During operation, electrical engineering emits positively charged ions. The same in the premises where people work. We absorb the lungs a negative charge for the renewal of blood in the lungs. Ionizer is designed to help. The growth of bacteria in the body is suppressed. But not everything is so simple with air ionizers. Today's topic is aimed at choosing an air ionizer, the mechanism of work, the reason for need.
The principle of operation of the
air ionizer Let us think, explain why the tip of the Chizhevsky chandelier( and the ionizer) has a negative charge. Recall the notation of statics. By friction of air flow, the body is charged. It is known to fans to use the hair dryer, aircraft designers. On the trailing edge of the wing, several-diameter steamers are quite small in diameter. At the tip of the tip of the charge density becomes large, excess flow down. Aircraft body in flight is charged negatively. The centers of the clouds have an excess of positive charge. In the event of an edge, the capacitor breaks through with the appearance of an electrical discharge - fraught with an explosion.
Similarly, the rubber band under the rear bumper of the car works. When driving on the road at high speed, a charge accumulates on the surface of the case. Flows down to the ground. It is easy to understand why the charge of the tip should be negative. But where does so much positive particles come from?
The triumphal procession began with electronic tubes. Arranged to control the movement of electrons. For the emergence of motion on the anode serves a significant potential positive sign. It's like an ionizer, just the opposite. Harmful: the human body needs something else. The triode and kinescope begin the black work: they fill the air with positive ions, the excess is provided with the vital activity of the organism. On the contrary, it will not work. Electrons - carriers of a negative charge, the cathode emits them, the anode will be positive. Guarantees: there will be an excess of positive ions in the air - the principle of the universe.
Air Ionizer for the home is designed to defuse the situation. Neutralizes the effects of environmental electronics, people. Due to the negative potential applied at the tip, the device brings the medium back to equilibrium - negative ions dominate.
How to distinguish a Chinese Ionizer for a car from a fake
You can easily find a video on YouTube: a dissatisfied person opens the package, starts disassembling small flashlights on batteries, restrains abuse. In fact, the devices were flashlights, not air ionizers for cars. In China, for tricks easily put to the wall, the billion population will not notice the disappearance of crooks.
A conventional ionizer works according to the principle:
- Inside, there is a high-frequency pulse generator that converts a DC voltage into a pulse.
- The signal passes a step-up transformer. The higher the frequency, the smaller the size of the windings.
- Pulses can be straightened, but this is hardly done.
The obtained potential is fed to the discharger in the form of a non-ionizer needle. The device is designed to work from the cigarette lighter. Lit the battery.
Back to the flashlights. Imitated work, igniting a light bulb from the cigarette lighter. In appearance, it is difficult to distinguish the device — the absence of a needle — the difference in weight is immediately felt. You open the ionizer - inside you find the designated transformer. In the absence, it will not be possible to increase the voltage to the desired level. There, the pulse generator - at the cigarette lighter output current is constant.
Car Ionizer for car cleans the air at the same time. Negative charges bind extraneous particles, dust. Dirt settles. Cleansing occurs. During a thunderstorm, this happens on the ground. On the surface of the cloud a positive charge accumulates, the ground is positive - there is a cause of lightning. The scheme explains the usefulness of walking on the ground. The tops of the mountains are negatively charged, in the valleys a positive charge. This is confirmed by research, the creation of ionizers owes the established fact.
What are ionizers
Many home ionizers have more than one function: air purification, humidification. It is convenient to immediately buy two devices in one case. The moisture function is needed in the southern regions of the country, in the winter in the north. The specific vapor partial pressure decreases in the total mass - a person suffers from dry airways, microbes multiply.
The Atmos 801 ionizer has four stages of dust cleaning:
- At the entrance there is a coarse filter for trapping coarse dust, hair, animal hair.
- The next step is made of a metal plate. Based on the action of electrostatics. Directly connected to the ionizer. Fine dust particles are attracted by a strong charge.
- Adsorption filter is similar to filters in extracts to capture odors. Periodically, the part needs to be changed. Before buying Atmos 801 of such units, check availability of parts, price, availability.
- The fourth stage is photocatalytic. The material, irradiated with ultraviolet light of the diode, contributes to the decomposition of harmful substances passing through the previous steps.
Drivers, describing car air ionizer, claim poor cleaning. Then the forced flow of the fan through all the steps gives a positive effect. Looks more interesting ionizer with the function of the humidifier. Solves two main problems of the modern home: the lack of negative ions in the air, too little moisture.
Pay attention to the type of steam generator. Must be quartz( ultrasonic, piezoelectric) - a method of turning water into steam under the action of rapid oscillations of the plate. The piezoelectric effect - a reversible phenomenon - is used in electric guitar pickups.
The air ionizer cleaner performs many functions - it is foolish not to use it. When choosing a brand, look at the story. On the portal "VashTehnik" already wrote about this. Today on sale look for a bipolar air ionizer. Forum users are scolded, calling fiction. The creators say: you can not produce only negative ions, you need to add positive balance. True, a lie - we can not say.