What type of oven cleaning does its job better

Nobody likes chicken that is cooked in the oven, but nobody wants to clean the oven after cooking. After all, it does not matter what kind of oven: cheap or expensive, you still have to wash it. But not only the consumer is concerned about the problem of cleaning ovens, manufacturers also try to optimize this process. Everything is used for this: and various constructive solutions, such as retractable trolleys, and modular doors, and enamel-coated interior cabinets. The most modern today is the self-cleaning function built into the oven. It is worth figuring out what type of oven cleaning is better.

Cleaning the oven by pyrolysis

The essence of this method is that the temperature in the oven should start up to 480 degrees before starting the cleaning process. During this procedure, contamination and grease are converted to ash, which can be easily removed. Cleaning the oven with this method is quite easy, but there is one drawback - the price. The cost of ovens in which pyrolysis is realized is quite high, since few of them are able to withstand very high temperatures. Experts compare ovens with pyrolysis cleaning with a Mercedes, since all of the high-quality materials used in them are of increased safety.

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Pyrolysis occurs when the oven doors are locked in automatic mode. The lock is removed only if the temperature inside is below 350 degrees. The purification process takes about 1.5-2 hours, and most of this time is set and the temperature drops inside the device.

Catalytic Purification

This type of purification does not require a strong modification of the device design, therefore it is used much more often as a purification system for ovens. The essence of the method is that inside the oven is covered with a special enamel, which is made in the form of a dark porous material with a rough surface. In the pores of this enamel, during cleaning, fat remains, which, under the influence of oxygen and a temperature of 200 degrees, turns into water and soot. Cleansing takes place while cooking is in progress. The degree of purification when using this method is slightly lower than during pyrolysis, but the catalytic is more economical.

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Often the enamel is applied on the back and side walls of the oven, and the enamel can cover the fan. The enamel coating is not applied to the bottom of the cabinet, as the enamel is susceptible to milk and sugar, which can flow out of baking during cooking.

The disadvantage of using a catalytic coating is that over time the enamel loses its properties and will need to be changed to a new one. Most often, the coating becomes unusable after 5 years of operation, but this period may vary depending on the frequency of use of the equipment. You can replace the cover yourself or use the services of a professional. It happens that the manufacturer uses panels with double-sided enamel, in this case you will need to turn the panel with the damaged enamel on the other side.

It is very easy to find plates equipped with a catalytic cleaning function on the shelves of stores, as it is the most common on the market. Most often, panels with a catalytic coating are installed in electric cookers, but the gas variant is also found. The price of ovens with a catalytic type of purification is much lower than in the case of pyrolysis, since it does not require additional protection when performing purification.

Ecoclean ovens

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In 2004, the Bosch oven with removable panels, manufactured in accordance with the latest technology, was released. Ceramic coating, which provides self-cleaning panels called EcoClean.

While dishes are being prepared, fat penetrates the enamel structure, which consists of cells resembling a sponge. It is then converted at a temperature of about 270 degrees to water and carbon dioxide. In case the oven has not been cleaned during cooking, it is recommended to turn on the oven for 40 minutes for complete cleaning. During this time, the oven panels are cleaned and renew their cleaning properties.

The main thing that distinguishes Ecoclean coating from catalytic panels is its long service life.

Ecoclean coating retains its cleansing properties throughout the life of the equipment( about 10 years).In addition, Ecoclean coated panels are different in appearance - they are thinner and painted in gray. According to the manufacturer, the fat that falls on the panel, splits extremely quickly, because it does not spread over the entire surface of the coating, and is absorbed into the enamel.

Thanks to the introduction of ovens with panels that can self-clean under the influence of high temperatures, housewives do not need to manually clean the ovens with a rag and powder.

Self-cleaning ovens are both gas and electric, so they are available in any price segment.

Cleaning the “Aqua Clean” ovens

Gorenje specialists who developed the Aqua Clean cleaning system, independently upgraded the cleaning of ovens from contamination. This type of cleaning is done with water. The cleaning procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. 0.6 liters of water should be poured into a deep pan.
  2. Next you need to select the mode for heating the oven from the bottom. Adjust the thermostat should be so that the cabinet inside is heated to 500 degrees.
  3. Now you need to leave the oven for half an hour. At this time, water that will slowly evaporate will soften the deposited contaminants.
  4. At the last stage, wipe the walls inside the oven with a clean rag.

Certainly, the enamel covering the oven walls in such models is resistant to the effects of acids, and is of high quality. The enameled surface is smooth and even. Enamel is labeled "Aqua Clean" and belongs to a group of enamels with high resistance to acids. Due to the structure of the coating of the internal walls of the oven, the fat does not get inside.

The advantages of this type of cleaning:

  • is easy to use;
  • low cost;
  • does not use strong chemicals in the cleaning process.

However, the self-cleaning “Aqua Clean” can only be called partially, since in the end you will have to wipe the oven with a clean rag, which is sometimes not so easy. According to experts, Aqua Clean is one of the ways to clean ovens, whose walls are covered with high-quality enamel.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there is no ideal cleaning system for ovens, as each has some disadvantages. What type of cleaning is better, the consumer must decide. It is necessary to select a system that is best suited for price and quality.

All types of cleaning ovens differ in both price and quality of cleaning, so when you buy you need to find the best option for themselves.

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