What is the best washing machine

Focusing on the fact that firms are often promotions, the authors decided that the best reviews of the washing machine will be recognized by the brand, which received at least stones in his address. Let's talk, what the best washing machine in terms of experienced critics.

The choice of site for reviews

Removed from consideration sites where there are restrictions on the local list for those who want to express their own opinion. You come in to complain, and see the message:

  • Your rating is not sufficient to leave a review on the product!

Like with this point of view Otzovik. For an overview of pay money issued by an authorized mode. Allowed to post comments anonymously without the money. Rating is not included in the publication, this article only tested a robot or a moderator. According to the results of our review (in real goods with useful information and two clerical) published by assigning a nickname AnonimHHHHHH where X - an arbitrary figure.

Stylish home washing machine

We are not inclined to much trust people leave comments on a professional basis, more than listen to the anonymous, wishing without registration quick to complain to the public. Otzovik provides this opportunity to speak. The disadvantage of the site: you can not sort the items by the number of negative or, on the contrary, positive reviews, but the portal is credible, does not preclude the statement of the national opinion.

instagram viewer

All presented in the catalog 821 washing machine, it is possible the chance to find desired. For comparison, Yandex-market on the shelves lined with 2460 marks. But sellers often zalezhivaetsya product has lost relevance, there are new items, not available for sale. We found it a useful resource.

Washing Machine Samsung Diamond

Do not think that the reviews of the Samsung Diamond washing machines belong to a particular model. This is a whole class of devices with a specific drum. All dotted with small "Egyptian" pyramids, tightly lying side by side. The impression of the diamond (diamond - from the English. diamond).

The holes lie in the recesses at the corners of the pyramids, underwear hardly touches roughness. A smooth surface is obtained, it is essential, among other factors, the choice of the washing machine.

On Otzovike there are only two washing machines, in which the proportion of the population accounted for more than 20 responses, one of them - Samsung Diamond! Let us clarify - the official website of Samsung has found 118 washing machines Diamond drum (!). Many today stands Diamond House, not all tend to blame technology. People write about the remaining unknown Samsung model:

  • The machine is bad press. It is not able to dry up the one thing or, conversely, a full load. Motylyaet for half an hour, it was no. Before enjoyed Indesit, these difficulties have been noted. Strongly regret bought two months ago, Samsung product, for the money (amount not specified) would like better;
  • Washing machine caught with a broken door lock. A proposal to change the lock, decided on a new instance of the request. The company did not argue, but the workers have hinted that these washing machines often comes marriage, because the machine does not erase or do not squeeze.

Household washing machine

You feel that the reviews are repeated? The lady of the first comments is assumed to apply to the technical support, the woman just bought a faulty washing machine. A careful reading the reviews Otzovika would understand it. However, the model that left a negative impression, remains unknown. Dear readers! A large sticker (even two) with a pleasant name Diamond dial, it is not the brand, but the type of the drum, which is equipped with a whole galaxy of washing machines.

New review on the Samsung products:

  • Ceramic heater burned out within a year of work (approx. - ceramics is extremely inert, scale does not settle). In addition, the drain pump is blown. Machine LG worked without a break of 9 years before the purchase.

Agree that LG worthy company, today - the best. As for the drain pump, relying once every two or three months to clean the filter. whether the procedure was performed, it is not clear from the text. We tend to assume that the owner as others often did not know what is believed to periodically clean the drain filter. Most manufacturers of access to parts is performed from the front panel. Details purification process described in the instruction manual. Ceramic heater truly struck. Detail difficult to damage citric, sulfuric, hydrochloric or acetic acid, are often unknowingly for cleaning inside poured users.

Washing machine for home

As expected, praise left registered members Otzovik community. Taking into account that one sixth of the sales are in the Samsung, three negative reviews of a few positive mass. Although, of course, want to know the make of cars involved in the reviews.

Washing machine LG F8091LD

Nowhere is it written as a washing machine LG F8091LD, I think, within the 15,000 rubles. On such thoughts suggests the presence of foam control, amount of laundry, diagnostic system with a smartphone. This is a typical product the LG, it is difficult to say where the accumulated 23 reviews. Energy efficiency class A + and a direct drive motor inverter suggest that the equipment is not old. It is unclear why washing machines LG F8091LD not for sale.

Wash class - A maximum number of revolutions - 800. Model if created on the advice of Russian experts, found only in the Ukrainian domain. Narrow model with child protection and unbalance detection. Of course, spin class average, but linens survive at low revs. The only negative feedback suggests the idea of ​​paid up. There it is about the 1000 revolutions, which in principle can not be achieved on the specified type of equipment. Unsatisfactory spin assume, given the parameters, but the recall is clearly a discrepancy.

The device is a washing machine

For more accurate had to go to the Ukrainian domain LG, to clarify the characteristics (user manual It made a number of brands of washing machines at the same time, turnover bear for everyone, with a note that the value depends on the model). According to the manufacturer there are 4 options:

  1. No spin.
  2. 400 rpm.
  3. 600 rpm.
  4. 800 rpm.

Probably fake web review. Frustrating that deceiver decided in a similar way to earn extra money. The second point:

  • Are critical of what they saw the reviews, check them out!

Which company is best washing machines in the world, if not the LG, which sells the lion's share of the product in this segment? Model LG F8091LD gets the best of reviews. Remember, do not deny unsatisfactory spin. Washing machine Handle with fabric thanks to low turnover. LG - a true leader.

The American ranking of washing machines and dryers in the first place puts the representative of the firm. US known for everywhere trying to give local gold producers, which sometimes heard in Russia. This patriotism plus a tribute to the high specialization of production. Household appliances US differs serious nuances. For example, in refrigerators management embedded inside.

It is striking that the site's top brands of Utah first two places gave the Swedish Electrolux, when it came to the front loading. Best washing machine in this segment for 2014 - EWFLS70JIW, fourth place is still for LG (WM8000HVA). Bronze was the Samsung, admit the authors are not too surprised by the layouts. American brands are starting with 7 seats or less. At the same time leaders seem a little unusual. We doubt that they meet in the Russian market. This is clearly a specialized model of America.

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