Self repair sewing machine

Before starting a DIY repair sewing machine, take the trouble to inspect the needle. Girlfriend seamstress bad curve, dull, rusty. Possible negative effects. Friction of the edge of the needle hole, chafing, knocking, skipping stitches, drawing the fabric under the table. There are ordinary signs of an upset mechanism, there is an incorrect mutual position of the needle, the shuttle, and the toothed slats. Adjustment will sometimes require serious plumbing operations. It should think seven times, undertaking repair of household sewing machines with their own hands. By the way, the curve of the needle becomes the cause of the ongoing suture. The prerequisite is often one - improper handling of the product! Be careful not to remove the fabric from under the presser foot to the left, towards yourself, pull while sewing. It leads to deterioration of the needle, therefore, the standard cycle of the sewing machine is broken.

Varieties of sewing machines

Nonche sewing machines are divided into groups:

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  • straight-line embroidery embroidered with straight stitches, two threads, lower and upper;
  • simple zigzag, the trajectory of movement winds zigzag;
  • full zigzag, the ability to shift the needle toward the center;
  • full zigzag with decorative, embroidery lines.

Drive manual, foot, electric. Repair of sewing machines, overlock is not too dependent on the type of energy. The principle of work for two centuries is one. Sewing machine for repairing shoes is more powerful and durable.

Sewing machine assemblies to be set up

Repairing electrical sewing machines will require knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering. The mechanical part of the products is similar.

Much attention is paid to the distance between the needle and the nose of the shuttle. The parts must not touch. The normal distance is 0.1-0.5 mm. Wider needles created by mechanical parts are wider - more distance. It would be a mistake to think that the wrong setting of the machine will cause inoperability. The displacement is negative - the needle will start to beat the shuttle, get blunt, the consequences are described. It is not easy to notice: mechanical, and electric sewing machines, work noisily.

Ailment is treated with foil. It will be necessary to lay a thin metal in several layers, using the right place for fastening the body of the shuttle, tilting the assembly of parts in the required direction. It is possible to reduce the positive mismatch, to level the negative. The situation is much more complicated if the needle and the shuttle are located incorrectly relative to each other. Different negative effects interfere, the sewing machine will not work normally. Specific displacement figures are determined by the product brand.

For example, carrying out repairs of old sewing machines Seagull 132 M cells. PM3, refer to the figure below. The gaps are maintained as follows:

  1. . The centering of the needle is T = B. It is adjusted by the needle bar frame bracket.
  2. Centering in the longitudinal direction as shown. Adjustable lever adjustment straight stitch.
  3. Position on the zigzag K = M. Regulated by the offset of the needle bar frame in the right direction.
  4. The distance between the shuttle and the guide plate is 1 mm. It is regulated by the shift of the body of the course of the shuttle.
  5. The gap between the teeth of bevel gears is 0.05 mm. If necessary, the shaft is shifted to the desired direction.
  6. The gap between the shuttle and the pusher on the shaft is 0.3 mm at the end and beginning of the stroke. If necessary, gently, so as not to break, bend the ends of the pusher.
  7. About the needle, the nose of the shuttle was told. The gap is 0.05-0.1 mm. Regulated by turning the case or foil.
  8. The needle in the lower position should be 3 mm below the nozzle of the shuttle with a left zigzag slope. It is regulated by the mutual rotation of the shaft and gear near the crank mechanism.
  9. The needle is in the lower position below the nozzle of the shuttle by 1 mm with the right slope of the zigzag. It is regulated by the vertical needle bar offset.
  10. A distance of 0.05 mm is maintained between the hook and locking ring. If necessary, the body of the shuttle stroke is milled to obtain the desired parameters.

At the sewing machine Chaika 2 cl. PM3 situation looks different. Problem: manuals do not specify the rules for setting up a sewing machine. The hardest case - the means of adjustment is not provided. It happens on hand-held sewing machines. The needle goes too far from the nose of the shuttle, touches the steel parts, making improvements is difficult. Frequently, it is necessary to mill the casing under the shuttle, the bed for the correct installation. It is impossible to say anything bad about the production of the Podolsky plant, hand-held sewing machines are gradually bore away obstacles, sew, ignoring the wrong setting.

Veritas Sewing Machines

They say that when the Beatles played in Hamburg were not known, some of them said about Germany:

  • But they lost the war!

The standard of living of the Germans was high then. Today we meet in everyday life sewing machines Veritas release of the 50s. Model 8010 with the foot drive costs 2000-7000 rubles. The conical body of the shuttle's course is fastened by a pin-pin with a locking screw. It is worth noting the bobbin case, the shuttle, resembling the design of the Seagull.

Even those who do not need repair, setting up sewing machines 8010, can take note of one way of reconstruction, improving the quality of sewing. The process concerns the ascending and descending threads, in the original version they pass too close, overlapping. Remove the thread guide bracket near the compensation spring, loosen the spring, setting so that it works to the left of the regulator from the bottom up to the unclamp. For reliable operation, you can also add an additional thickness of 0.5 mm to the control washers.

Repair of household sewing machines Veritas 8010 often concerns failure of the presser foot spring. Remove parallel to the plate-lever. Core modify. The top is grinded at an angle of 45 degrees from the outer left side. The part is bent to the left to enter the center of the lever for raising the foot. After the sewing machine can be used again.

A known problem with Veritas 8010 is the wrong shape of the thread guide. As a result, the thread goes at an angle of 30 degrees, although it should go parallel to the groove of the needle. Bend the thread guide from the steel wire. Place 8 mm lower to go back to the left side. As a result, the beginning of the loop will stand directly opposite the needle groove.

If it is necessary to adjust the mutual position of the needle and the shuttle, it is recommended to remove the taper pin, put the pusher on the shaft with two screws. You will need to grind flush cross fasteners, cut the threads on the crank. A screw without a head with an M4 thread was screwed in next to the pin, the second one( put the head off), put it next to the vacated hole, pre-cutting it with a tap. It is necessary to ensure easy pressing of the crank onto the shaft due to proper turning of the pin, which remains inside flush with the shaft. As a result, the connection becomes adjustable. By the way, the design is applied in many sewing machines of the Podolsk plant, which produced the first Singer( Singer).Requires setting the relative position of the needle and the shuttle, use the way to health.

Lubricating an

Sewing Machine Each sewing machine is supplied with a set of instructions describing the maintenance process for the equipment. The place of honor is given to the lubricant due to the presence of a myriad of moving parts. The manual has a detailed map, it is written, what to use, following the procedure. For example, vaseline oil. Nonche refined fraction of oil is used mainly medicine, cosmetics, food industry. For lubrication of sewing machines, use mineral compounds, for example, household lubricating oil.100 ml of the substance costs 21 rubles. Turning to synthetic oils, it is important to clean equipment from old grease. Otherwise, the onset of a variety of negative effects( unequal size of molecules).

Old manual sewing machines are cleaned with gasoline, kerosene. Fresh models with plastic shells are arranged with special cleaning agents that do not harm polymer compounds. It is worth considering the transition, carefully choose the tool in the store. Removing the effects of contact between two types of oil will be a time consuming process.

With regard to frequency, in manual models, it is recommended to touch the points of contact of parts on a daily basis while work is in progress. Not every six months. If there are special openings on the body, then find a grease fitting with a proportional long nose. Immersed inside until it stops, then slightly pressed. Unless you specifically specify the amount, drip once. Deprived of lubrication mechanism is subject to increased wear. Applies to an electric motor carrying an increased load.

Starting up a Brother or Janome sewing machine, remember the tips, things will go faster. Did you see the picture of the topic? In order not to get such a sewing machine, perform maintenance on time!

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