Surprised: let's discuss how to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb, give tips on finalizing the circuit. Noticed that tiring, when you have to pull the "earth" on this branch, you can save by doing otherwise. It happens, the unit breaks down, there is no desire to buy a new one, but it will be possible to get acquainted closely with the device. We describe the approximate composition of complex modules that adjust to the level of illumination, sensitivity, duration of sticking of the relay contacts( the time during which light will be given while there is no movement).
Motion Sensor: Assign

Sensor Coverage Area
Motion Sensor how to connect. The motion sensor is called a sophisticated version of light sensors, one body is able to combine the functions of both. It is used mainly in order not to look for the illumination switch in the dark. When a moving object of an arbitrary category approaches, the sensor provides power to the illumination. Management is conducted by a phase. Put according to safety, implemented by the scheme.
Before servicing the system, replacing the light bulbs, bother to turn off the automatic circuit breakers, the motion sensor can supply power every second if the specified conditions are met.
Motion Sensor Characteristics
A motion sensor installation is performed to turn on the light, the first digit is the maximum load power. The typical value of the parameter is 40 W, clearly below the Ilyich bulb. The connection diagram of the motion sensor to the projector is determined by the number of wires. Explain the difference below. Characteristics of motion sensors are broken down in groups.
The number of monitored parameters will allow to assess the scope of applicability of the device. Although called a motion sensor, it is configured to respond in the following categories of parameters:
- Photocell. A moving object is recorded visually. Sensor type is arbitrary, the simplest is a transistor, a diode. The photon energy changes the conductivity of an open pn junction. If we talk about motion sensors, the principle is limited to detecting relatively rapid changes in the power flow through a plane. The sun sets - it does it slowly, the sensor will not respond. The luminary will go sharply behind the clouds - perhaps a false positive. Determined by the sensitivity settings. The moving object is in the field of view of the transistor( limited by the transparent housing), the flow changes. Inclusion occurs.
Motion Sensor
- IR-radiation, microphone. Ask how the phototransistor will see in total darkness. Moving objects emit infrared radiation, serving as a guide to the device. Transistor has little to do with the stars, the moon, but the field mouse, which ran nearby, the sensor will notice. It resembles the movie Predator, where Arni fooled the ugly stranger by smearing mud of the river bank. In winter, the phototransistor is able to track the steam exiting the mouth. There are no miracles. To make sure that the device is triggered by switching on the light at the right moment, the sensors are equipped with built-in microphones. Adjusting the sensitivity of sound reception, we force the illumination to react, catching the acoustic oscillations of the environment.
- Variable Resistor. The principle of operation of the motion sensor allows you to turn on the equipment during the day. The adjustment will limit the overall level of illumination at which power will be supplied to the monitored equipment. Using a variable resistor, we set an infinite set of intermediate values for day and night. A kind of insurance against false positives. Managed to write above. Adjust the motion sensor to act in pitch darkness when the need arises. Losing the device settings, the light would click all day.
- RC circuit breaker. The off-delay time is adjusted to eliminate the need to control the light manually. There will be a need, chop off the power by automatic. Inside the motion sensor is a passive RC-chain, the discharge time is determined by holding the relay in the open state. If you turn off the external power, the light goes out, take the trouble to wait until the internal circuit is completely discharged. Meals will be served again. We conclude: in the circuit of the motion sensor, equipping a convenient place for the user, you need to put a switch. The delay time is set at intervals of 10 seconds - 10 minutes( typical values).
You see, a good device is designed to cover all occasions, even a bad one contains at least two settings: the total brightness of the lighting, the timer. Sensitivity is discarded, the microphone is considered a delight at all. Brightness of illumination will allow to achieve response only in the dark. Making the connection of the motion sensor, bother to set the regulator correctly. One end is equipped with the icon of the moon, the other - the sun. We'll have to conduct a field experiment, figuratively speaking. Wait for the right time of day, start playing with the settings.

Motion Sensors
Shutdown time is free to set in the afternoon. The scale is devoid of graduation, it will take hours to navigate. As for sensitivity, determines the degree of change in light. The main thing is not to lose, go the moon for a cloud, would not turn on the illumination. Happened - avoid being surprised, start straight to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor( variable resistor).What to do if there is no setting, you need to change. The store will refuse to return a fully serviceable device, which he decided to catch the moon.
Motion Sensor Device: Changing Settings Not Provided by the Manufacturer
They decided to check before connecting the motion sensor to the projector, it turned out to be working incorrectly. We'll open the device to finish, the seller will notice goodbye warranty. It is a cheap thing, a house soldering iron is in store, we close our eyes to the possibility of losing a great after-sales service. Below we describe the principles of operation of the motion sensor in detail.
- Begins receiving power. The motion sensor is supplied with a neutral wire. There are models without it, the local common bus is simply used inside. Most often at the input there is a transformer, which reduces the voltage, performs current isolation with the source( switchboard of the house).Need a zero wire - close the primary winding. An alternative option is to install a diode bridge, inside there is a common bus. Following the rectifier is a voltage converter. The microcircuit, to the input of which an unstable nominal is supplied, a decent power supply is removed from the output of the motion sensor.
- The relay is supplied with rectified voltage, the “ground” is broken by one or two transistor gates. Turn on the light is powerless. It is available to modify the device by putting an additional toggle switch on the grounding path( not power).If a collision occurs, the motion sensor turns off when necessary.
- A phototransistor is installed by a sensitive element that recognizes motion. The task is the definition of the flow change. The mode is set, a positive or negative impulse is formed at the output.
- A module composed by several opamps is considered the heart of a motion sensor. The number is equal to the number of functions.
The determination of the total illumination occurs by specifying the operating points of the key transistors using a photoresistor, a variable resistor. Together determine the threshold. Pre-work the scheme around the clock( it is recommended to cover the pupil of the sensor with a cap in the daytime), allows you to lay down the conditions for selection, whether the relay will work or not.
See, it's as simple as two and two. Avoid clarifying the physical fundamentals of the operation of the Hall sensor by debugging the circuit. We can change the settings of the scheme, part of the elements at the discretion. Recognized as key relays, configured to operate on a specific voltage, and a microcircuit with operational amplifiers. By increasing the capacity of the charging capacitor, we can extend the time-out time. Other parameters can be changed.
Function of the first stage
The first stage is separated from the sensing element by a capacitor. It is required that changes in the photon flux have been received at the entrance: only the movement stops, the stage interrupts work. The resumption of spatial variations repeats the cycle. The cascade is turned off if there are no changes from the outside.
The function of the second stage
The second stage determines the sensitivity. Accepts the signal of the first operational amplifier, is regulated over a wide range by a variable resistor, a feedback circuit.
The function of the third stage
The third stage perceives positive and negative pulses separately at the inputs, leveling the difference. The device does not matter, decreases or increases the flow of photons, the movement would catch. The cascade charges a polar capacitor( leveling is performed), which transfers energy through a resistor, determining the system shutdown timeout. The voltage will serve as the input characteristic of the finishing stage.
The function of the fourth stage of the
The fourth stage of the operational amplifiers generates a voltage that opens the key transistors through which the circuit earth is fed to the relay.
The process of installing an

motion sensor
wiring diagram The wiring pattern of a motion sensor to a spotlight is determined by the design. There are versions with two and three wires:
- Three wires are painted in red, blue, and black. The first is used to supply the phase to the lamps, blue is the circuit ground, black supplies the 230 volt power supply to the motion sensor. Nature provided another coloring: brown is the equivalent of red, feeds the phase to the illumination, blue is considered to be ground, white brings 230 volts to the sensor. To make it easier to understand, next we place a picture( for reference, read the instructions in more detail), the colors are shown schematically.
- Two wires, when the ground sensor operation is not needed. Devices put in place of switches due to features. There are wires of different color, you will need to use the sensor instruction.
Among other things, colored wires are easily undocked, you can put your colors without problems. Helps to navigate. Grounding to the motion sensor is rarely supplied, read the minor flaw. In the figure, the connection diagram of the motion sensor for lighting is given in two versions for different colors of the braid. We are talking about three wires. Connecting a motion sensor to illuminate with two conductors was not considered, the connection is extremely simple: the device is placed in phase break. Core color is mounted according to the instructions.
We believe that every reader will now install a motion sensor, the mission of the authors of the VashTehnik portal is completed.