Multicooker with the function of the bread machine

Other Multivarka will give 100 points for the bread machine for odds. No matter how long they have been examining the market, the request for a “3D heated bread maker” is deprived of the opportunity to please with tangible results. The color of the crust can be set, wonder how! It is logical to equip the bread machine not with one curved heating element, passing under the bowl - with a net, so that the light from all sides. Professional bakeries do that. Is the floor of the furnace devoid of heating( optional).Wheels of racks with trays are supplied with a rubber coating. Heating from below will destroy the material. The infrared rays from below are powerless to bring light to the loaves, and from above. .. A slow cooker with the function of a bread machine, the better. Let's talk so that the desire to take an additional device disappears or, on the contrary, it appears!

Differences between the multicooker and the

bread machine. First, the forums wonder how the multicooker bakes bread. The conclusion is dictated:

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Mixer use a desktop batch to do. Then we turn on the heating in the multicooker. As the dough has risen, the Baking mode starts, the finished product turns out. More often the loaf is turned over by the cook, after a verified time.

Let's look at the hidden aspects, waiting for those who want to use the friendly advice:

  • Mixer knead the dough, professional bakeries do it! The appearance of a large vat, inside the planetary trajectory write out the rotating petals of the corolla. Whether everyone can afford to buy a professional mixer. Household is also not cheap, endowed with a restriction, the sellers diligently keep quiet. Duration of continuous work. The mode of operation of household appliances with short-term electric motors. Letting go of refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, we discuss miniature kitchen things. Many mixers lack built-in protection against overheating( any fridge is equipped).The housewife cheerfully works for 10 minutes, for the eleventh one, surprised, remarks: the buzz disappeared, pulled the fumes. He scolds the manufacturer, there is no fault of the plant - the guidelines indicate limitations, there is no time to read. Will you just hold for 10 minutes? Do you know how much to wait for re-inclusion?30 minutes and up to an hour! We believe a good mixer can cost alone like a bread maker.

  • The second point is the need to know the correct technology for making dough. Recipes of bakery products include the addition of raisins, nuts. Do you know how to do it right? The bread machine with a dispenser is more aware. The main thing, the technician will make according to the schedule, automatically. Blends ingredients, throws nuts, raisins. The proof will occur according to the program, baking will begin. The bread machine differs in that it bakes-kneads independently. The ingredients are folded into a bowl, the dispenser is filled with nuts, raisins. Pressing a button is a slight exaggeration, in fact they give a few options — after a few hours, you get excellent bread. Set the color of the peel.

Finally, pay attention: it is recommended to do the multi-cooker test in the Yoghurt or reheat mode.40 ºС heat. Time will have to pick their own. It is allowed to use the Multi-pair mode, the parameters( time, temperature) are set separately. It turns out a trouble. There is a delicate moment.

Pay attention to the option of bread makers baking gluten-free dough products. What a beast. Gluten! Contained in wheat, other cereals. Gray, tasteless protein, giving the dough a viscosity. Simplified molding. Everyone who tried to sculpt the dough is too dry, understand the speech of the authors. The mason needs viscosity in solution, especially a baker. The epic began to clarify the scientific fact: 1% of the people of Earth are powerless to transfer gluten( the second name is gluten), attempts to replace the bread ingredients( with corn) began. This made the cooking technology deviate.

Breadmaker does not support the dough devoid of gluten - in the slow cooker using the above methods you will find a solution to the problem guaranteed. It is possible, you will have to suffer, the first option is not successful. Reprogramming the processor is beyond the power of the average user. Not the fact that the service engineer will cope. Breadmaker in the absence of gluten will not work correctly. Take note of the choice to find out whether the home afflicted ailment, the name of celiac disease. By the way, Yandex issues a request, there is an exhaustive answer. Making bread is possible, just the chef will have to wrestle with picking up modes.

It is known that in expensive multicookers you will find the dough proofing option. We believe the result depends on the recipe. Therefore it is better to make inquiries in advance, avoiding paying for unnecessary functions. A cooker comes with a crock-book, the rules for using equipment are written.

Another significant difference - the form. The crock-pot is equipped with a round bowl, the bread maker is rectangular( rounding).In the latter case, there is a set of molds, sometimes laying the billet of two to eight products. Will allow you to get bakery products of various kinds. For a full description, ask the dealer, do not be afraid to experiment. Users of bread machines praise the products. Sense to automate the process at 100%.The only thing we recommend is to stock up on scales, keeping the formulation with lightning accuracy( avoids beating in one place twice).Multicooker with baking function is much more modest functionality. The manufacturer avoids focusing on the features of the device, we venture to assume: simple bread, maximum one sort of bread.

Memorize two positions, they will help you find out what is known in places:

  1. Multicooker is just a bowl that maintains the right temperature. Unable to knead, help to separate the dough, bake the product.
  2. Breadmaker integrated device, kneading, pestachivayuschy, baking. Attention, the help of human technology is not required.

A separate advantage is the presence of a window in the bread maker, through which we observe the process. Multivarka devoid of ability. Separate chic - the choice of the color of the crust.

Price Comparison of Bread Maker and Multicooker

Plus Multicookers is limited to a low price. Concerning primitive models, even in the latter we find the function of heating, which helps the test to rise. For 3500 rubles you get the Redmond RMC-M4502 multicooker, you will find:

  • 3D heating;
  • Baking program;
  • program Dough.

The sequence of operations looks like:

  1. The ingredients are taken, the mixture is manually mixed. A placeholder is added if necessary.
  2. The dough is made up by the program, baking starts. Time is set in the recipe.

The kit contains a book telling you to use options. Not bad, if time is not a whim. .. I want fresh baking in the morning, so that the night itself can become an option, to put it mildly, inappropriate. Take the products of the same company. We find on the counter RBM-M1902.We see: the dispenser is zero, the trigger of the sound signal of adding ingredients is laid. We believe that when the bread maker needs nuts, the technician will cheerfully signal. We get for 4500 rubles:

  1. Cooking without gluten.
  2. Working with durum wheat( slow carbohydrates).Nutrition is considered useful, the absorption of nutrients is stretched for a long time, less fat is deposited.
  3. Breadmaker is equipped with an option Turbo, would recommend to leave the accelerated mode.
  4. The weight of a loaf is up to a kilogram; the device does not know how to cook any special types of bakery products.

Having added 1000 rubles, we discard some of the problems, see for yourself whether the raisins are important for the operations to take place automatically! The selected breadmaker knead the dough, distribute, bake itself. Adding the desired price to 7,000 rubles, we get the RBM-M1900.The breadmaker goes, equipped with a dispenser, allows you to finely adjust the weight of the products, remembers the program when the power disappears to 7 minutes, is equipped with a rich set of programs laid down.

When choosing a device, see the possibilities. You will see bread machines for French rolls, Borodino bread. Find a device that meets gastronomic preferences. Multicooker with the function of the bread machine more modest possibilities. We recommend asking for a recipe book when in doubt. It is written in detail how to use the programs that represent the product. A bread maker is bought to get some tasty dietary supplement. In the first place are gastronomical preferences. No matter how diverse the multicooker functions are, the automatic process of cooking the bread machine cannot be replaced:

  • is not a dispenser;
  • missing paddle for kneading;
  • number of programs, ingredients are trimmed.

A separate problem is the lack of a recipe book. All that you find in the multicooker instructions, an instruction to pour out the ingredients, bake according to "your recipe."It is with a small letter, as if 100 cooks gathered to read the booklet. The bread maker’s task in terms of explaining recipes is 100% aware. Feel the difference instantly.

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