How to remove carbon from the iron

The first say that abrasives should not be used when cleaning the iron from soot to the sole. The latter, on the contrary, advises rubbing with toothpaste. But the desire to get rid of soot remains unchanged. How to remove carbon from the iron, without damaging the device, which model is better to choose, to avoid a similar situation - consider in the review.

Cleaning the irons from soot with sand

How to clean the iron from soot with sand? A bit of theory. This is a powerful abrasive, free, lies along the banks of most rivers. Coarse sand turns into strongest concrete and has served for hours in centuries. River sand has an important quality - purity.

Consequently, we get a small( although called coarse-grained) material, suitable in the form of abrasive. A known disease of silicosis, comes from the greed of business owners. On ships, as on household irons, there is a raid. Formed by rust, traces of life of various shells and other small creatures. Simple sand easily destroys layering, revealing pure metal( along with bloom, the old hull paint partially exfoliates).Then the ship is painted, he is ready to go.

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Compressors refuel generously with sand, the vacuum cleaner begins to work on blowing. The speed of the smallest particles is so high that they cut plaque from steel sheets of the hull. Metal also takes damage, imperceptible. The resistance of the hull to water drops significantly, saving tons of fuel. Cost effective time to clean the ship. Too large layer of soot gradually reacts with the metal and slowly destroys the latter.

It is not recommended to save raid on the bottom of the ship below the waterline, as well - carbon deposits on irons. This accelerates the destruction of the hull. Inside the iron, carbon deposits are formed in a similar way, but much more rapidly.

The smallest particles wash away the surface layer of metal, where the lion’s share of useful properties is concentrated:

  • unfashionable now Teflon against the formation of soot;
  • ceramics for improved gliding;
  • palladium for the function of catalytic breakdown of fats;
  • nickel, titanium and other materials for strength.

This is just a simplified list. Any abrasive, even soda, damages nagara and coating. For a similar reason, it is dangerous to use toothpaste. Turning to the story of the ships - the use of sand for cleaning metals by the technology of the work is prohibited. The smallest particles of dust( not raid, but sand!) Settle in the lungs and cause progressive silicosis.

Boiled jeans look shabby thanks to abrasives. The process is almost like on a ship, it is carried out on the premises and using small installations. In China, the sand is not prohibited, the mass of people producing such jeans, have lost their health. Silicon oxide is cheap and lies along the banks of rivers, and kupperschlak is expensive, even considering that this is a waste of the copper-smelting industry. But the material is reusable. After use, collect, clean and re-apply. Silicosis does not develop.

We believe that the old burnt iron is easiest to clean off the deposit on the river with sand. Then the device is dried for a week at home. It is advisable to separate the sole before cleaning. The method of cleaning the iron from carbon deposits tested, old and reliable. Remember, we mean the old, still Soviet models, or hopelessly sooty.

Modern ways to clean the iron from soot and scale

Method 1. Cleaning the helix from scale and water tank from sediment

Steamers in the instructions contain special instructions on how to clean the scale. Used the usual vinegar. Proportions are given in the manual. Sometimes the ratio for the solution is indicated as 1 to 1. We believe that it is not meant 70% vinegar, common in the USSR, but 9%, now used to pickle shashlyk. It turns out that the resulting percentage of vinegar will be 4.5.It is completely possible to remove scale.

The steamer on the device is not much different from the steam generator and steam iron. The recipe is applied safely. Procedure:

  1. Turn off the instrument.
  2. Wait for the steam iron to cool.
  3. Fill the water tank with vinegar solution.
  4. Go to the sink.
  5. Place the iron near the drain hole on a thin plate.
  6. Adjust steam control to maximum.
  7. Let the instrument stand in this form for 40 minutes.
  8. Use the buttons to drain the solution: self-cleaning, spraying and other keys.
  9. Rinse the device with running water in the same way as with acetic solution, without waiting 40 minutes.

Method 2. Steam exhaust channels

Steam exhaust channels are cleaned slightly differently. Noticed the appearance of plaque - it is recommended to turn off the iron, empty it. Set the mode to Cotton or similar. Vinegar is mixed in proportion to water 1 to 2, after which it is all poured into the capacity of a steam iron. Carry the device to the sink or basin where empty the container in any way. The order is a little different from the self-cleaning function. Some craftsmen advise to heat and cool the steam iron twice before emptying it.

Method 3. Sole

Any cleaner for microwave ovens will fit to remove carbon from the sole of the iron. Disconnect and cool the iron. Put on a plastic bag, laid out on the table means for washing microwave ovens. Do the same with the sole, special attention is paid to places with soot. Put the iron on a plastic bag for an hour, permissible for the night. Better not in the bedroom. In the morning, the sole will be noticeably cleaner. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Method 4. Pencil for cleaning the sole of the iron from soot.

Natural wipes for cleaning the sole of the iron, made of wax, soap and citric acid, are expensive, but they successfully cope with soot. There are commercially available pencils with similar composition. Use without intricacies. The sole is simply cleared by smooth rotational movements. Cunning has to be applied when a pencil from carbamide, cleaning an exceptionally hot sole, has come to hand. Do it on the balcony, closer to the window. Vapors are distinguished, often orange. This is normal.

Method 5. Citric acid for cleaning iron from carbon

. Instead of acetic acid, it is possible to use citric acid. Copes with the soot of the iron is not worse. It is allowed to clean the container, the heating element, the channels and the sole. But soot on an iron usually requires powerful tools such as a microwave gel.

In conclusion,

Special tools have been developed, for example, the universal Oust. They are cleaning the iron from soot, electric kettles. Means will not go for washing and dishwashers. For them, Oust has a separate product. Invented a means for shower. It is believed that rubber parts in washing machines and dishwashers quickly age from citric acid. It is better to keep silent about the other homegrown methods.

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