What is convection in the oven and what is it for?

Many modern models of ovens have a variety of additional functions. Often ovens are equipped with a regime such as air convection. When choosing a technique from housewives, the question often arises: what does convection in the oven mean and is it really so necessary?

The convection process in the oven

In order to understand whether a function such as convection is needed in your oven, you need to imagine the construction of this technique. In the oven can be one or more heating elements. If you have an electric model, then, as a rule, there is more than one heating element in it. They can be located at the bottom, top and sides of the oven, thereby ensuring a comprehensive heating of the product.

When these elements are heated, some natural air circulation is created, which contributes to the uniform heating of the prepared products, which is very important when baking cakes, cakes, etc. This movement of heat flows inside the oven is called convection. It can be natural and forced.

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In nature, convection is the process of exchanging thermal energy, in which heat is circulated by moving air currents.

However, even in modern ovens, the uniformity of baking ingredients may not be fully ensured. The natural process of heat circulation is produced at a rather slow pace. In addition, it is influenced by factors such as the width and depth of the oven. The heating elements can heat up the air unevenly throughout the entire space of the unit.

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As a result, products placed on the baking sheet may be baked unevenly from different sides. It so happens that the middle of the cake remains raw, and at the edges it starts to burn. This makes it necessary to constantly check the condition of the baked product, as well as turn the baking sheet. Also quite often a dry crust is formed on baking, which spoils the quality of the product.

Gas ovens can have just one heating element located below. In this case, it is difficult to cook the product equally from all sides. In such structures, heat is supplied only from the bottom, and the upper part of the product can only be heated using a convection process.

With two burners at the bottom and at the top, the position is somewhat improved. Thermal energy affects baking on both sides, resulting in a more or less even heating. However, even in this case, the baking uniformity cannot be fully ensured.

In gas models, the situation is complicated by the fact that the combustion process requires a constant supply of oxygen. Tubes, through which air is supplied to the inside of the cabinet, are located at the bottom, therefore heat is non-uniformly distributed in it.

Convection Modes

In order to ensure an even and constant flow of thermal energy from all sides of the oven, it uses forced convection.

Forced convection is carried out by a built-in fan that moves the heated air inside the oven.

The fan effectively creates uniform and continuous hot air blowing of the products on the tray. This eliminates their burning or nonheating. In addition, convection helps to create a beautiful ruddy crust on pies and other products.

In simpler models of electric stoves, conventional fans of a simple construction are installed, the task of which is to force the air to move inside the cabinet. In units more complicated, the fan can be additionally equipped with a heating element, which is more efficient.

Ovens can be equipped with heavy-duty fans that quickly create a dense, even flow of hot air. This allows you to make baking more juicy and soft inside.

There is also wet convection, during which steam is created inside the oven. As a result, baking does not dry out, pies and cakes rise well. In addition, the vapor effect saves oil and makes healthy products without strong roasting.

Basically, electric models of ovens are equipped with different modes of convection. In gas ovens, this feature is much less common. This is due to the fact that the gas model has its own specifics in the design. Open fire in gas burners creates certain difficulties to create a forced circulation of heat.

Advantages of convection

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Such mode as convection in the oven is very convenient and has many advantages. With it, you can:

  • Bake large thick pieces of food that need to be cooked evenly from all sides( for example, meat, fish, game, etc.).
  • Bake evenly large items that take up the whole baking sheet( pizza, large pies).
  • Create a crispy crust on baked products.
  • Produce a gentle baking of various confectionery products( meringue, tender biscuits).
  • Perform drying of vegetables, fruits, and greens.
  • The oven's low heating with convection allows for quick defrosting of meat and frozen vegetables and fruits.
  • Cook on several baking sheets at the same time, without fear that the products will not bake.

The above possibilities of the oven make it clear why this function is needed. If you cook a lot and often a variety of dishes, you can fully appreciate these benefits.

The convection mode does not have to be used every time you cook all the dishes. You can use it for baking certain foods or when it is needed for defrosting. Modes of convection in the oven are included separately.

Depending on the oven model, it may have different convection modes. There may be several. The presence of this function is indicated by an icon on the control panel. You can read about the purpose of special characters in the instructions for this oven.

The convection mode can be combined with cooking food on the grill, as well as being included with the lower and upper heating elements simultaneously or during lower heating( toasting mode).It can work in turbo mode, providing enhanced heating of the entire oven space, if such a function is provided by the manufacturer.

In modern models, there may be an ECO function designed to cook foods using a small amount of electrical energy. Also very convenient is the function Pizza, which allows you to evenly bake dishes that have a complex composition.

Such a function as convection, used in ovens, is very useful for hostesses. It makes it possible to significantly expand the range of prepared dishes, and also improves the quality of baked products. When choosing a suitable oven for yourself, make sure that this mode is present in it.

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