18
  • Problems with hot water
    • PETN or breakage and pressure switch codes F04, F07
    • Failures in the heating circuit and symbol F08
  • Errors in the drain or water intake
    • Violation of the drain and codes F05 or F11
    • Problems with the water intake and the code H2O
  • Other errors and their meanings
  • Useful videos on the topic

Principles for determining the failure code

In typewriters fitted with information display, find the error code is not difficult - it will show a bright yellow or green.

instagram viewer

But if the model is less "advanced", to determine the cause of failure will have to unravel the code programmed by the manufacturer, according to the prompts LEDs.

Value indicators Hotpoint-Ariston
Numerical values ​​for the calculation of indicators breakage code Hotpoint-Ariston washing machine panel not equipped with a digital display (+)

Algorithm for determining breakage of the signal lamps:

  1. We remember the model of your machine Ariston (or cross-checked with information on the body or in the instructions).
  2. Remember exactly which indicators signal the malfunction.
  3. We find your device in the figures.
  4. We determine the numerical value for each indicator.

It remains to lay down the data together and decipher the error code.

Value indicators Ariston AVSL and AVL
The sum of the numerical values ​​of numbers flashing lights on the panel models Ariston AVSL and AVL will help decipher the code programmed in the factory

For example, if the washing machine flashing lights corresponding to the values ​​"2" and "1", then you must seek the causes of problems, as the coded F03 (or F3That in principle the same thing). According to this simple algorithm identifies and other typical damage.

Value indicators AQUALTIS
Unlike most machines Ariston, in AQUALTIS model about internal fault signal is not washing modes, and displays the temperature of heating water (+)

When the error code is clarified, it remains to determine the essence of failure, and then decide whether to remove it with your hands or can be better to refer to the masters.

Problems with motor or control board

If you have loaded into the compartment of the device belongings, including the appropriate mode and press "Start" button, but the drum has not started rotate, most likely the problem lies in the motor or the master controller, as the display will signal you code F1, F2 or F18. Although such damage can occur at any other stage of the wash, but most often it is displayed at the start of the program.

Malfunctions under code F01 (F1)

Mistake F01 evidence of problems in the motor control circuit, which drives the drum of the washing machine. If there is no response to a signal from an electronic controller (card), the device will not work, and when you try to switch to another program will continue to persistently highlight error code.

error F01
Causes damage to the engine control module with code F1 / F01 more likely to be a problem in the power supply voltage or high humidity in the room (+)

The process of self-correction of the problem:

  1. Universal version for all codes - turn off stiralki cord from the wall outlet, wait 10-15 minutes and switched on again - there is a chance that the electronics will reboot and will not issue an error. But even if it worked out, and the instrument began to work, it is necessary to take precautions in order to "first signs" did not lead to serious damage.
  2. provoke signal F1 may decrease the voltage in the network (below 200), or a sharp rise, as well as damage to the fork or kink power cord. Try not to include stiralku simultaneously with other powerful energy consumers, or through an extension cord because the ideal for this device needs a dedicated line with his own gun.
  3. Inspect the power cord, connect the plug and socket itself - perhaps the reason of their failure.
  4. High humidity in the bathroom can also provoke problems in the motor control circuit. Remove moisture from the contact card, and often ventilate the room to the moisture level does not exceed 70% in it.
  5. The cause of the error can be, and discharge of contacts in the motor control circuit. If you have the skills to work with electronics, it is possible to independently verify the chain from the motor unit to the board on the quality of connections prozvoniv multimeter all areas, causing suspicion.

If the self-repair attempts have not led to positive results, the reason may lie in the breakdown or failure Firmware control board, erased motor brushes, burnt motor winding or damage in a line with wires. For the restoration or replacement of these parts would be best to contact the service center.

Explanation signals F02, F2

This error often occurs when you start the program, or at the stage of spinning when the machine is gaining momentum to scroll underwear (the drum itself may twitch or intermittently rotated). The instrument will display the code F02 and simultaneously begins to empty.

Typically, this signal indicates a fault in the circuit or motor damage tacho - small parts with a ring, which controls the engine speed of the washing machine.

Tacho washing machine
To inspect tachogenerator have partially disassemble the appliance, reach the motor and found on its shaft a metal ring with wires


  1. If the machine displays an error the first time, it could be a one-time glitch in the electronics from surges. Disconnect the fixture from power for 10-15 minutes to machinery rebooted.
  2. Check whether the drum itself is blocked - it has a freewheeling hand. But if during the washing process between the drum and the tub was a small object, the culprit failure should be carefully remove and restart the machine.
  3. Contact problem - you need to check the serviceability of connections from the board to the electric motor, including a plot with tachometer.

but the error F2 It may also be due to more serious damage, for the removal of which would require replacement of the motor, tacho or the management board. In such cases it is better to address to the workshop, probably will do the replacement of the faulty rations on the control unit or repair damaged wiring.

connection or memory card error codes F09, F18

Signal under the code of the electronic controller failure F18 can be issued only by Ariston with asynchronous motor (model Hotpoint-Ariston, Margherita, AVSL, AV, AVL, AVTL, CDE), to devices with a brushed motor such mistakes do not happen.

Ariston washing machine controller
Controller - an electronic board which is responsible for selecting the wash mode and displays it on display, gives commands the intake and drain valve, pump, the pressure switch and monitors the work of engine

Signs of a controller failure:

  • Incorrect operation of the engine - sudden changes, too high or, alternatively, unduly low speed.
  • Drum does not rotate when you start the wash mode.
  • Spin is not working.
  • The machine fills with water and merges immediately issuing the signal to the display of lesions.

F09 - A memory error may occur when the power line surges or lowered. But it may be evidence of the failed control unit.

The first action after the flashing code F09 and F18 identical to the previous problems - disconnect the machine, to give time to reboot and restart. If the cause is not in failure, you need to check the board chips.

The firmware of controller boards stiralki
But if you do not have the skills of such repairs, it is necessary to trust professionals who can reflash controller solder contacts, to replace only some of the elements (e.g., a capacitor) or completely all fees

Problems with hot water

If, during the regime of washing the washing machine for a long time "freezes" and stops, not warm or permanent drain, the reasons for failure must be sought in the heating circuit. On these issues the device will signal codes F04, F07 or F08.

PETN or breakage and pressure switch codes F04, F07

The washing conditions where heating is required, an error indication may appear immediately after startup or after the intake of water, but the rinsing or washing in cold water will run normally. In this case, there are several solutions to the problem (in addition to the standard on / off the machine controller reboot).

If a code on the display of the washing step, or at startup (machine does not even want to draw water), most likely, the reason lies in the heating element. He can "punch" to the body when passing contacts or simply burn out. To fix the problem, you need to get to the heating element, check all its connections, change the resistance of the multimeter (with power 1800 W should give about 25 ohms).

Replacing the heating element
(1) In order to replace faulty heating element, disconnect the cable with wires, unscrew the fixing nut, push pin (2) and pry elastic sealing (3), then set a new part and collect in the reverse order of

If the instrument dials, and then drains the water immediately, the cause may be breakage pressostat - water level sensor. When the malfunction element can supply information to the controller that the heater was not immersed in water, so the machine and does not start heating.

In this case it is necessary to check the water pipe pressure sensor pressostat (hose may become clogged, lean, grind or jump). At the same time to see and contacts of the sensor itself - may need to sweep them. But more precisely on the pressure switch failure "speaks" code F04 - is likely to require part replacement.

Pressure switch washing machine
To test the pressure switch, it is necessary to put on its input choke a small section of hose with a diameter identical to the off-hook and blow - at serviceable items will hear clicks of

In some cases, the problem may be in the motherboard, the faulty wiring or contact groups at the site of the board to PETN or water level sensor. Therefore it is necessary to ring all the elements of the control unit associated with the operation of the heating circuit, replace the burned-out track or the controller itself, if necessary.

Failures in the heating circuit and symbol F08

If water heating is not working correctly (or machine "seems", he starts with an empty tank), an error code appears on the display F08. The reason most often the problem with the pressure switch circuit. This problem may occur due to high humidity in the room, which has a negative impact on the controller. To make sure that the board is in order, inspect it, or blow dry with a hair dryer.

Another simple solution may be disconnected contacts PETN and pressure switch, especially if the device was first launched after transportation. In other cases it requires more professional inspection can be replaced parts.

How to ring heater
Please make sure that indeed no water tank, and then remove the back panel of the machine and check heater tester (+)

The likely failure of machines Ariston designated F8 code:

  • If the wash cycle is interrupted immediately after the start or in the washing step and the appliance does not heat water, most likely need to replace the heater.
  • If the machine stops after the start, the transitions in the rinse mode or press - possibly on the controller was "sticky" contact group relays PETN in the ON state. In this case, you can replace the failed circuit elements and, if necessary, re-flash card.
  • If the device "hangs" on various regimes (and this can be as washing and rinsing, or spinning) may be damaged contacts or wiring in the heater circuit, or breakage of the pressure switch, which believes that the machine is not a sufficient amount is supplied water.

But if the verification of all the circuit connections and a separate pressure switch, relays PETN and damage of the heating element will not be revealed, will have to change the controller.

Errors in the drain or water intake

If the machine can not collect water or, on the other hand, stops working, although its tank is full, the display shows the codes F05, F11 or H2O. Try to understand the essence of such breakdowns.

Violation of the drain and codes F05 or F11

Mistake F05 / F5 lights are always at full drum, but attempts to forcibly drain are unsuccessful - the machine "does not give" the water and continues to signal a malfunction.

This may be audible crackle, as if the fan impeller has got some kind of foreign object or pump buzz. Such a failure - a fairly common phenomenon in machines Ariston, and fix it in most cases with their own hands.

Most often the problem lies in the banal blockages drain filter or the drain hose - when washing is separated from things Various hairs, threads, buttons, and small dirt particles litter which gradually clog the lumen to exit water. To remove them, you need to manually drain the water through the filter (if it is not blocked, and the hose) or manually empty the drum.

drain connection
If the machine has blocked the door and the water does not drain or through a filter or a hose, the fluid can be removed by unscrewing the drain pipe

Then, check the condition of the drain filter (small hatch in the bottom of the machine) of the pipe, rinse under good pressure water hose. At the same time, inspect or siphon tube draining if organized directly into the sewer.

Then assemble the system in reverse, turn the machine to a rinse program, make sure that she gained the water, and forced to switch to spin - if an error F05 does not appear, and the drain is working, then the problem is solved.

Cleaning the drain filter
To avoid breaking, wash wool and fur products in a special bag, be sure to check clothing pockets before loading and start a routine inspection of the filter at least once every two to three months

If the case is not clogged, you have the following options:

  1. Damage to the drain pump / pump - part may simply require replacement, honestly fulfilled their service life, or fail due to the penetration of a foreign object, the motor coil breakage or short circuit. To begin to disassemble the pump, remove debris, check the chain and try to start the car again. If the drain is still not working - need to change the item.
  2. Faults in the electronic controller - can burn or oxidize the corresponding tracks or radio on a chip (most likely because of the same high humidity), fail firmware.
  3. Faulty pressure switch - if the sensor is to present information that the tank is empty, the machine will not run the drain program, so you need to replace the faulty part.
  4. Problems with the wiring - it is necessary to check whether the power is supplied to the drain pump at the time of its incorporation.

Similar problems may arise in case of error F11. Although most of this code indicates the drain pump failure (with him and should start examination), but may lie in the incorrect operation of the pressure switch, controller or damaged wiring.

Problems with the water intake and the code H2O

Another common mistake is not hearsay familiar to owners of machines Ariston - code H2OTestifying with water supply problems. Usually it occurs in 5-7 minutes after the start (in rare cases - to rinse), and the device can not let water or gain it too much.

a water supply error H2O
Error with water supply, perhaps only intuitive amongst other codes, as associated with the chemical formula H2O

sometimes the error H2O It may appear randomly on the different programs, but its unique feature - drain and spin modes always work flawlessly.

Strainer valve inlet hose
H2O code is often issued when clogged mesh filler valve, so it needs to retrieve a pair of pliers and rinse thoroughly under running water pressure cell (+)

Possible reasons for failure:

  1. Lack of water in the water, the lack of force or pressure valve overlap supply to the appliance. There are clear steps: open the valve, wait for the restoration of water supply.
  2. Damage to the water intake valve, which "lets" the water in the device - in case of breakage this part easier to replace the new, than to try to repair.
  3. Fault pressostat - when clogged or damaged hose or breakage of the machine sensor will continually gain and drained immediately, flashing error H2O.

But if all the elements work, the case may be in the signal interruption due to damaged or wiring failure of the electronic controller.

Other errors and their meanings

All in the arsenal of machines Ariston has 19 code signals about the problems, of which we have considered the most common. But briefly explain about other possible failures in the work of art.

F03 - temperature sensor failure. It is necessary to check the resistance of the sensor itself (normally about 20 OM) and to the controller circuit. If necessary, replace damaged parts.

F06 - indicate a malfunction in a chain door lock device for machines Ariston Arkady platform (series Low-End and Aqualtis), as well as problems with control buttons for Dialogic models. In the first case, you should look at, does not prevent there any thing of the loading door until it clicks shut. In the second - the problem may be with sticking keys or damaged contacts.

F10 - no signal from the water level sensor. Such a device may issue an error if improperly connected to the sewer drain, insufficient water pressure or open circuit of the sensor to the card.

F12 - lack of communication between the controller and display unit. If does not help restart, you need to check the control board, the display unit and their connection.

F13 - the disconnection or breakage of the temperature sensor drying require replacement of worn parts or contacts.

F14 or F15 - fault PETN drying or open circuit heater.

F16 - a signal for the machines with vertical load of the drum lock breakage sensor. Most often it occurs because of the banal lack of attention - for example, uncovered until it clicks wings. In other cases, the cause may be poor connection on the circuit board or to the site of failure of the sensor.

F17 or door - "speaks" about insufficient tightly closed hatch. Perhaps the problem lies in the penetrated a foreign object, a weak fastening loops or contaminated castle for the "tongue" of the door. If the external perpetrators have been identified, most likely a problem with your device, locking the door for the duration of the machine, which should be replaced.

And in any of the variants of the rule: in addition to the specific details, which "indicates" device failure may lie in a faulty circuit board contacts damaged or broken wiring.

Useful videos on the topic

To help handyman we picked up a few videos of the various faults washing Ariston machines options decryption code information and practical advice on identifying the culprit breakage.

Error code F08, inspection and repair of cars:

How to repair the electronic controller:

How to eliminate the discharge error code below F05:

As you can see, even the tips smart appliances are not always clearly indicate the cause of failure, because under the same code can hide the problem of different parts. Of course, with proper skills in electronics to eliminate most of them are quite accessible without the help of professionals. But if there is no such experience, you should not rush into extremes and change one detail after another - possibly in the workshop offers a simple solution to the problem.

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