Iron without cord

Wireless Mouse, Wireless Keyboard, Cordless Phone, Cordless Lawn Mower. It is logical to have an iron without a cord. In the FreeMove commercial, people dance funny, we try. The first cordless iron was born in 1988 and looked awkward. What has changed over the years, whether to buy a device - we consider in the article.

FreeMove on YouTube

Once, Tefal's designers recorded the ironing process of their model. They had long thought that they would invent a new one, and then a certain guy noticed that the work consists of only two basic positions:

  1. On the board.
  2. On the stand.

Began to measure time. It turned out that the hostess strokes no longer than 23 seconds, but puts the iron on the stand for at least 4 seconds. Eureka! The guys decided to create a model that works without electric wires in a similar way:

  • is charging on a stand( it's called a docking station);
  • starts ironing, lasts up to 25 seconds;
  • requires new charge;
  • for 4 seconds the iron is ready to work again.
instagram viewer

These are excellent performance, given that it is impossible to miss the docking station. Additionally, the design includes guides magnets, precisely positioning the contacts. In view of the advanced technical solutions, it is possible to install the FreeMove cordless iron from Tefal without looking. This allows you not to take your eyes off things and fully immerse yourself in the process. The described style is typical for professionals, for hurrying housewives. All will benefit from a new wireless iron with a FreeMove steam generator.

A couple of varieties are on sale, differ mainly in the type of sole. In particular, the attention of the buyer are presented:

  1. UltraGliss.
  2. Autoclean Catalys.

The latter carries a palladium sputter that catalytically breaks down fats, making the self-cleaning function possible. The device is not exorbitant price.4300 rubles today looks far from the limit. Take Optimal Temp, convenient in ironing and requiring no effort, except for the correct positioning of things and working out the folds. The specified model costs twice as much. Moreover, there is a thick cord containing a hose and an electrical cord( an electric wire holder for an iron is useful).

Not going into details about the characteristics of Tefal cordless irons, we note only that the parameter values ​​are ideal: high power, excellent sole geometry, vapor pressure, eclipsing steam generators. It is possible to iron the curtains, be the device a little easier. Tefal thinks about us, and the cordless steam iron has met bold expectations.

Philips strikes back Azur FreeMotion

Of course, in the field of cordless irons, Philips did not stand aside. Azur Cordless shows slightly more modest characteristics than FreeMove. With a power of 2000 W, the device is capable of a steam impact of 160 grams per minute. This is a good indicator, Philips claims that the device is suitable for vertical ironing. How to keep weight down is not too clear. We have to admit that the absence of an electrical wire really gives complete freedom of action.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer is silent about what time cycle is in the basis of the product, it remains to assume that there is a similarity with a competitor.25 - 30 sec of operation, with charging time at the docking station in the region of 4 - 8 sec. A glimpse of the presence inside the battery. In FreeMove, there is simply no such thing. There, heat accumulates in the sole and on the boiler heating element, then the cordless iron is sent into battle. There are reasons to think that Azur Cordless can work differently. But how many ampere-hours battery stores, is silent.

Feature of the Philips Azur Cordless Cordless Iron: a cord with a plastic pad, fastened with locks to the handle, is easily undocked from the docking station. The result is a typical wired steam iron, it is permissible to put on the butt.

Why took the trick, it's hard to say. Let's express the assumption that not every hostess will get used to put the iron horizontally and to do it precisely according to the schedule of the work cycle. Note that the cordless iron is unlikely to burn the fabric, it cools down too quickly. In FreeMove models, there is an intelligent adjustment to the type of matter. Regulated steam and sole temperature, about Azur Cordless - silent. By the way, the equipment has Calc Clean anti-scale protection, we believe. Permissible to pour water from the tap.

Iron without electric wire is sold in a convenient carrying case.

Cordless Easy Move( 28Z013) by Zelmer

The model looks like Philips FreeMotion. In particular, the device can be used with a cord. With a power of 2000 W, we get a device that works without recharging for 3 minutes.

On the ironing, a hole is made for moistening things with water right along the way, in addition:

  1. The sole temperature controller.
  2. Steam Power Control.
  3. steam boost button.
  4. Self-cleaning button( instant steam).

A typical set of controls is offered. A special orange indicator indicates whether the cordless iron needs recharging. Hole for pouring water is located in the front.

The difference lies in the special lock on the sole. Shows three positions:

  • top - the iron is removed without a wire;
  • Medium - the iron is locked for carrying along with the docking station;
  • bottom - iron is removed along with the wire.

It’s bad that filling a cordless iron with water is only permitted by disconnecting it from the outlet. The model has a large number of restrictions. Zelmer is not very interested in the Russian market in order to promote wireless irons. We do not recommend buying a product more expensive than 3000 rubles. It is better to pay extra and find out whether Tefal really cares about us.

Other models of wireless irons

Three considered cordless irons reign supremely in the territory of the Russian Federation, however, by Google, we will find other representatives. Panasonic has a whole lineup that has been developing for a dozen years.

The distinction of Panasonic irons is considered to be a convenient transparent case for carrying the device. In America, the Sunday price of the device falls short of 1,800 rubles, with an average market order of 2,600 rubles. Abroad, the thing is no more expensive than an ordinary model. Even cheaper. An unusual method is used to indicate the temperature - a red light scale. There are three LEDs showing how hot the iron is.

Three power settings. The model is called the NI-L70SR and was widely promoted in the fall of 2013 in the market. It seems that the demand for the product falls.

The water tank is removed from the models of the company, it is not required to drag the device into the bathroom. The walls of the tank are transparent, which allows you to track the level of the liquid and notice in time when the water runs out. Steam impact is present, the wireless Panasonic NI-L70SR iron is suitable for vertical ironing.

Steam holes are located with a wide fan, and SteamTip( steam nozzle) is not marked. It is a lot of openings, mainly are located on external perimeter. To improve glide, each hole is in the middle of an elongated groove. This clearly reduces the frictional force when steam comes out. A similar method is used in technology UltraGliss and others.

The sole is made of stainless steel, the device weighs decently. Detailed information is given in the official Panasonic store. It indicates the value of 5 pounds. This is translated into Russian as 2 kilograms and a quarter. Impressive weight for vertical ironing with a gentle female handle. It is not known whether 300 grams of water filled into the tank were included here.

The model is equipped with a drop-stop function that will not leave wet marks on the surface. With a power of 1500 W, the specified iron without a cord looks like a middling on the market.

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