How to easily clean the microwave from the fat inside

As a result of operation, the microwave oven becomes dirty pretty quickly. On the inner surface of the walls are drops of fat, which are quite difficult to wash off. There are several ways to clean the inside of the microwave quickly and efficiently.

Care Rules

A microwave, like any other device, needs proper and timely care. If it is not cleaned for a long time, an unpleasant smell appears inside. Fats and other contaminants enter the surface of the walls, and subsequently they are quite difficult to eliminate. To avoid this, clean household appliances as they become dirty.

In order to effectively clean the appliance at home and not damage its surface, remember some points:

  • before washing, unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet by removing the plug from the outlet;
  • do not use sponges and scouring pads with a metal surface, as they may scratch the wall covering;
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  • it is forbidden to use detergents of aggressive impact, which can spoil the inner coating;
  • when cleaning the microwave oven, make sure that there is as little water as possible inside, otherwise it may fill up the electrical components.
In the event that some liquid gets inside the device, do not disassemble it yourself, especially if it is still under warranty. It is better to immediately take it to the service center.

Cleaning with special preparations

In stores you can find quite a lot of ready-made preparations designed to effectively remove grease and dirt from the inside surface of the microwave. As a rule, they have the appearance of spray in a can. At home, it is very easy to clean any dirt using these tools.

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You just need to spray a certain amount of the drug on the places of fat. After a few minutes, remove the residue with a damp sponge or cloth. After that, wipe the surface of the walls dry.

Cleaning with home remedies

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If you want to learn how to clean the microwave inside, preferring softer and non-toxic remedies, there are several ways to do this. You can successfully remove the remnants of fat and dirt at home, using:

  • fresh lemon;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda.

With the help of fresh lemon you can not only remove the drops of frozen fat, but also get rid of the smell of burning. If something is burned in the microwave or simply an unpleasant smell has accumulated over time, the lemon will very effectively deal with this problem. If there is no lemon fruit, you can replace it with other citrus fruits, for example, lime or orange.

Take one medium lemon, cut into slices and place in a deep plate. Pour in a glass of water. Put it inside the appliance and turn on the oven at full capacity. Let her work for 5-10 minutes, then turn off the machine and wait a while.

Disconnect the machine from the mains and remove the plate with lemon. Carefully remove any grease and dirt from the walls with a damp sponge. Then wipe dry with a cloth or towel. If the burning smell has not passed, repeat the operation again.

Citrus perfectly aromatize the air. After using them, the pleasant aroma will not only be inside the appliance, but also spread throughout the kitchen. Also, for flavoring, you can put a plate with sliced ​​lemon or orange in a microwave for a few minutes.

If there are no citrus fruits at home, it is possible to remove fat and bad odor at home with citric acid. To do this, take one bag of money and pour it into the microwave container. There also pour a glass of water. Stir citric acid until dissolved.

Place the container inwards and turn it on for a few minutes at full power. Then wipe the walls first with a slightly damp cloth, then dry. The powder is not worse than a lemon to cope with pollution and remove the unpleasant smell. However, the aroma after its use will not.

Another option is to clean the inside of the device with acetic acid. Vinegar can perfectly remove various contaminants and fats, in addition, it is well disinfects the surface, killing germs. This is a simple and effective way to achieve clean coatings. Using this simple tool, you can easily eliminate the bad smell left over after cooking.

Dilute vinegar with water in proportions of 1: 1 so that it turns out about a glass of liquid. Pour it into a suitable dish and place in the microwave. Further act the same as in the first two cases.

Consider that in the process of heating a pair of vinegar spread a strong pungent odor. Immediately after its use, it is necessary to well ventilate the room and the device inside.

If you react negatively to strong odors, it is better to use other means. Therefore, before you start cleaning the device, think in advance what else you can use. This method can be applied if there are no other options.

Quite effectively at home you can clean the inside of the device with soda. To do this, prepare a soda solution. In a glass of water, add a tablespoon of powder and mix well. When the soda is completely dissolved, pour the solution into a microwave dish and put it inside.

Turn the oven on high power for 15-20 minutes. Vapors of soda solution soften fats and impurities that are on the walls. After that, it will be easy enough for you to wash the device inside. If after this procedure, the smell of burning is not removed, you can further treat the walls with soda.

Make a more dense solution for the treatment of walls from the smell. In 60 ml of water dissolve about two teaspoons of soda powder. Then you need to moisten a cloth in this liquid and wipe all the walls inside the microwave. After drying, repeat the procedure. Wait until the surface is completely dry and gently wash off the remnants of the substance with warm water, and then wipe with a dry cloth.

In order to eliminate the smell of burning or traces of fat, you can use a drug such as activated charcoal. You need to crush a few tablets to a state of powder and place it in any open container. Turn on the stove is not necessary. Just leave the powder for a few hours.

To avoid problems with rubbing of grease stains and unpleasant odor, clean the device in a timely manner. Do not wait until the impurities are absorbed into the coating, and it will be rather difficult to clean the device.

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